Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

lq. CraueCounfelt rofibmitour and deliuervs,whenwemoftfeare , and throughthisgodlyfcare arereuerently humb led [dues toGods vnder thehandof hisMaiedie. Forif naturall parentsknow then tomittigate the(tripes hundacknom- of their correaion totheir children, when they fee indiem a milde and naeekefubmiflion fledging,y iu;dlycantrued of themfelues, vnder the hand of their authoretie,andyetfofearing them asGouee'noursy vr,yet deftring but vpholdingwith mercie as fathers : if theyhaue that wifedome, by fomuchto make to meeteonth theirhand in correaionthe heauier, by howmuch the child to bebeaten is the ftubbur- bir merciesin ner wemuft then thinke thismerciful!wifedome and confederation to bemuchmore in chridt yefus, theLord, fromwhofebrightneffe the parentshaue receiuedthefe fparkes. 7o Cheri the 4 Hefaid,thattowinne any orto continue anyinthe feare of God , he would giue no feared Gdin fuchthings which he tonednot,but fifth thingsashe loved moddeerely, thatthey might asco. knowit tobea gift of loueandnoc offafhion. Feaflings. a TNourmeetings and feaftings, weearm) looketoour felues; if goodfp'eeches be v- fed,we muff bethankefull; it euill,forrowfull; if things notmeerely euil,notgreat- ly totorment our fettles. Friendfhip. r THis aduife hegaue,that it was goodto defcerne ofthem whomwemuch receiue in- Nofciturex to our company, lea((welofe the credite of the Church conceiued of vo. For al.. cornice qui thoughmany feetne arid fhew theinfelues tobe welldifpcifed, yetbecaufethere be fomany noncognof- corruptions in our naturestis heauenly wifedometo defcerneof wherefore itis good eiturex fe. F > Y Pfalm., for vs toconfider withwhat foundneffeof iudgensent,andpower of true knowledge they do fpeake:flrVclooke what fsghtthey haueof inward corruptions. Thishumilitieteacheth Rules todif truewifedome, and the fighthereof would make truely knowne Chrift and him crucified. cei;no Formany whohaue a little confutedknowledge will much betalking,but for want ofthis u (cuted. knowledge they arenot fo found. Secondly, wee muff fee how ready they are by their f oundrelfe of knowledge,and feelingof inward corruptions, to dogood to others with cheerrfulnelíe, and toljieakeof the infirmities ofothers with companion and griefe :for many for want of this fanaified knowledge, will rather bitterlyandopenly declaimea- gainft the infirmities ofothers,then either wifelyadmonifh them, or brotherly pitie them. truecokes a He faid, the befdway tohauecomfortin any ofourfriends,was.topray forthem,and of loue. thatheneuer hadmore ioyin any,then from them whom lie moftprayed for,andin them mod when heprayed the oftnerand vehementer for them prefent or abfent : forthisisa truetoken of true loue, topray.for themwhomwe lone. 3 Thoughhe was moft feueretohisfriends andkindred, folong as they werenot re- conciled toGod : yetonce beingweariedwith one, her flint vp the matter with this fen- tence; It is wonderfuil,thatdinershearingthefismewordofGodfpoken,onefhouldbe- leeue,andanotherfhouklnotbeleeue; but lamrather tothanke God thatIbeleeu,then tofearchoutareafonwhy=other dothnot beleeue; and aslamtbe thsankefull for my felfe, foamItobepitifull vntoothers. 4 Likeas natural'men do well bynaturallwifedome : fo wee ought muchmore to be ftirred.vp todowell by fpirituall wifedome. And therefore itis commendedfor fpeciali wifedome inour Sauiour Chrtll, Iohnz. that liedid not commit himfelfe vnto illmen,be- caufe heknewwhat was in their hearts: fo it is a fpeciall tokenofwifedomeinvs, on.the contrary not to commit our feluesvnto all men , becaufewee knownotwhatis in their hearts. s He reioyced to feehisfriends, buthewas humbled, inthaciieereffd fomuch in that soy,that lie forgate to do themgood to theirfaluation,or toreceiue good from themtohis faluation, which he thought he(hould do. G Hefaid, that ifhehad oncefeene anyeftèbtuallworkeof Gods fpiritin anyman, he couldneuer bue hope well of him:' Ifgraces decaide finkher wasgrieued, and then his louedecreafed in him, Grace.