Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

394 0 fProphelleand Preaching. aduerfitie draw vs nearerto God, if weehaue oncereceiued the fpiriteofGod ;but tor: "f+e odout that in their owne nature, they are forcible to drawe vs away fromGoil: asmày be in Th prefer frenein thelfraélites, whofor all theirtroubles in Egypt, could not be bropght tothe an oar Lord : let vs learne then toglòrifie God in our owne prefent efface, and tovfe that well: Hcb.t3.7, and then (hall we beeprepared to brace well whatfoeuer commeth..7acob at his death Fash. giuerh his Sonnes that which herhimfelfe had neuer the poffellionof, which declared hisfaith groundedon the word, for hefaith, God laid thus. Thusmuff we beleeue when wee bane the word thoughit leeme ridiculous, but wee mutt not beleeue without the word. CHAP. 56. Of ProphecieandTreaching. He officeof aProphet is not only to foretell thinges,althoughmanicdid fo;(the Propheryfng, 'grofiè vnderftanding wherofhathput dotvneourprophecies) but alfototeach i2 co pray, andplainelytointerpretwitha fit application to thepeople, by the re- uelation ofthe fpuit, t.Cor.z.4.Gen. t 8. and19. Numb. rr. Deut. 18. t. Sam. r a. This reuelation commeth fometimes by flumes, fometimesextraordinarily,butalwaiesfpiri- tual y:for this differenceisbetweeneprophccying&teaching,thata manmay teachthat bee ,ath learned inthe [dipoles, but eother bath a furtherreuelationfthe fpirite: to haue hisportion. Reue- Rcaetation, lation ie stordinarieorextraordinarie:otrdinarie whenhefpirituallylpeakthof the word, near. t4.3': , asthe wordof God, with power deuidíng it aright(as theApolllePaulefaith :) If anybe f intunic, lethim tandwhat ¡fay. Extraordmarte, whenby ionic reuelation of Gods Iprite,l:e can note and fpecifie thecime,ormanner,or place of Gods threatnings; herea- gaine I fay as theApoftlefaith : Ifany be fpirituall let him confider whatI fay, and the Lord gibe them vnderfanding; yetthisisnot to bringin therevelations of theFamilie of loue, or anyotherHeretickes,whtch dreameof filch thinges as are notin, andaccording tothe word. z To receive a Prophet in the nameof aProphet, is effeétually toprofit by their Do- ctrine:for as all thinges arewritten for ourlearning:foare all giftswhichGod beflowetir vpon others. 3 As theythatreceiueaProphetin the name ofaProphet,fhallreceiueaProphetsre- The dais ofa evard: lbbee that is receiuedin the nameof aProphet, muttperforme the duty ofaPro. Prophet. phee. Team 4 it is one thingtofpeakedayiiebymcditation ,andtobeatevpponthe confcienceas a Paltour, and another thing tofet downea thingwith iudgement anddeepe Ruche, as a Doétourmuft doe. Tbreekíads of S Thereare three kindes of falfe Prophets. The firft teacheth falfe doarine. The fe- condteachethtrue dogtrine, but applieth itfalfely. Thethird teacheth and appliewell, falfe Prophets. but live ill. 6 Ic isgood to Preach according tothe Rateof a mans owne confcience, vnlefie wife. dome require a confideration to behad ofthe time,perfon,and place. 7 Paltors werenotable to deuour their great pacaes tothe people,vnleffethey thould confider what paises Chrift deuoured forthem:and that theirpaines may be themore pro- fitable, asthe Paftor or preacher (hould pray for thepeople : So in likeforte the people Ihould pray for thePreacher. thepeople are 8 We care not though the Lordacculeor condemne neuerfo much, fohedoth itin a- to pray for the nocher court and touchvs not.So longas leremieprophecied againftEdom,againft Moab, a ainitAmmon or a ainitmountSeir lo lon refentl after thethreatnin s,thepeople well as the g Preachers for would go to the Churrch,& theywere willing oughtoheave the hurthensof the Lord fo tbepeople.. long as it concernednot yudah & Ierufalem: but w senhe carneto theburdun ofludah& Ierufalem