I1 396 Of ProphecieandPreaching. becomeoldmenir malice, and remaine as Children in vnderftanding. P' ft's o .ce I I It is a greater thing inaPaftourto Bealewtlèlie and comfortablie,with an affliffed incmfort:g confcience, andfóundlyanddifcreetlytoineetewidianIerecike ,thecopreach putblike the a.fkEied, lie_andlearnedly. xz Helaid vo forne dwellin in aplacewhere tuewordwas preached: O conhiderit i theeafielt thingtoheare,itis the painefulleft thing to preach the Golpell. The fitting of one home, receiuetha truiteveto immortalitte: forhowfoeàer men thinke the, Minniters ofGod tofpeake euenwhatfbeuer commeth into their monthes; it is not fo, they fpeake that which manyyeares theyhaue ftudted for, earneftly they haueprayed for, which by experience theyhave bought,and by a pafnefulllife dearelie payed for. Ifa Princefhoald goreout by portion a mint ofmunie for thefetching,who would fpare togoe ? The Lord oftercth themint of hisrnercie,tobedeuided to tirern that willbutheare, and beleeueit, andno man almoft regardeth it. Lawand Gof- i3 We mutt not fo preffe the law,thatwe ruppreffetheGofpellin mens confciences., peü' PP ' 4 Alla licationsofdoétrinemut be referred toone ofthereheads. Ayy(retienrof Dotirinr. I To teachand el°cabljffi true opinions. z Or to confutefade opinions. 3 Ortocorre5t mill manners. 4 Or to framegood manners. í Or tocomfortwidiall. The finifoure are fee downe inthis text: ThewholeScriptureisgiuen by inpiration ofGod andisprofitable.Firfl to teach. Second,toconuince.Third,to corretl. Fourth toinfirtttl in righte- oufnes,6-c. 2. Tim. 3,16. Thefife andTaft inthis text : Whatfoeuerthinges are written afore Simile. time,are writtenforourLearning, that wethrough patience,andcomfort of the Scripturesmight haste hope.Rom.' f. 4. Thefe thinges are profitable faith the Apoffleto Timothie. And there thinges arewritten forourlearning,faith thefame Apoftleto the Church-ofthe Rouisses, therefore bythefethingesweAft onlyprofitandonelielearnebythefè,forasap'plicati- on is a concluding of onething outofanother; fo thereare the flue heads from which all application mull flow,andhe that thusfpeaketh, attainethto thepurpofe ofSaint Paul; as elfewherebee noteth. Heethatprophecietltfpeakethvntómen to edifying, toexhor- .tation and to comfort, s.Cor.04.3. Thatis to fay, applieth thevfe ofhis doftrineto edito- . cation,exhortation, and comfort. tj Themeanestoincreafeourfaith, isthewordpreached ,praier,theSacraments,and thedifcipline oftheChurch. Theword crucified)thee-anew in thine heart. Prayer gmeth theea feelingof thy faith. The Sacraments configne both thy faith,and feeling; anddiF cipline contra uethvs in obedience bothof the word andprayer,and theSacraments;and confegnently is a arcanes to continue invs all thole comforts, whichby theother manes are to be found in Chríft.. 16 Theword ofGod is asa Glafre,it bin-flied)not io tellour faults; yetgreat infirmi- ties haue beene to them, that fbould carrie this glatie.Mores forfeeinghis cold intertain- She of of ment in the farcir, faith. Exod.4. Mitrepemmi.Jfurur .Aslambwhenhefhouldhauecarri- CodmuJthe edtheGlafleofGodsword, andofthepeoplesfinites ,fayledfromNiniuieflatEaft,to 'Oarged onTharls flat Welt. Nathan z, Samoa. ThoughDaoeid was aman ealetobee fpokento, cer,andßw madeoffnotwithftrrrding agood while, vntill choking had madethe preludes himfelfe maniesaier herwould make no conclulion. Tocome to our times, tome therebee, that donot only menfaitein towpillowes, but drawCurtaines, and fpread Couerlets ottermein firmes. Others there this. are,thatfor gainewill twineapace,andyet withBaalamwill neither blelrenor curfe.Some thereare, thatdoeconceiueandarereadytobringforth ,yettheycannotbedeliuered. 3 Othersthere are, who .veriefòftly and ea lily doe theirdutie,as Eliedid tohis children. i.Sam.z. Others therebe that fpeake with forne courage, butkeepealoofeandinagene- 0. ralitie. Laitly tome there are,who can and will particularize duties: but when they fpare tonic, either rich or noble, thelè can be very hot and vehement againft thofe that be ablent. CHAP.