Of Godsprouidence, CHAP. 51. OfGods Prousdence. Very one thatleadeth a godly life,and truaeth in Godhis Prouidence,fhatl finde that inextrearne dangers he wil put filch things into their minds, that they (hall , be cheered and comforted,whenothers (hall be difquieted anddeieEted.Thiswe may lee indie parents ofMafes, becaufethey beleeued,and led a godly lrfe, Hebai . This is theblefiing,butthewicked than wantthisgood ilfue: fortheLord will puntili their wic- kednes inInch a cafe;as appeareth in thetimeof )r glorious Martyrs,who huedwel before, and in theirdeatlies were crowned,but Apollataesbadtheir former hypocrifies punifhed, and in fuckdanger they (hall not knowewhat todo : but the godlytruftingin Godspro- uidence,ifthey haue a way to efcape, (hall haue their life for a pray, but ifthey want this way,yet they willoffer themfèlues a facrifice to the Lord. a WhenMofes & the reft ofÿChildren of Ifrael bad receiuedCome good handlel lofthe goodnes ofGod in hisprouidence ouer tlié,they gathered thereupon that theLord would neuer failethem,nor forfake them,til hehad broughtthem to hishabitation;which (houid. Thankefidkre teachvs todo the like,forftrengthningour faith inhisgoodnes,by keepingcontinuallyasrbed. ecotGeéi it werea beadrol of hisbenefitsalreadre receiuedofhirn,leaft by lettingy oldllipoutofour minds,which fhould makevs thankfull,weneuerreceiueÿnew,whereofwe-are focareful. 3 As theroote.ofall fin is Mouefoule,tithe beginning of all difeafesis in our bodies. .And as there is no fmwhich we (hould notfal into ifÿ Lordleauevs; fo is thereno (Ideate D¡rafçr. which fhouldnotcomevponvs ,vnlef% liepreferuevs. Forwhen Insprouidencewatchech not ouer vs,We are readie tofal into al niilerie.It is notin our fcluesto keep our good naine fromeuillreports,our Mindsfromdifquietnes ,oureftatefrom pouertie,Stc. This ifit were beleeued and felt,it wouldboth makevs thankfulland continue inprayer,not only. in the want offuck thingswedelire, but alío in the abundanceofthofe weenioy : for roan liueth not by bread only,neither is it carecanmakevs rich, norour owne deuifes bringquietnes toour minds : but it is theLord, who in his prouidence workethall in all, which inuil al- waies beacknowledgedofvs,to theendwe may makevfèofall things inany eftate,tothe glorieofhisname,and the goodof ourbrethren. 4 Wemay trieourfaith inGods proaidenceby this, as wevfetheonranes to come co earthly things,fofor thiswe mullvfe theword andprayer,Plal.r i9.part. z z. Itthen wee- Triaü ofour fteenie not oftheword,and find no comfortin prayerPtah; z .we can neuer efleetne ofhis faith concer- prouidenee:weean neuer fayin truth,Godgiuethws all things. neingprom- s The Lord oftentimes in his wifeprouidence helpeth the wicked and filch asarevn- dente. worchie, andin fteade of punifiirnents whichthey dodekrue, hefcndech bleflings when - they crieveto himfor these. From which wemaygather, that ifhe locate thewicked,niuch morewil hegraunt the delireoEfnch as feare him.lthe remitthevngodly,muchmorethem that in truth ofheartferne him for hedealethnot withvs as ourdelèrts are aseucr inan ret the > > y ìckedother. may feele : but lie dodogood both clic godlyand thewicked, and that to dinersends;eo while. the godly to liyre them from their fumes; to the wicked, that after liemayconfound them f Without excufe.Therefore if=thenthe Lardfarbearerh;we be ranched inheart to repent,thisisthe woke ofGodsfpirit,thecomfort tbereofwill abideforetser:butifwhenheforbeareth ,wethinlaour fmnesareleffe,undfahardenbterhearts,thenarewetofeare tbatvtterconfefionisatband. 6 TheLord neuerforfaketh his, butin alldaungers he will prouide though allnieancs taile,onely letvs beleeue hisprouidence, andfo will he gluevs our hearts defre, ifit íland withbisglorie,or els ifwe delreÿ whichltandethnot with his glorie,yet letvs beleeue that Godmil;:eser faalehit. he isour father inChrift,& he will recornpencc sloeoutward wantwith a fpiritual bidding: 7 Wemay readeir. Exod. t7.7. that the lfraclites throughdoff tuft, doubted whether Godwas among then, becaufe they law not fuelsvifble fignes of Gods pre(enceandfa- tutu, as they would. With the likedoubtour Sauiour Chrillwas tempted by the diuell, Luk.4.wüo laboured to makehim doubt whetherhe were theSonofGod,becaufehewan- ted tome things which were needful for thislife: wherebywemay leatne toknow ourowne corruption,howreadiewe are toiudge,as the Ifraelites did,beraufewefe botfuchordinary Mm helps 397