Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

398 Ofgdsprouidence, helpsas we andother ofGodschildren Itaueatfomedines had : but weare to coma this in ourfelues,andon thecontrary to thinke that Godis amongeft vs, and with vs , al. torruptrea ¡ons though we feefome tokens ofhisanger. Thus do we reafonin religion. Is this true religi_ ofnbssd e on,feeing there-be fomany diuerfititsof Judgements, fuck littlegodlines, it is like itis not, 8 but rather weare to !mikefor fomeóther: fowereaksn in tisecommon wealth. Is thisgo. kgian. ùernment ood whichbride g , g thfogreathurlyburlies ,andfogreattroubles:foinmariag, when contentionsand temptationsdoeartfe,then they thinke theywere not ioyned togi_ therby God :fro inenery kinde oftrouble,weiudge oftheprefetrce and prouidenceofGod Remedies. downe in dcfpare,or elfe to be nplatien,adoattise leaft tomurmur. Butto preuenchis, r thefe are fotneremediesfollowing.The firft,thatwelook totheword,andwhen we fee that religionMathalwaies had troubles,and fofhal haue ftil,thenThal weflraightwayes feethat ourtudgment is flefhly.Secondly,whenwe,feethat many ofGods childrenin the world,as job and others had trouble in their mariage,andyet thatit wasofGod,then Thal we learnt that-our iudgmentis not accordingtothe1pirit. Then let vs confider that the diuell cloth herein exercifepollicie tooverthrowour martage,andwefhalbe wary toauoide them.And ifmany haue been in this flate, and yet the Lordbath not left them, why fhouldwe yeeld 3 to thetemptatió of$athan,whowould perfwade vs that our cafe isworfe?Thirdly,we mutt looketo theformermerciesofGod, which we haue felt. Ifwe haue oncefeltthem, then though we banenot alwayesthe likefeeling, yet wemutt notthinke that he bath forfaken vs,fo thatexperienceofformer merciesmutt beour ftrengthherein, ifwehaue beenein as + greatdangeras nowwe are,and men thenhehdpedvs,why fhould wedoubt ? Fourthly, we mutt confiderthat-many of Gods children are-andhaue beenfo, andtherfore we muff take herde that inourrathneflh wedo not condemne them . Wemull not therefore iudge thus,vnleflewe will behurtful( toour felues,and iniurious to our brethren. 8 Mofès wascommanded to take thefame ttaffe withwhich he ftroke the red fea, and therewith to ftnke the flonie rocke, togiue the Ifraelites water to drinke, toteach them that theLordwas aswell able to bring water where itis not; asto flay the courue thereof Haw todepend whereitu.This oughtthey to haueconfidered,&thenwould theynot inother thingshaue on Godsprou,- doubted.ltwewil auoid the like diftrult,we muftremember theformer worksofGod,and denm then labourto be ardedinthehoeofeuerlaftinglifetherefurre !hionofthebod and the He that betet- g h pe y, thatChrild forgiuenes ofGnnes,that fo wemay be lure 'lewdbe good to vs Rill. And,as the chide help ishis redeemer ofal hefe,tet vs labour.tobethroughtyperfwadedofour iultification through IefusChrift beleruethal¡ andthe rilingopineto euerlaftinglife, which if we be fitrely grounded in, then (hall we ibeGentob,, not doubt ofGodsprouidence; but on the contrary, ifwe labor not againftinfldelitiein . trer. thefearticles ofour f ith,wefhallneuerrefllvnbeleefeinGodsprouidence. Seeofmarnsu- 9 When the daughter ofPharaoh went of purpofe towafh her felfe, it mightfeemeto ring thefrft befortunate,and a thing that happenedbychance:butifweTooke into theeuen,wemight pan. fee thehand ofGod init:and his mott wife&mighty prouidencetherein,forthepreferuati- onof Alofes, whenhe wascart out bygreatcontirain,ofhis owne mother. Fromwhence wee may 'carne the tender loue and- Mott prouidcut care which the Lordebath ouerhis sodsproai- Church, todefend it from danger, and topreferue it from peril(; yea, and ratherthen it de,ec iii the fhouldpertfh orinifcatie,he will fo proindethat theVery enetniesthereoffhalfaccour and preferuariars nouriflt thefame, as Mofet.was,whowas brought vpin Pharaohs bottle : in whichexample ofAto ¡es. wemuli needs fee titewondrous worke of God, as appeareth, intltatpbaraoh iris daugli- cerneuer doubted, norquettíoned -with hisfitter, and graue huma naine that might conti- nue to polleritte,gauebun to hisownëmother to benourfed, thathemight,asit were,fuck religion outof her breatts,andbewaíned in the fatne,rewardeth her for herpaines:where- in cvefeehow. the Lord doth crowne theworkeof his children, and theirfaith: forAfofes Godireuer ,, mother hadnot only thethingwhichfhedefired,but alloareward; wherein appeareth the thefame in " great and exceedingìrarrcy oftlte Lord. God ts thefamenor a, then heoras,hewill neuterfails booproni- " ;loft that troll m his mercythrough Chrifi,. andobtainforgieoenes of theirfins, fludeeandflriue dente to g his faith_ coatinuallyto reerue him, cumin their hearts, andpatiently, andconflantly maitevponbesfatherly fur!children. prouidence. Batbe willalwayes watch over themforgoodandnotforexil!, andinwbatd reffesf- rs ewer theyare,hewillmakeawayout, andgiuecomfortable deluseranceinhis doetime. CHAP.