7 Of Prayer and ledítation, 399 CHAP . 58. Ofgayer and .éleditation. T isthe nature of allmen, neuer to cometo God wholyt, till they be deaituteof allheipe, but then theywill crieto Godas the Ifraelites did. The Ifraelites cried often,becaufe offorne iniferie,and notbecaufe offinne, and therefore werenotheard : butwhen theyfawtheir finne, andcamevnto God, then theywerebeard foGodwill comequickly Luk.r°, though hetarielong:quickly,thatis whenwe are fit,anddopray.with9/v evvi1 feeling : long, becaute of ourvnfitneffe, and 'but wantoffeeling, and ,IttleG Jirßre'' continue not in wayting. Let vs obferue this in allcroíles, as if any ticknes lie longupon fee orr nan vs,it is becaufe we ranenot profited by it infeelingour tins in huniilitie ofbeart,in prayer seendty,feete to God : therefore lie is long,but whenwe haue thusprofited,thenwill he come, either to +bon. take awaythe crof e,or to recompensethe famewith inward comfort:and thismayeucry one of Gods children claimeat Godshands, when they haue well profitedby thecrof e. z Prayer is foacceptable and honorable a thing in the fight of God, thatofcenriinrs it is taken for thewhole worfhip of God contained in the word, asGenef4.z6.cind -iz.S. t.Cor.r.z.z.Tim.z.ig.And inour Englifh tongue we vfethis phrafeofgoing topryers,yca, ourSauiourChriitcalleth the Church ahoufeofprayer, and yet and}knew, and wefee, that it is a place of In caring theword,adininitlring theSacraments,and dingofDifcipline. Bythe way letvs feehow it corm-nail topafle,that dew care tobeare the word,fewer to re. ¡ewe the Sacraments, and feweft of all to comevnder Difcipline; and yetall or themolt, Blair ernfluesfriendstoprayer, yea ÿberetikesin othermatters fundred from vsinthis point,agrec with vs..It is Godhisgoodnesfo to ratifie the deofprayer: Neither areweto práycrand ehe thinks that prayer, and the word are diuorced,but goehand in handas ina league, Rom. nordgae tog- 1 0. r 5.He fpeakethofpraycr.Pfal.r4. ofthe word.Eccl.4. r 7.hearing prepareth vs forpray- thee. ing.Pial.g 5.6.The Prophet ítirreth vp the Church toprayer.Pfal, y.ATothe hearingofthe word. As it is a ducir in the people to vIe both: fothe minidervfetirboth, rSad. szs8. Samuelpraycth.verf.z4.and preachethto thepeople.Abt.6.4. TheApe files findingthem- fettles troubled withÿ ordinary miníftcryoftables, ordained new officers, that they might glue them!lues to continual( prayer,and to theminiffrationoldie word. i.Tim.z.The A- poltlegiueth precepts both of the wordandprayer,both to paftors and people. 3 And neceffarieit is,that theword fhould reaifievs before weapproach to prayer,be4 caufe comming vnpreparcd,and in the guiltines ofour fin,we cannot beheard,Mat.7. e r. and i5.8,9. Pfal, r 9 5.i 8.Pfal.34.r 5,16.and 66.18. Iam.' .6.and 5 rt 5. z.Tin. z.1g. And furely thispoint is needfully to bevrged in our tine,wherein menare colds intertainers of the word,and if theygovnto Church to prayalittle,they thinke circuit-duesveryreligious. Ignorant and Experiencewil proue,that ignorant and (uperltitious perfonswil much commend prayer, peopinda nuacl, but neuercall for preaching:On the contrariejcome to them that liaiseknowledge,and be caramendpray- truly religious, andye fhall obferué thatthey will morewillingly heare and continue in er,butneuer hearmg,then they will pray andcontinue in praying. And I do appeale to the confciences call farpecacb- ofallGods children,:aho knowthat prayer is rather atrauell of the heart,then a labour of tng'seconn.h, thelirswhetherto iueGodthc lorie,andtothamethemfeluesthc mull not needs con- famerefeï 1 e g g Y_ preachneg,buD - feffe thatthey had rather heare the word two honren, tirencontinue in ferions prayer one snotprye,: halls houre.But let vslearne that therebe fomeexercifes doemore ftrengthen iudoement Tbirdhlome thendir affeáion,and yet inpart do rode vp affeé}ions too,as hearing,reading, and con- doe wifely ro- ferring; force other moreneerly workevpon the aff/n ion, anelyet v.ithall inli 'ttcnthe!pentboth. á' iudgcinent alfo,as praying,finging, and meditating. It is eafretovenue or incrcaleknow- srgardnce- ledge by hearing. Iris hard tolet aworke not only the eye, the care, and the hand, but to iher. trauaile with ourminds alto, our affe6tions and hearts, fetting all in humble frameof ho- he fubicbbion in the prefence ofGod. Min 2 4 And