Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

OfPrgyerandMedit4tion; 4ot 9 TherefugeofMofes was by Prayer to flievnto the Lord, and this is themanner and dealing ofallthedeare childrenof God, not tokeepeclofe their griefewithin themfehres, butby prayer to make it knowne vnto their God, that in him they mayfinde lielpe. Ifwe To Plaintiff then, when griefe oppreffeth vs, canpray vnto theLord andMake knowneour requefts eorgriefes by vntohim,we May haue hope, that in hisgood timehewill deliuer vs ,: but ifOutgriefe doe nrgy"vuto fotrouble vs,thac itcaufech vs tofret fo,thacwe can feeke nohelpe for ic,orelfedot in our óod. owne itrengtb fight againft it,there is ball hopeofOur deliverance. to Mofes prayed fomecime very vnperfbily, andyetthentheLordheardhim,which teachethvs q the Lord doth greatly likeofpraier,yea though it be aftera flutteringmaser, as Hannahprayedin theTemple;or tflt bebut achattering,as Ezecbiaprayedin-his licke- Note. nes:yetifit be in the bitterns ofthefoule,and in thevprightnes ofthe licárc,the Lord doch TheLord liketh like oficvery well.It isnot the fine words,nor the wellframed fcntencesthat hedelighreth rfajì.ommo- in he is thenwellpleafed with our prayers,wlsenio thevprighteoufnesofour heart weof- rui pryerif fer them vpvnto him, andwhen theSpirit by workingvnlpeakablegrones in our hearts, % en :re of dochmake our requeftsknowne vnto God. Onclylet vs looke for the perfeRion ofour foroio andop. prayers in Chrift,let vs frillrebuke ourfelues, and ttirvp ourheartstogatherconfideo ceyrightnes of that wemay comemore cheerefullyvntopraiers,as Dasiddid,laying:Wby artthoufoheattie heart. Omyforsle?And thenmay webe furethat loch prayers are very wellpleafing in has fight. And herethere appeareth a fpeciall difference,betweene the vnbeleeuing Iliaehtes andthe faithofMofes,chey looked onthe drieearth andvnto Mofes, where they could haue finali ,, Lope ofredrefle, but they forgot the Lord : therefore they murmured when they fhouid Issueprayed.Contrariwifè. Mofes forgotthen,and fo efcapedmurmuring;lse looked voto the Lord,and fofell topraier.This isacertainenoteof truefaith,whenatthe firfttime that troubleBothopprel1e vs,wt can yetpower out ourcomplaints into theLords bof'ome,and byprayer lookefor helpefrom about. And although we can findeno fruit ofourprayers, yea thoughwe thinke that ourprayersbe turned into fin, yetif wecan continue in prayer andbediligent therein, ifwe can cuesthenado heave the word, when we can recesue no comfort thereby, yea though it euer rebuke vs and ft.-erne to snake our condemnation knowneuntovs, ifwe can abide our feluesto be touchedand continue our care to heare the wordam, ifwe candoe thefe things, itisa notabletoken oftruc faith and the great workeofGods goodtpiric Both thew it lèlfeherein; yeaand that more finelythenwhen a Feeling. man bath comfortable feeling. r t Jris a fQeciallfauour ofthe Lord, whenhe giueth filch minifters or Magittrates as will pray for thepeople ; for fo they may fee, that hewill notpuniíh themas heought,but w oagißrater vet horbeareth thesis. We feein Pfaim. s o6. That bythe prayer ofMofesandPhinehae,the and mrnifters. Lordswrath wasftayed, and Saw: relprayed for thepeople.Thereforeminifters andMagi- pia ingforthe frates,oughtto laboureuen by praying,anddoing goodfor the pcople,that euenfor their pellle fakesthe Lordmay fpare che.n,though theyhaue detërued to bepuniflied.Contrariwife,it is a figne ofGods wrath,whenhe withdrawal; the hearts ofminifters andMagútrates from thepeople,and that theycannotdoe themgood. sz Theliiingvp of the hands, is taken fometimes for prayer it felfe, the lignefor the thing itfelfe:1ò the fpeed] isvied° Pfal.s4 s .z. Let the liftingvp ofmybands beasan EveningLifeingvp of facrifice.And in i .Tim.z.6. l rai!!that men liftvppiarebandsin emeryplace : Where we leethat handy thetruth ache things isioynedneereiv with the liigne. Forif aman hauenot anheart,his liftingvp of bads is nothing; but iftheheart be thoroughly mooued, then inwill the eye be lifted vp : yetwe dolift vpoureyes, thatourhearts thereby may be thebetterlifted vp: and our eye doth not wander, nor our care doth harken after other things, but our lteartshaue6rlt wandered. s3_ WhenMofespreuasied with the Lordbyprayer,cüendidhealfopreuaileagainithis enemies. Sjams faicb,Theprayeeofarigbtcottsman renailetbmucb, :fit be fervent: So thatif P Theferuent hebe not a righteousman that prayecli,oriteherighreous mans prayersare ;:ocferu:rt;irytnversufa wil notpreuaile. As S.Iamer cherforegatherech a general of a parucular,fomay wegat thatifwe beferuentin- prayyer,thenweflsallprenaile: but fwebenrrferuent, wecan liaiseno hope. And that is the caufe that in ourmatterswe bring nitsoúrpupae topa lte, M in 3 because