Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

Of epentelhce, 4°3 CHAP. 59. Of `Repentance. Vr conuerlionto the Lorde,muff beewith our wholeheart, withoutexception, xowounNft toward without hypocrifie,fpeediewithout delay,continuall without Apoftafe, eonmeet to the in faithwithout delpaire. Firff itmuff be of the whole heart : many repent , but cerd,andti;o they willexcept onefnne. Dauldíith, Cleanfeone Lord from ail my iitnes, but ove ui 11 ot000/ tout haue the Lorddífpenfe with Tome fnne. l.Corinth. s. A little leaucnwill fowre much , a , little Serpent will fling much. Origenwriteth verywell, that thrift did raft out, not f ixe, Allfin:1o. but feuenduels out of Magdalen,tor all mull be cart out,a Beane riddanceLudt be made, asCetico diucis omit of her, fo all mesoutofvs. Secondly ,itmuftbe inward, many haue y'` ,cos cleanfed their bandes , but nottheir hearts , filch fruesas flare a man in the face, are too rectal o;I ty of palpable , wee muff bedoing againftlittltfanes. For fnneis as aSerpent, where tayle ooi,,,.,;,d many haue cutoff, but fe/vchaue touched tine head : nay many bane a wholeaudvntou-grojefinnes. cited Serpent, who neither touch tay lenor head, whoproclaiine with a Trumpet theirre- probation. Wenmft not cleanfe theoutfideof theplatter onely,but wee mutt fay in our confcience ; This abtion(oh Lord) haue I prefented to thee with limplicitie. Thirdly, wee 3 mutt do it fpeed ity. For though the Lordlain, At what timepester afinnerdothrepent, &c. iseoe'erepen- fo bee faith , Blef edis the-man that bathborne the yokefrom hiu,youth: for to glue theprime simile. dayesto thedineli, and ourdogdayes to theLord, what is it but topoureout the wine to .. the worlde,and to gine the dregsto God ? But ove fettleGodwhen wemay ferne the di- uell, the Lordwill hauevs , when Sathan would kaue vs. Auguffine being asked of ones Non dicofaI- eftateb letters who baddeferred his repentanceto theende laid : I willnot auouchbee uabimr,na y F dicodamnabi- Shall befitted, nor that he(hall be condemned : but faithhe to his: that wroteto Into: Re- tun pentyou whileyou bewell. Itmuff becontinuall, lealil.auing begun inthe fpiric, we end Age topccni- in the deli:âleffed are they that perfeuer,for lb longas wehoe weare in danger of falling. renuam dom There bemany that arenot called : Of them that arc ccIlcdmany are notc.ofen. Gods g tacesarenolon errithvsthenGodhimfelfeiswithvs.Whereforefetina heisde artedmuh be ti- frommanyof ourbrethren, which felt departedfrom him,letvs beware webenot asdogs Hued. that retorneto our vomit. Lardy,we mutt do it infaith : Chrift teacheth vs to fay, Lorde dux ÿme°. increafe our faith,forwe are of little faith. Now faith isefteeir:edaccordingto the quality, s`mruin not accordingto thequantitie: theleprous hand though it cannot holdWell, if itrecemeth f rich. any thing,deth famedude. The child that cannot go is notforfken,but bath his guide,we simile. muff learnt then to hoole faft,and to go by them as handin hand, whom theLord than s i4 rHr. afligne ouervs to guard vs. a It is the propertie.of all true repentingfinners, tofallwithhumilitie ,torifewithdig- Tropertiesof nine, and as the more grieucufy theyhaue offended , fo the more humbly theywill crane truePe;ü- to beaccepted; the higherthe dignitie is from which they arefallen, thelower is the placeunto. whereunto theywould be receiued. Andhe knoweth beltwhat a goodly thing it is torile, that rightly knoweth what afoule thingit is to fall.For ifa man bedowse, if Sathan bath affaulted him,iflin bathwoundedhim, if hisowne flefhbath betraied hi:u,fo that lie lieth ltricken with Sathan,with fin, and with himfelfe,againft himfélfe : then f:ewme whether it benot a goodly thing that the facile man in number, though not innature , the fame in Nonnoun perfon, though not inpropertie:for,anew fobRance created,buc the fame being fal- lubttantia cre- len is reftored, falling anatural man,fhoald rife a fpirituall man,not tobe that hewas,and aloe, fed fabn- to be that which bee was not : neither mull anyman fo farflatter hi:nfelfe, that lice fitould faftata sepa- thinkehimfelfeat any time to rife fo far,as that hemay caft offfn as an v ergarment, to rotor. Fl aJteroerrc- lay it aidevndl bee lift to vfe it. Forthe feede of the Woman hawingbruilèd thelerpents. penra,.ee,our head, the fwordof the fpirit having bamltringed Sathan ; the great Captaine Chrift lefus, ftrifewith sa- hauing fpoiled the itroaigmin ofal his furniture,it cannotbe hutmany broiles and bicke-.than dothcon- rings wil bebehind, ,.4c fame blowes wil be in thecontrouerfie, we fo long as are in this life. eodntfothe endo our Min 4 3 "When Bats.