404 Of`T<epenednce. When theIfraelites wereinEgypt,and law thingsfall acroffe,they murmured again* Mofes: but being broughtthenceby him, and teeing things profper , they eullinelyW t wwhhim, and left offtheirmuirnurrng; but when any newe occafion wasoffercd ,fertile Whatfrnne we triall oftheir faithand patience,they fell thereinto againe, becaufc they did noctruely re. repent not tra- pent themof it. And this weemay fee in all krnde of (inners, whichfor a time may leaue ly to of, vve fall their fin,and yetnotrepenting from their heart, whena new occafion is offered, doefall Note. tt agot{e. morefoulythen euer they did m before, asadulterers, angrieperfons, thecues:theloathfo. Sorrowf, fen. nesofwhich finnes leauurga fling in their confcience,may caufe them toteam themfora Roza, to roer. time,yetbecaufe they labour-not with their hearts &aHebhrons,butonlvreft iniudgment, comeohrpar- they haue no foundforrow for it;andtherefore fall afre(h.This mu.*trachvs therefore, if ticalalfinnes.. wewil truely kaueany fin, both tocondemne judgement, and tohateit in affeetion, thatfo we truely beingpenttent,that is,carefnll to kaueour hones, andde firousto dó the contrary good, wemay haue powerand ftrength frornabone toouercome them. 4 We may reade in the r 6.of Exodus, how the whole congregation of the childrenof Ifrael murmured againft Mofer and Aaron , which is a nianifeft five that they neuer re- Thepeople pented them of their 'murmuring inEgypt at the red Sea , andwaters of Strife. Andal- mabidin the though the Lorddelayed thepunifhment, yet couldthey not bebrought hereby to repen- moredrneffe, tance ,. becaule they neither fritewhat their murmuringdeferued, nor what the metricof gases mesa- God isworth. We mull then learne,notonly tokaue fin,and purpofè not tocommit it a. leftjgne there- gaine, butwe mullwith griefe of heart repent of it,feele Gods mercies in forgettingn,mitt by,that theyre- beanie bstredof it. Orherwife when anew occafion is offered,we(halfal thereintoagaine, posted then-mums- the asafvearerwill afteranOath beangrie forit, yetbecaufebefeeth notthegrietoufneffeof tinges Egypt. fin,nor bath acquaintancewith the reuerent vieof the Name of God,talleth ro fiveare To leantohn agame:foisit with thein that prophane theSabbothof theLord, and ofthemthatlpeake vvemutt base euill of theMagiftrates and Mmìfters they fay they will doefo no more,and yet belaufe fill fe- they repent not, therefore theyfall againe:fo is tliis ferne inangrieperlons , which areca- eoadty,afee_ thergrieued for(harne.or folk, or filchhke.caufè, and notfortheloueof God: to isitirs lingo! Gods theeues, which come to thegallowesagame, althoughonce rcceyued their pardon. This mercies sn for- alto may be feene in tale- bearers, when their dealing is knowne , they marsellarthem- geetingit-. klues; yet not repentig,theyfall to theirfinneagaine. The ApoftleS. lames in hisfourth TherrébRtreä Chapter teachetlo vs, not onely tocleanfe thehands,but to purgetheheart elk);force muff bran feeourheartsdetflednoch thefotwelearoe,oreltitisimpofiobleto repent,for theheart beingffilde- 72'eest#fee fled, will yeeldto aneo'occafion. The toscanes to lean,click (ins.'sthere let dowse, to houle ow' hearts de- andweepe, &c.la/ m.4 forthe urn child feeaces thefire:but besaufeGod doth not throw h- d f fie a 'roe:.í-ane, 1 uni(h men, & besauf l mens hearts do notfeilethe grieuoufnes of frn,and Gods iudge-, fmz yp m or eh it isúm- enesdueto them forthe faure, therefore they fin afrefh:butif they did kele Gods wrath, pogibierere. and the grieuoulres oftheir fins,then nodoubt theywould shake at tbe.appearance,of e- peat. oil. Therfore that we may come tothis,dt hatethofe fins that efpecially do preuaileagainft vs,wemutt vie f?rarpmcdtcros, as in an old fettered lore,tlrey vie corrofiuc falues:for there Simile. are tome kind of fins like tó tomekindofdiuels,which cannotbe call outwithoutpraverds falling'. Andeshenwe cannotbe healed with ordinary means,the dileaie flit continmtig,thê. if'emnR haw¢ mutt we vfe extraordinary, which ifwe do,the Lordwit lift vsvp,& to the end gluevs pow-. mofrgr.G¡for erto trample fin vnderneathour feet.Porifwehadmore grsefefor our cbiefeff greateflfinte eu.ehre /ett Godreouldgiuevsahart toharethem,& to feare at thehalt occafionsthat might drawvs vn- asdgreeteli tothe:toft. ouldwebefor euerpref erued fromthem,theyffrouldneuerpreuaileagaina vs. leer« j Sin doth much grieue the Lord,although in great mercy hedote long &oftentimes forbearthe punifhmenttheroft: which li muld muchmouevs and caufe vs vi henwe lit our often fallirgs,greatly to begrieued therat,&highly to be ditpleafcd wi:ii ^nr fc lues for the fame,lealt se e fah into prefumption. And when ourown, cooicicnces,& ch<..n ,,' do accufe vs forfuch fumes as webane committed agarnftthe Lord,as thenwe are to b n :014 arod la- ment our goingsaftrayrand dilplcafingofour God: fo arewe to trust in his re..' are, and to embrace hismercies, leali we be ouerwdrelmed with grief: , and lo fall into ü:: pater, for the d iuell euerand continually labour. th to bring vs eitherto the oneor the orbit , pre- fumption or defperation. Therefore when wee haue finned, and yet des rebuke our !clues, beeing much ditpleafcd with our tclues, becaufe ofSinne, weeare?to comforts our