+68 OfRiches. feeke after fpirituallriches ; and if wedelire heauenly things,the Lordwill glue themwith earthly too : as When Salomonasked wifedome,it was given himwith riches too 5 and fo had lacobhis definewith earthly bleflingsalto: therefore let vs Peekheauenly efpeciaíly ,let Seeke the king- vs leeke themin & for Chrift,which may.giuevs theforgiàenesofour fins,which ifwecan domeofGod makefare, all other things thanbe ioyfull vnto vs : for then fhall we be made members of and therighte- hisbodie, andthat prayerwhich once hemade,Iohn 17. fhaleuer beprofitable to vs,that entit fe there- is, That theFather wouldlow vswith thefame love, wherewith hehàdlowed him. And as Ood °f the Father in loue bath iuenvs his Sonne: fowill bee with him iaevs all things, fofarre Mauh.6. g g ' Iohnr7. forthas lieknoweththemgood andfitte for vs. . 4 The nature of flefbly minded men , is, vnwifely to dilcerne ofGods dealings : for The worldling they had rather forgoemany fpirituallblef ings, thenone corporalI, as the Ifraelites, who preferone for thewant of bread, defpifed their deliuerance out of Egypt, whichwas a ligne of their corpora iRef- - fpiritualldeliuerance. And thus. doemen nowadayes ; for iftheybeinprofperitie,they nyjpirituall are moregricued toforgo fornepart of their riches, then tofoiláke manyof their fins. A. grater. gain, ifthey want riches,itgrieueth them more then thewane of fpirituall things.But we are to learne,that riches are no lignes of Godsfauour: and ifwee feenot-his lonebut in them,we are too earthlyminded,andwould-binde God to be likeuntovs.Withoutriches. manymencare not for God , whichalthough theyfay not, yet becaufe they neglect the word, prayer and facraments , and defpife his Minrlters ( as the Ifraelites didMayfr and Aaron) they fhewe thatthe thoughtsof their heartsare fo : but let vs takeheede that this beactinour hearts, and by allmeanes avoid it , leaft theGod of this worlde,whom wic- ked men ferue, do gavevs here our hearts defire,that in theworldto come, he may bane vs for hisportion. S We may not aske there earthlythiegrar fignerof Godo favour, thereforeif we hamhit Wherefore fávour, let vsnotef&eme thewantof them as tokensofhisdifpleafore. Againe, the Lordebol- Goddenyetb dethvs withoutthole tillages, becaulè wee would abufethem, andfèt moreby them,then vsmany earth- byfpirituall things : yea, theLorde for atime holdethvswithout there, that wee mighte- syble&gr. fteerne of fpirituallgraces themore, that fo in timewemay bane themboth together. A- . gain, if we have wealthand riches, theLord tried) vs if we willbe more thankefull, and more t' him, more reuerent in hearinghis worde, and more louing toourneigh- bour, which will enfue, ifwedoe truelyprofiteby them : butif webe vnthankefull, flog. Olt inhearingtheWord, inPrayer, and Sacramentes, proud and contemptuous to our brethren; thenclod) the Lord (hewvnto vs thecorruptionsof our hearts,which vole&we fpeedily cut off, wemay iuflly ferre, Oahewill either cutvs off fromthem, or them from vs, ifwe belongunto him. Whatfoeuer yougetby lawful meanes,glueeuetmore the tenth to the godlypoore. Nothrough reformation can behoped, inFamilie,Church, orCommon -wealth, (ex- cept the Lorde worke it byfome notable affliftion) where longcafeand profperitie haue bredde eitherfitperttitionor prophanenellè. . 6 Manyareoutwardly welland rich in this world, winch are inwardly ill andpoorein godlineffe; and many hate outward euill things, which forwant of fpirituall knowledge, Note god- fee not the corruptions of their hearts. Linde. 7 Nothing is ours, but as weleeleourtitleinChrift,andasitisfan&ifiedbythe word; andby prayer. . Quidiligiele- 8 It is acommonProuerbe: Hee thatloueth the law, lolled) the King : and 1 fay,Hee gem,diligit that loueth theworde,louethGod. Well,thou Malt know,at this time, matthat time,in Regem. git tvneconenc thine b the that Chriftdoth offer to come to thee :it Ve,bs iY preached, Vetbum,dili- flanekth thee inhande to entertainethis Prince, not withoutfame foletnnepreparation. gis Deum. How thou mutt make prouitonfor his comming, thou arttaught, Macth.cbap.3, Firft beware thegreatmountaineof thyrealen rife not againft theWorde, !call fpeakeChrift whatChrid can fpeake, wee will doeas wee lift. When this is pulled downer yet there are many crooked wayesof hypocriteto be made ftraight , and manyby-pathes to ftep- pingto the worldefront thefight ofour infirmities, hindering our perfeuerance, arealfo to be made cuen. 9 We