Of`Irëhes. 4.09 9 Wee muahot thinke,t1iat Gnne will goe fromvs ofitfelfe,or that faluation will be wrought with a trice, but we[nuft dealeforcibly with nature,becaufe when fiene and the wordcannot dwell together, Sathanwill cakesuch order,ashee will byall meanes hinder vs from the word : which ifbecannot do,then he ftirreth vp a fight in vs, like theftrugli ng of the two childrenin Rebeccaeswombe,foas fometimewee are ready to fay withRebecca, Strifrr in the had I knowneofthis,Iwould neuer haue donefo;I would neuer baueheard theword. Re- regenerate. becca had twonations inher wombe, Patel had two princes in him, andweehaue twòMo- Rohl. narchesdwellingwithinvs. Wee can be content to heare, vntill theword rifle vs. But as apurging potioa,aslongas it isa drinking,is but as another drink until it work,and then we could be c&ent tocad it vp again;or as adrawing plaifter feemethfauourable enough vntill it worketh,and afterwee could willinglyput itoffagaine : fo wecan quietly'heare simile. theword, vntill itworks vponvs,and thenwe could forsake it.Butifye be fuch,as becaute yewill notfor your health fuffera littlepaine,but will caltvpyourpurgation,and fcratch offyour plaitter,goe to,yefhall be feered, anda cuff ¡hall bevpon you, andye ¡hallnot fide it,but indeath theatilt fhall betaken off.This fight muttbe in vs,as it was inDateid, Pfa1.42. and inPaul,Row.7.whofeheires ifwewill be,wc muttfollow their Iteps. But here is the helpe,many will keepeoffthe word, that it fhall not haue a full blow, and Ie they 1hitld and ward that liroke>that Ihould martyrand crucifie fin in thew. Lee vs thrust the word upon him, by hearing andmeditation: but alas, many giue fo few blower, or fo weake strokes in vfing there exercifesfo feldotne, that they preuailelittle. But thou wilt C'irifi me flnot fay, Chrift bath ouercome forthee. True it is,but had he fuffered a thoufand times,hene_ onlynuercme tierouerearne for thee,onlelre fome meafure he ouercome in thee. Nowwee mull oiler °rvr,vatayo come,euenasChrtft(Matth.4.)didouercome,Doethis, doetliac,faiththediuell.No,faith "'v'' Chrift,it is not agreeableto the word.But how didChrift ouercometheworld.? eaten bybe- ingouercome oftheworld. Firff ofthe trofferofthe world,afirange thin to obferueby being ouer- come,and%fball we doe. How then muff we ouercome thefull ? crucifying it,Galath.S. Wee crie against theIewes forkillingof Chrift, wee may crie as iuftly again ft the nay lesof the bur fmner era- CrolTe,and fay, thatthey crucifiedhim: it was the corruption of myheart that crucifieddf+edclrilt. hitn,the works ofMinebands did nayle him, myftnnes werethe fpeare that pcarced. him. Zach. i a.to. What did my faults crucifie him? We11,I will be cumwith them, I will haue s Scriptureseft for them, Iwill rarelynayle them, andin the reuenge of the death of the amine of God Chrift Iefus, Iwill neuermakemuchof them, I will certainlyperfecute them. Alas, how canwee makeofour delires, Peeing theycrucifiedChrift? Wee muft kill them and bone them, that fo caufedChrift to be killedand buried. Nay, ifwee fee one that would kill our Genes,wee would kill him, and on chofe finnes, which on Chrift did fee a crowne of thornes,we arenot afhamed to leta gorgeous garland. Butif wecan ouercomeGod,may we noteafilyouercome theDiuell,the woad and the flefh? What is therea way toeuer- comeGod? 1 furely,euen as"a poore woman ouercame him : this is your viecone. euen your faith,asthus. God Isath let downe this rule : Whofoeuer calleth on the name of the Lord,fhall be faued :.thewoman marking this, calleth on Chrift : Chrift wouldnot heare her,a hard poynt,he had prousifedto haue lier, asidnow lsrwill nu breare her. \Vel1, fife comes againe to him : what then ? Hefaith nothing to her. This was ftrange,yet thepray -, eth againe.Now beefpeaketb, butwith finals comfort. Iam notlint (faith he) but to the cf,eifl h5ai loft IheepeofIfrael. The filliewoman replies by the-word, thenhe yeeldethand confcllith uermme toour himfelfe to beouercome, laying:0woman goe thy way, thy faith bathfauedthee. See, file comfort. held (till the word (idleScripture morethan theword of Chrift. Well then, faith is the vihtorie, andby it God is ouercome, and muchmore finne,the world; the fiefh,and the diuell. T This is the plea ofthe Lord against vs, that wedwell ina land, where wee arevfur- TheLordwill pers & haue no right. No man is of fo reprobate a fade,but be will grant,that whatfocuer condemner wehaue,we hauert attheLords hand.But are thefefreegifts,&Without allcoed uion?No, forthe nsossr- Come to 'P landofCanaan.Wasitgiuento the lfraelitesvpónocouenane ,orwithoutan sisehoffe/hoi agreement?Icis not fò.Foritisplain, Pfa.io5.TheLordgauethë thepohleflionsof the hñ saros.`crea- then.What barcly?No,butvponthis condicion,tlratthey should keephisftatutes.There is Nn no