Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

41© OfKii'ehes. Of.Sarreimenti. no man bath a foote ofground,or neuer fofinall a po(feffion to dwell in,but hebath it on this Condition ': Whofoeuerinhabitsthis or.any otherland, hekecpes all by violence he. caufe hekeepes is without performanceofthe condition : but ifwee keepe the Lords@a - tutcs,wekeepe the cotidition,and confegttentlyhaue a good right,and the Lordbath no. thingagainft vs : otherwile (I fay)weare violent vfurpers, becaufe theLord his grown is vpon lumitation,andfor fuch a one,ifthe Lord either remise him from the land,oriake the land from him, he cannotfay, but that the Lordhis a&ionis iuft againft him. Now al- beitif we feeke elderti:nes,this peoplein England hack asmuch been difpoflelfed,as any countrie. But it is all one,whetherthis difplacingbegenerall, orparticular inlolìngfome part ofourpoflellions. If we enquireofthe reafon,why it comes topalle thattenures and lands beoften alienated fo as they behere amongvs ; our verdit is, thathotvfoeuer fnfull the fatherwas,the fon is an vnthrift,Iaske then,wbyanother keepes his inheritance.Tlms Sin theenure they fay,heiswifer; then this man was a foole.True,the queftionis,how he comes tobefo: oftbe In fir of andwere is made,thefault isin education. But thereis no endin thefe things. Menwill not many blefngr' fee thecaufe to befinne, but they flie to'couerings and curtaines. Letvs come then tothe Lordhis awardíng,and thatis,becaufe thereisnotruth,normercie,nor knowledge: but killing, fealiny,andwhoring,Hof.4.1.2. Whether thenweeknowofwhole townes, orofparticular families that haue loft their inheritance : weemutt know theLord his inditementtobe execured thereagainft tome finne.Therefore whenwe bleffeour felues for our riches, and fay,the Lord be bleliedfor my wealth,this is a goodlyinheritance : Mylines are fallen in faireplace: We nauftalto fay,though this alto be agood faying,All this Ihaue ofthe Lord, andhold whatfoeuer i haue of him : doeI keepethatpart ofthe couenane;which is ofmy parc,ashe bath performedhis part ofhiscondition withme? If Idoe, then I amnovfur- per : for he hatis gioen meacondition,and Ihaue kept it ; he commended knowledge to me and Igrow in knowledge: fo that Iair able tomake an account of it,&c. butother- wife though I neuer comefor any other fins to judgement, yet ouradtion for dwellingin our polleffions is fufficient toRand againft vs. Forifwe keepe not thecouenant,theLord hath,or will enter an áótion,and to thee or thy pollcritie hewill Purely performetheme- cution ofit. CHAP. 61. Of Sacraments. Odmight haue wroughtinyracles without therod whichhe willed Moles to vfe: 'for he vied it not forhimfelfe,but for Mofesand thepeopleof Ifraei to helpetheir eueSacra- infirmities: So mutt wereceiuethe Sacramentsas belpes,Coneraheretico,.And as anus. the rodinitlèl fewas a common rod, but beingappoyntedof Godfor more excellent vfe, was fo to beaccounted oftheir : Sowater, bread and wine although in thetnfeluescom- mon,yet put apart for the viiof theSacraments, are to beefteemed and receiued as the ordinance oftheLord, for the frengtheningofour faith,wherein alto the Lord will trie ourobedience,wbetherwe will wort iip him intitle things which haue fo fmall aPhew. n gteaofsa- z The negleaofGods Sacraments doth prouoke againft vs,as it did againft Mops, crameste. . fortheneglec4of theCircuincifion ofhisbonne. The Lord met Mole: with tome fuels affli- Ltion,as that hewas readie to dye accordingto thethrcatning,Gen.r7.Where we mayfee the neglelìingofGodsordinance punilhed,butnot thewart : for Moles didomit it either toplcalé hiswife,ór his father,or both :wherein lice honoureddiemmore than the Lord. Thelike is Paid of the Pallèouer,Numb.9.Deuaz7. Our Baptifine and the LordsSupper doeanfwere ehefeSacratnents, therfore theneglebt of them requiresthe likepunítlimeist. Wehave no leflè grace offered tovs in our Sacraments, than they had in theirs : if they thenwere worthilycut off,much inure are weifwe refnle either ofour Sacraments,vnlelfe it befor neceflities fake. And although the LordBoth not pprefently meetvs as hedid Mo- Centemptof fix, yet isheethe fameGod, asinmrcietotholethatvieclteminfaith ,foiniudgementto oursacra- takevengeancevpon thecontemners ofthem. But fonae will faythey would come,but the svenu isdeath. Mmilters