0fSacraments. 4.11 Minifterswill not fuller them. If theMinifters doe hinderthem without carafe, they /hall beare their condemnation: brit if for want offaith and repentance hedoe fraythem,and be diligent and willingro teach and Warne them, and they (tí11 continue careleffe,their blood(hall beupon theirowne heads : they can claimeno partin thecompanieof Gods inwurtl ie art children,for he fhould communicate with them intheir fin, ifhefhould receive thembe- tbetardcfi ingvnworthie,either for wantof knowledge,or becaufe offinnes which they lie in. per. 3 TheiníhitutionofthePaffeouer, Exod. tz.hathinitfomethings,whicharepeculiar to thefirst celebration,otherfouie thingswhich belong to the continual obferuation,asin the eleuenthverfe and beforc,that they muttnot go out ofthedoores,&c.Thefe belonged to the heft celebration of ic, and afterward were not tobe efed, becaufe they had rcípe& onely to the prefent time : therefore our SauiourChrilt offendednot when they didcate thePall'eouer fitting, andwent forthaftertheiniticution of the LordsSupper: fóme things wereperlónall and hadrefpebt tothe prefenttime,whichwere not after to bevfed,as that itwas to be eaten with vnleauened bread ; for then there was none other ;then that it was at nightina pallour, which was that it might be !hewed that the other Pafi ouer was abrooacO, and this came in it !lead : otherthings that had no filch particularreipea, are witoly and onely ftilitobeoblerued. 4 Wemalt be preparedtoreceiue the Lords Supper ,withftnceritie andhoiines,whicb The trat)ef is the truth ofthe ceremonieofvnteauened bread : for vnleauened breadhad fielt ref-061 the rerrmonie to truedoctrine, as our SauiourChrilt himfelfe exponndeth it : Beware ofthe leaven ofthe efenlcaooird Pharïfeer. And this teacher' vs not onelyto beware ofail falte doctrine,as the doarineof tire[ d. thePapifls, or fuch like, which in itfelfe is cud', but allo to bewarethatwce be not defiled with the corruptionof thetrue doarine, which in itfelfe is mofl pure : for thedoctrine of thePharifees was muchof it true, yet fontewhat mingled and otherwifc defaced : and tins corruption of truedoarine is called leauen , becaulc if it be fuffered it will corrupt the whole, Secondly, this hathrefpelt tomalicioufites ::for.foPau/expounded it,Tbe/ eaten of malicioufneywherean not onlythe groffelimns areMid to be ofthe natureof leauen,but iCot.f cum theveryrootesofftnneand malicioufnes. Contrarieto this-are werce::unaided-to comein a pure and found religion'and doctrine, alto infinceritie And trçeth ofheartian- ningrefpect unto, and hailing a delire to fulfill all theconunandemcnts ofGöd. Thirdly, whereasiriscalledthebreadoftribulation,Deut. t6.3:itfhèrweth.witicbilantahfelionwe 3 muff cate thisPafleòaer : namely, that as thepodre manhat' ;ouchpanic and labour be fore he canget bread,fo.tliat hisheart fainter' with wanc,or when alltahe isgone, by tea- fonbftinsficknes; andwhenhebath gotten bread,or iindeth nautili-anenttltercby,ite even weepethforioy:So fhòuldwe comalong time bewáile our fins and repent Vs of.the etnl i which wehavedone,& earn faintfor the delreOf Ian's Chrilt,that ib we confining to the table ofthe Lord being refrefhed,may.effebtuailyrecemegrace and beheartily thanklull. g rhisis onegreatcaufe,why theFamily oflotseand Othersdoe withfodeadly hatredTaei2sandhe defpife ourSacraments, becaufe they neuer felt the power of thorn, nor foughtto haueby retd¿rr n<aer them theaflurance ofthemerits ofChrilt, conucied veto them andfoaled in their hearts. f lr one power Wouldwe not then be like vnto this kinde ofpeople, in delpiing theWord,Sacrament s, ufchr.giagesca and otherholygraces'd let vs not then reftinthe bare vie of them,let.vs not come tb them "er rttyaifa- offafhion,let vs not content otir films with liaising theoutward things: butletvs labalit im; v ihlsat to feele in our hearts the-power-of theTpirit, letvs pray that by them thefpirit mayw orke eramears,and. in our hearts,and in themalwaies let vs Tookeforthe teaching ofthefpirit,to fhall it come rheeeifer de- topafle,thatwe!hallalwaies reuerently andworthilythinkeofthemeanes,and never bel'fr,:m. wearteoftltem,but alwaies carefully vie then : and yet not feparace them from thefpirir, but looking for theworking ofthe fpiritin them ; wee flail finde the graces oftheholie Ghoít snob plentifully. pówredon vs, and as it were by Conduits conueighedinto, our hearts. 6 TheLambe war not thePaireoner but a Ggneofit; fo is breadandwine in the Sup- sarramex:4 per called the Lords bodieandblood, becaufe it is a figne thereof. This is an vfuall fpeech, pore esl era m when the Scriptures fpeakeofSacraents,to teach vs that although dietebe not carnall f / éd pretence, asehePapilts imagine, yet. there is a true fpiricuall and effebtuall refenceof Nn n ;hç