41z Of Sinne. the things fignified: and therefore weemay certainly looke for the performance of the lame,if by faithwe can receiue it. Communicate He faid this was hismanner in dealing with them that cameto the Communion if kid inde/fe- the were but indifferently mftrueted taereunto he by exhortation charged them tobe- rentlyprepared y y , , theBarra- ware what they did, hewould not with them tocome, butif they came he would not vt- ment. terly densethem if they lay in no finne. CHAP. 62. OfSinne,and hell, toabflaine from the leaß,ando f iniquitie and thepurrilhments thereof We meltab- c. ; Herebefomewhichcall good euill,and euillgood,they fhrinkevp evil faotefromthe A intoanarrow fcantling:andwouldfainebrmgittothis ,if theycould, teaftfnne,and 1' . -iy that nonedoe euill but theythat are in gaffes. But we muff takeheeds from t ofthis,and therefore let vs knowwhat 'cis todoe euill. Euill is either of 'Jenne. naturally euill, or mill by circumftance. Inall our aelionsto auoide nrokindsof Ç x; ?i% ` cuhl .Theta:z.we muff learne thisleffon ,follownothing but proue eudr. it firf,and keepethat which is good, burablfaine from all apparance ofeuill. Be Pure that it is good yedoe,but ifis hauebut athewofeuill,auoideit: ifit bean euill fauoured thing to lee to, file it, r.Cor.6. All things (faith Past)arenot profitable, though they benot plainlyforbidden. streaner to a Toheare thethreatningsand to trembleat them toheare the promifes and tobe. keepcnsfrsm leeuethem;toreuerence theSacraments and toreceiuethem ;toprayvnro God in allour fi"ner,e&c wants,andtobetlsankfull for all hismercies:arewaies tokeepevofroin finne,and toreco- uer vsfrom finnewhenwee are fallen thereinto. Therefore the negleetofthere lothpull r.Coarlso. downe judgementsupon men :for though Pautrebuked theCorinthiansofmanyfennes, yet for this caufe(faithhe)fomearealleepe,fomeare fckiy,&c.Forifthelehad beenviedas they ought,finnefhould neuerhauegrowne fo farre asit did. 3 Let them that feare the Lordaccount.it ¡sis great mercie, that beewill not let them profperand thriueintheir finsaeaf they fhould becarried away therebyto perdition,and thofe who belongnot to the Lord,(though they thinkeall well) fo longas they feele their rope,sfl in lliie fuffereththenton of erintheirwíkedns.forasafathergthathatethhi schildemoff wrath. fgneofwhen he giueth himelfeto beruled byhis owne pleafure: fo it is with theLord. There- foreLet themthat takepleafure in following their owne lulls,and fatisfie their owndelires in finne and wickednefle,though:for the prefent theyobtaine that theydelight in, take heed kaththecloudes of darknes luddenlyouerfhadow them; and fo the Lordfend their tobetormented inhell before they beaware,Whereas contrariwife hechalleneth his chil- dren in this worid,that eternally they mightnot be condemned. 4 We fhall neuer throughly leaue finne,vntill we know and acknowledge linnet°be finne,and be truly forrowfull for thefame. Seeadmoni. s Thenature oftite wicked is, that thseregroweththseir lone, where theybe notgain- tise. faid and reproued for finne,andwhere they beadmonifhed theregroweth theirhatred. 6 Ifonce wegiue confenttofinne,we are madereadie tofall intomoe and manytins, andmakingno confcienceof lìnne,wee (hallnot makeconfcience ofmanyand great Gnnes:and fobeing onceinwrapped infinne it isan hardthing togetout of theclawes of the (knell. Lordgiuevsgrace to feeand to refill the firlffinne, euen thefull motionsunto linne,Iamt .13. r q..conferre with Heb.3.12.13. 7 It is thegreateff judgement of God that canbe,to thriueinfinne. 8 Wemuff take heed that bytheoccafionofothers that finne weegiuenotour 'Hues todoe the like : but ratherby the fallof othersinto finne,wee mull learne to rife vpvnto the Lord. g Ths