Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

OfSinne. 9 Theoccafionof finne may be by another,- but thecaufeof it is in our owne corrupt nature,which is alwaies readie to finne. 10 Sinnegetteth aloft ftrength,whengood men fallinto it. It It is a greatmercieofGod to goe bungarlike,andfoolifhlyabout a finne. It isgood to reftft that which nature tnoft liketh. 13 That God that drewlight out ofdarkneffe, willdraw goodnes ofttimesout ofour corruption. Our corruption correaed by themercie ofGod,makethvs efteetnebetterof Prot, good men,being rammed or taken awayfromvs, thanwee did whenthey wereneereand remainingwith vs. 14 Onefinnegoeth not alone : but one finnewill open the doores of thefoule to let in another. 1f We neuer will labourto leauefinnelo long as webequiet inminde,but (till flatter. sixenotes of our felues and bedawbeour confcienccswith rottenplaifters, vntill wee beeither flricken4hegrertnei . withfeare,or cartdowne withiudgements. The greatnes and enormitieoffinne is frene and en°rmitie by fixe poynts : Firft,on Godsbehalfe how huge and deteftableit ismaybefcene,who by'0f [nee. finne is fo greatlydifhonoured: for howmuch the higher hismaieftie is,fomuch thegrea- terenormtcieit isto finneagaìnft him. Secondly,ftune is noted by the qualitiecfafinner. Sinnesarc made fo muchthe higher and greater,themorethat amen is bound vetoequi- tie:for the more andgreaterbenefitshehathreceiuedofGod , fomuch the more is nee bound todoe hiswill. Thirdly,itis wayedand noted inthe qualitie of the matter,where 3 about thefinneis committed : for afinne againft mans perfon or nameis greater, than a- gainfl his fubftance or goods: but thofe ftnnes aremolt grieuouswhich are direb}lydone againft God,which doe im eachandtouchhismaieftie,foneerelypiercingbim,asotwere to the quick,asdiftrutt, defpayre,blafphemie,idolatrie,&c. Fourthly, hunesmeafurcdby a meanesofthe endwhichthe finner bendeth to :for the worfe that theintent or purpofeof thefoueris,themoregrigeousishisfiin. Fiftly, circumftancesaretoberefpeaedoftime, and place. Sixtly,ofthe verydefortnitie offinneit felfeaccordingto itfelfe,the whiehis al- 6 wares fo muchthe greaterand more loathfome, asthe venue is more excellent and wor- thiewhich is contrarie to it : whereupon as the loneof Godis thehigheft vertue,fò on the contrarie part thehatred ofGod is the greateftvice. S.Gregorie faith, A vileand flunking carrion is more tolerable tomans fent,thana tinfoil fouleveto God. So then ifwee feare and beunwilling toappeare vtle,filthie,and deteftablebefore the holy andmolt worthie maieftie ofGod, andif wee abhorre that the countenanceofourCreator fhooud be tur- ned fromvs, let vs then auoide finne with all carefulnes andpure affeaion, within and without:for no deformitiecan fodisfigure vs inmans eye, as the reafonablefoule by fin simile. is deformed,and madevile andhateful! in theeyes ofGod,andbeforehisfight: for by fin thefoule ofman is made like thediuell himfelfe. 16 Euilldoersfhunnethelight,whattheycannotauoide ,theyendeuourtoconceale, they doe things they fhame to heare of,they walke diforderly, and thinke to fhroudtheta- 0finiga tie felues in the cloudes: That,which the feareofGod cannot caufe themwholy to auoid,that wide/9e puniflx. thefihameofmen enforceth themtocouueyfrom theeyes ofthe world. Sofin isafhamed mencthereof. ofitfelfe,and fheweththat Godhad naturally implanted in alla fentence, and condem= nation againitfinne,whichthoughwe commit,yetcommitting it wecondemne it,andbe- caufewecondoner it in our felues,we conceale it fromothers.Yetmany haue fodepriued themfeluesof thiseaturall remorfe,they open theface of finneto theview of allmen, let a man flinthis eyes nesterfoclofe. How earneft was Athanafirär withthe Emperour, Iharply tocorrca thePafforsin his time going from their flock? If for thereuerenceof theirper- o egtigence is fons,faiththat good man thouwilt not conftrainethem to dwellwith theirflockes, fuller theMinif erie. me to auoidethetaout ofthy gouernrnent,and ifGod aske mea reafon,why Ido fo,I will Thew it him.Andyet theft honesbeingwrtcten in theopenforeheads ofmany in this land: howmany doe pulldowne their hearts one whit the more for it? Thus to walke infinne without fhame atall,is it marueile,ifthegodly bewaileto feeit ? Iftherewere butonevn- ìuft man, iniquitie for this onetnans finnewerelamentable, much more when wholefa- miiies,when whole ftreetes,nay when wholetownesand cities are filch the cafe is tobe la- N n 3 mented. 413