Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

0f Sinne, 415 inour(Oates, whenour women tíhal1 v. illanou(ly beabufed in the LordesSion; the dill- dreg putto the edgeofthe fword,the Princes hanged vpby thehands, no1'paring fluff be offexe or of age, andbetides fo outragious a rage, whenour foes (ball cometo treade as holieground, where theglorie ofGodhis (mule (Gould ftrike them (tone dead;when their 7 rp;Jh yrrfecu- fword fhould beabafhed and lofeit ghttering,when ie ihould fee the Maieftie ofthe Lord tiapo rgrcat. in hisMinifters and Preachers. This is a matter of griefe and indignation: for the harme- leffe blood powredout by the king ofBabelon the ground;beeingcompared tothe blood of tbc.Saints fliedby thePope,it wouldbe but asa fponefull inrefpeét of the Sea. When this Moodie Tygercomes, he willpretend that bee rootes out Heretic ; but thenwhy loth he-fuckethe bloodof infants, whoare notcapable ofherefie?Well ifthis bee his intentto roote out herefie,is thefword a fit inftrmnent todoe it?Pauland Peter,and there( ofchat b1e(fed colledge,and Chrift himfelfe-put many notable heretikesLo filence,by theforce of reafon,and nor by dint of fword. -Was it Chrift hismeaning, that thefuccelle urofPeter fhould drawouthis fword,when Peter bimfelfe was bidden to pur it vp? Andyetthis rey- allPricft andBifhop,generally willdrown theChurch inher own blood.Anddoewe not feehowdy guidés ,Paftors,andouerfeersofthe Church are droiteout of fhindrie places, wherethis Bifhopbath lethis foot,whofehearts could banebin better contented at once, to l auefealed their doEtrinewiththeir blood,then tobeeleperated fromthem , to whole foules they haddenoted themfelues?An Meanie farewell,nodoubtthey tooke oftheir con- gregations,whenas wereadof foine,who filledtheir highwaies with their bealts,and laid rcrfeeutim . theirchildren at the feeteofthePaftors,when they departedfromthem,crying voto them, what thatbeour eftate,now.yearegone tomarcyrdome ?Who (hallwafls our children in the ehriftall waters of baptifine?Who (hall cafewir afrlietedconfcienceswhen the adner- fariethallacculé vs?Who fhall leadvs the wayof life,andbring ourfoules to relt? Pecan- pencethem(O Lord)as they have deferued,that are the cauleof this, (O Lord) gine them fadhearts. So beanieacróflewill itbeto fee an irremediabledefòlationofholythings: we knownot yet the bitternelle of this cup, yet we banethem amongvs which hauetalted ir, whom letvs entertainswith rofephwith testes ofinercy,and let vsintheir fuites fay to the Lord, they haue beholden inilery (O Lord) caufethem to behold the light ofthy louing countenance,for their reliefe and comfort. Sobe it. 17 -Itis the great iadgement of God vpon the corrupt iudgementof the world, that Tobee mowed, vnlcf3e finne be prodigiousand monftrous,fuch asgoeround aboutthe world, weare not only withpat- mooned withit. When weeadmonifh other fisses of hefting, and Inch like, forfoothwee pkble andp o mutt fusile whenwe doefo,and wemuff laughvponthem,lealt we moue choler,and glue "7.,,'7,-;»,n:.. offence. Well forall finneto equal! meafure,and for the lea(( ofall fusses, Chrift iefusthe inic. Sonne ofGodwas faine to (hedhis precious blood. Hocvfoeuer finne lermeth little to vs in committing,it wasvery greatto Chrift in fuffering forit. They be fnall fin nes to vswhich are vfuall toall,butiftheywere notvfuafl,they would feeme prodigious. -18 All the teaks efpecialliethe eyes , as they aremollfingularinffrumetitstoreceiueoccafionrof good thingesby,iftheybyGods fpirit be direeted: fo iftheybenot well ordred,doebrrng fame. greate(t cats, and thereforeDanidprayed) that hiseyesmight beguided aright,&rob áta- Goürreeteent ketha couenant with his eyes,vnder which the other partsare included, asalfowhen Da- of*We.- aidmaketh a couenant withhis mouth. rofephhis miftreffefirft offended io looking with- out aesule: for thewantonneffe ofvaine lookes bewray the corruption of the heart, wee tnuft then ftriue to liase a lawfull caufèof allour dooinges., that lo weemay be a(fured of Gods proaidence towatch onervs, lealtif any berme happen vino vs, webe the Itoc- cafion thereof. Secondly; flipoffended innot keeping a meafure : for whofoeuer leech his owne corruptions,ttuely will be afraidofthe verge appearanceof vain, as Job, although hewas neueradulterer, yet priuie fohis corruptionhe madea couenantWithhis eyes. re- feohr iniftreffe fpake tohim day by day and lie refifeth,fheabideth (till inherBail purpofe, but he 1h11refukthher; andhere-is the differencebetweene Gods children & the wicked, the one continued, itil binwickednes and would haveall othersfilch , the other perfeuere in godlinefte,andwouldbringoilmen cothefame, the was conuineed ofher fault,andyet lorrowednot but continued.-Where noted theoftnerthane the leffegriefe,anote ofthechildren Net . of