x.16 OfSinne. A not of the ofthe drue/ó. Butcontrarily,the oftner fume themore griefe, 4note ofthe childofGod. ¡ fepy was Gods. voungaboutehirtiefoweryeares, and yet chaff, contranctothofethat fay, fornicationis verfe.is, butatrickeof youth.Ióféph was entifedand yet yeelded not, afnneofa pure heart, for although temptations be offred of chafe, yetit proceeded, ofour corruptionthat we yeeld tothem. AsBer1lieba yeelded toDastid becaufe Ihee was corrupted: [ofeph yeelded notto his miitreffe,becaufe his heart was pure. Ifwe will bee cleave in all,let vs firft know Hearts. ourhearts, and fee where wee are weakef and get a fpeciall defence againft that, other, wife wefhall take too much libertie, and indeed the chattel} in heart, will be chattel} in looke,becaufe theyknow their own corruption and !trineagainft it,for whofoeuerhateth finne truly,will hate the garment defiledwith frnne: andwill bewareofthofe thingswhich inthemfelues are lawfull,becaufehe is ready toabnfe them. The greater 19 If Godbath made anyas the eyeto fee,as the mouthto reproue, as thehandto re- place roe are in dreffe finne either in famihes,in Church or inCommon-wealth,they mufffpecially )ockte the greater oar to themfelues,theyfinne not. For ofallothers it is agreat difgrace to fee them,as theprin- Tbeeata i- cipal members of the bodie hurt. Againe, the hurtof fucka member is theendaungering The añdrat_ ofall the othermembers. Now great reafons there are,why filch then finnemolt daunge_ nelteri fin milt roullie. Firltthe higherwe afcend ,thegreater Ilrength we rcceiueof God to refsft finne; a dangerouflie. thing thenit weremoi deformed, that themore ftreng:hwe haueto keepeoff finne then r. others the leftewe flioulddoe ir. Againe the greater and bettercredit weehaue, themore s. we Inuit thinke our feluesbound to thankefulnes,then wherethankfulneslhouldabound 3. moft,vnthankefulnes. being found molt, iris the greaterblemifh. Thirdly where weeare á. nearer to fishdignitie, we fbould have the thiefcagiftes to keepeout motes and bcames, both great and ¡Mallfirmes; now if the eye, that fhould forefeeand preuent filchthinges Ihonld recciue motes and beanies in it fel£e, it is a thingtitoft abfurde, when they I fay, that fhould rid the houfe , the Church or common wealth of blemifnes, bemoft fullof blensifses,itisagreat deform:tie. Laftlie, thelealt offence,thaefuchaone commits,eue- rie one is grimed with, and then ratherthen fuck a thing fhould be, it were better not to be aGouernour, or that he were faire burned. For as without the eye no other member Simile. can doe his office, neytherthe hand,nor the Foote can doe their fOnettonwithout fight; fo withoutthe diretlion of filchgouernours, nopart can doe his dulie. The fafetie of the eye is thefafétie of the othermembers, thegood ciliate of thepeople is in the good eftatc . ofthePrince, euerie member hithhisintereft inthe eye, and thèreforethefault ofthe eye " ftickes in euerie member. So that in the peril' of theeye how many membersfo ruer are " dependant ofit,fomany are indaunger,andlomany llippes that men ofauthoritiefallin- " to,fo many occafsons ofoffence are offred to their charges. Greatfmr m ao Ina publike reformationwe muttfpeciallie meete with the greateftfsn,and begin re/t hrJiaflo firft to cadt out beames,and then motes.This is theorder ofGodhunfelfe: for althoughhe frlt talkedwith Adam, and fo proceeded coEue, and risen totise Serpent, (for Adamsfin isas the mote?yet when be courses to judgementand tofentence ofcaftingout,hefirlt be- gins with theSerpent,whofe finnewas a beanie frnne, and fo proceedes againft the other 'Degrees of/is. two,which in refpeét ofchatwere but as mote finnes.This was Dauids order,frft Pfahror. r. J. 3.-a hewillcaft out Apoltataes,andAdidas. Secondlie, ¡Corners of Religion and aliperuerfe Epirus. Thirdlie the ¡laundererand taleteller,and Iaftlieeven him that looketh but proud- lie,which thingwelittle accountof. This was the order ofChrift: for bodily dilèafes,itis faidMath.4,he healed all fsckuelfes,and then it is Paid hehealed cripples: forfpirituall hee firft cured then that werepofieffed, thenthe lunatike,then theleprous, &c . Laftlie, this Sscommani- was theorder of.the Pan-mine Church , Whether theydealt in excommunication, in fuf- .. cation. penton,or in adsnoeition.Forexconnnunication,frft theybeganwith fcorners,thenwith 3. 4. omn thirdly .t, y Ìcommon ce ordrdbltiteenemies oDticplsneFor ufpenfon they f tagaint corne s, e / ip ¿ire, fecondlie, againitnegleEters oftheliturgic: thirdlie,againft quarrels: Fourthlie, againft Sulpentis. incontinentperfòns,andfiftlieagausltllaunderers.Foradmonition,firfttheymetwiththe r. Z. 3 4. idle perlons: fecondlie with common praders: thirdlywithvnreuerent behauiours ofthê- Adm sti fe.luesagainit fáperiours: fourchlieagainftthem that exceede aboue their abilitiein their appareil: