O fSinne. OfPhifickeanddiet. 417 Apparell:fiftiie, with them that neglefted theftatewconomicallbyneedelciie runningin- 4 todebt,and fo into debt,and fo intowilfull pouertie. Thus wee fee the orderof God him- Idle, of Dauid, of Chtill the Sonnebf God,ofthe Churchin it excellent beautie. 21 The cuate of finnen may well beoinpared to them that be ficke: for as whenone Simile, kéepeth his bedde, and goech to phificke,it argueth tomenotable maladie,anddiforder, whereby he is hindered from louse neceflàrtefunbtion: foour foule by thedilteniper of fin, isnot onlyhindered fromher dutie, but is Beane putout of all good cootie and temper. Dauidcomplained] of this, Myfannehath takenfach hold upon mee,that Iam notable to kaki; pfalinyo.rn vp,theybegone oiler my bead,they haue worne awaymy beautie, there is no rcft inmy bonesby reafonof my fin. Verseaptly are they compared to ficke men that are finners, to theend theymight morewarilie look tothemlelues,learch the bottoine of theirthoughts, feeletheir griefewhere it lieth,finde outthe caufe thereof,feeke betimes for remedie, least not taking it intime, it rankleand fefterinwardlie , it easeand mfe& more andmore, it come toa runningfore, as Dauidcomplaineth,andfoproue very neare incurable. The Pharifies are well calledficke men,tomoue thofePeacock -tailed rufticiaries, to pittie die miferable plightand pickle theywere in, and not fo ileightly to ouer-looke themfelucsas theywerewont todoe. Who is fovnn-aturall,thatis not mooued with pittie toivardrs the ficke ? who is to without all bowels, that is not touched with compaflion of a ficke man t ifhisheartflringibe not tohard asa horne,if hehaue not a flint (tone inplaceofhis heart, ifhisreines be not fteele, andhis heart andbowels hewed and framed out ofan hard Oke, bemutt needes haue fomeremorfe, his bocveisniuflneedes yearne, and his heart within himcannot chufebut mourneouer the groanesof a manthat draweth his last breath. And as the Lord fpakeit is a memorandum for them to ftrike their frozen hearts : fo for our felues we haue totake this Item alfo,for inthem he touchethvs, our (hare is in it, he fha- dowcs therein the wholeeftateofmankindefubieec to every difeafe,altvaiesdrooping and complaining,alwaies laidevp on one fideor other,teachingvs togiue ouer, and todiuorfe ourdues fromall feçuritie. The Scripturein thispoynt is plentifull, who can fay his heart jeeleane ?There is none that dothgood,nonot one,allaref:ckeeitherof the coteetousdropfie,oranx pote. bitiousfewer of theitchofconcupifcence. He that bathnot thefit onhim, mayhart vp air 946 . looke to hisneighbour. Allour health is apedllousdifeafe, ourrighteoulhefl'eisasaragge» Rained with theflowers ofawoman. Ifnone bevoide, if many finnes lie hidde invs (for » who cantell how oftheoffendeth, wlio can fay,heis not crated) ifourcleanneflebefilthie,» .,i ifour light bedarkenellè, if our health be fickenefl'e, how filthie is ourfilthinefle ? how » darkeis our darkenefle ? howforeis ourfickneflè? Andhow truly is our bodie called a bo- it dieof deatit.Ifthenwehad any hopeofourrecouerie,it would makevs looke for ourphi- » fitionChri4. CHAP. 63. Of Phfckeanddiet,fic(neffeandhealth. N thatChrift doth vouchfafe to be called our Phifition, and tobe fo, it doth greatlycommendvnto vshis kindneffe vnfpeakeable, and mercyvnmeafurable, that hewould comedownefrom heauenfrom histhrone ofglorie, tobecome a Phifitiontohealcour def eratedifeafes.' Morethatheisnocommonleach ,butfuçh aone Rropértiesof P an expert Rbi as wemay fa`eiyputour lines intohishand,it will appeare calmlyifweconfider theproper- ruais. tiesof anexpertPhuifition,inwhom thiele three arechieflietobe confidered and required. Fir(t afenfeoftheinfinnitic, wherebyinlookingwellouervs ,h`mayknowthedifeafethe 1 morethroughly. Such a onewas Chriff,Efay s; . He hadgood caufe toknow our infirmi- ties,he needednotthat any fhould counfailehim, he knewwhat was inman. Secondly, a very ready and willing inindeto healethem, and take paineswith them thatare difeated. Tins altowas in our Sauiour,Efay64. Thefpiricof theLord isvponmein that hehath an- nointedme,tbat Iwaswilling tohale thebroken lieartrd,and preachforththe acceptable yerrc