-42o OfSathansPralfes. diéied,and yet profite not as I ought,therefore Goddoth continue the fame upon me,that Imay reape doeprofile by it. Therefore Iwillingly yeeld tothe erode, and take itvp ; but ifthou feelefi not this, yet if in thy heart thou doea loue Gods word,andhis children, and sa¡omre.+ roe ail goodnef e, andhard} lìnne, and all wickedneffe, thou thoumud needcsbehis chdde, be hm,hid roe and therefore becomforted; for becaufethou art not humbled, therefore thou reaped not bow the the fruitofaf$iaon,ánd therefore they hedill vpon thee,that at what time f oeuerthou art ono"ruJJi humbled,the Lordmay takeaway the erode,andgiuethee the fruite of chineafflidions. Forwhen thou art humbled,hewrli ceafe to afflidi. 16, Agodly Phihtionin the time ofperfecution hauingthree patients retorting vnto him, to becureddonegreat coil!, rid: this ,range d ifeafeand ficknedè betokened' foie drangedones and corruptions to be in you, and therefore ifyouwill by mebe freed from time ficknefle, reconcileyour lelues to God that he may free you from your finnes. They all at onceexcufedthelO elues, wherein they bewraying their great ignoran ce : thePhil. tion vnripped their hues, and at thedril inquiredof them, if they did not frequent the MalreThey could not plainly denie it, but couerdy excufed it laying, that thereinthey did butas others : which, when the man of God perceiued : haue you fohighly difpleafed God, and knowe not ofany Gnne to be in you, goeyour wayes,anddrib learne howgrit- " lionsyour fiinne is, before: God : for the Lordhaving laid his rodde \pon you, I dare not take it off, volelleye fhew frottesof repentance. And thus he difmifled therm,vntíllthey knowingandacknowledging their finne,with gríefe returned,and afterwardwerehealed. CHAP. 64. . OfSathansprafifes,andof Schifine andfecuritit. Hediuell ferret': anhigh edimation ofa man,for that (as we may reade in the Gofpel) he thiukes himfelfewhiled he is ina man, tobe in a pallace; but when he isout of a man, he thinkes himfelfe in a delért. Hereofit is, thatbeing cal}out, he keepesfilch roaring, foaming, and trembling, as is wonderful'. Parable, one would thinke, might haue delighted him being fobeautiful!: yet he cfteemed it but as a wilder 1& ne lie in refpedi ofAdam. a Thediuell bath a pallace ofpleafure, anda court oflibertie forthoftthat be his : but ifwe will bee the Lords, we mud be hedged in and (tinted, wemuf} notgot awrie. The Dears,;,4. diuell will let you doe, fpeake and tbinke what youwill,themore libertieyevie the better Satbaiufer- hee liked) your feruice: bur Godhathaftribiehoule, he will bane the heart, the nmind,the nice. foule, the bodie, and thewhole heart : this is hard feruice : well, itiseafieto enterferuice with thediuell, if one lay, Iwill fertteyou freely; if another fay, I will be a retainerto you, but I will weareGods liuerie, all flmali be reamed, none refuted. Ifyoube well, the diuell iswell : ifyou be quiet,he is quiet, but this is a miferable feruice. 3 Thedined is veriepainefull inhis affaultes.He workes with Chrid, anddoubleshis auidsadui- temptations on him, andpurfueth brinall isis life long. When hegatDamidonce tocon- rerir. tent to adulterie, then he trebleshis biowes,hecaufeth him tomakeVriab drunken, bee victim deceit, he caufecb -bim to tnurthervriah,yea he murtherech many withhim, hewill not becontented with theborders, buthewill allay to taketheprin cipall citie. TakePeter for an- example : ltd he comes long behinde:fecondly, hewas haled in by the (boulders. then hebegan to palter, afterhe denieth Chris, notlong afterhe ftveareth, and ladofall hecurtth. 4 It is a part ofthe diuell his fophidrie, as ingood things to feuer the mcanes from the end , to ineui11 timings to feparate theend, from the mcanes: Daaidioyneth both togither, HoMSathaa Pfaini.rt9.lam thine, ohLordfame me. The diuell perfwades vs, that God wullfaries',, but fhredsfirip- makes NSneuer Tooke co that, Iam thine. In euillhe bearethvsin hand, we may vfeche tare, mcanes, and neuer come to the ende, and foclipsoff Jaffe, as when he can fuller this. keclef.