0fSathans`I'raif r. qZI Ëeclef. t s,9.Reióvice O yangman,hee wouldkaue Out this,Botthat halt come toiudgement. But thesebathGod ioyned together, andne.yther the fubtiltieofyouth, nor ame wsttc of man, norall the Diuelsinhell can feparate them, the pleafuresof the flefll, and the iudge- ments ofGod. As to our firltparents, Eate,yee!hall notdie; Towhome fameSalomonmight haueiayde, ifitfeetncpleafant to you,care it, butdeath (!,all come: So in theft two that Eze- kiel huh ioyned; the cafeof the Paftour, and the bloud required at his bandes. I-Iee might haue fande :go tobade you Tabernacles,where you may takemofte prefitc,and glue care to nothing, yetGod thallbringyou to iudgement, God withachaine ofAdamant Bath knitte the pleafure of the world with iudgement, he that hach one mutt haue both. It is often the pollicie of. Sathani to make vstrauaileso kalegoodthinges tocome, when spore fihlie wemight be occupied in good thinges prefent. 6 We mutt beproudeagainf tSathaninGina, and humble toall men inGird. :Sabanwill tempt vs, though lse cannot ouercomevs. 8 AsGod andhis Angelsare about vs,fo is the.Diuell and his Angels:and asthe good Angels haue not beenefeene, butextraordinarilie: fo are thecoin Angels, and hoethat deprmethhhnfelfe of this meditatión,weakneth hisfaith. For it is to our comfort, that srerim though webe indanger,&nomanbyvs, yetGod andhis Angels arecvihvstokect ep: rfF P Andthis meditation ought alfoto humblees, that though sneutlldootag notoast can and hurt vs,yet theDiuell, and euillfpirites1hll honer oiler vs. Againe, wee tauftknowc, that as the Angels haue appeared to good menfor (pectall defence : f o the foule (.06tes may appears to forcemen for fpeciall linnes : which cuill fpirites are not tile. fouiesof anie departed, as in the. blindepapacseitwas imagined,but theeuiliJpiritesin the ayre, as the Apoltlefpeaketh, Ephef.6.t 2. which are there truelie called the Prince:ofthe darkfnefP óf this worlde, because they doe as Lordes, commaunde, and fumy in the blindsioules Of men, Ephef.z. r:z.Iohn. t 9 Experienceteacbeth, that snaniemeddlewiththe mattersofthe Clturch,cvhichärè 'fenfeleffe and barrainein the doctrineofnewe birth. But alas what ifa 111a11 hurter álI things,and knewenot himfelfe to beeanews man inChrift ? ali is nothing. We Mott ítt rr`e vpourownelluggilhne fe,by theforwardnclltcWe fee in: others, iòfhallwers 't ly.lrobte byGods graces in them, so If weplay with oar owneaffebtions, finne in theend (portwilifpurre vs tò secrrririe confulon : for though we begiuen to flatter and prefumeofour teleles, Mat being t vsfe or thrtkfparedwee dare- font againe: yet we mu'.t knowthat the Lord will recompence his long tarying with wrath .in theend. in As a manbeing outlawed maytake his pleafure forawhile, but whenfoeuerand fvherefoeuer hee may beetaken, hemull yeeld to the punifhment which by verJiht he is appointed : fothe Wickedon whome fentenceof damnation is alreadte pallid, may for a while ihake offtheir Paine with vainepleafure , but afterwards they Thal! bearreftcd, and carried violently to the placeofwoefull execution. Butfor the godlyvetowh nfeconics. ?yore, ence, the aflaraneeoftbeir inheritance ofheauen,by theeuidence oftheGofpell and frale of tise ipsrstis ratified, all tite ditiels inhell fitall not preuasle against them, but in death they ihallbe warned tomake their open a pearance inthe day of the refurrecîion, yet as hpnelt and before the Judge, and not asfelloniousoffenders. 1a it is afearefull thingtobeouerquiet witlì our (-clues when we banefinned :for theOriefe. way todraw finnewithCart-ropes,is,nottobe grieued with fìnne,and thecalling or ilia- king offof temporal( griefe, is the wayto eternail gricfe. When wehaue fometlmcquaked at fin, whichwe haue feene uYÓthers, and afterward (although we like it not yet) ifwee dillike it not withas greatindignation, as we werewont to doe,but bylittle and littlewe Fran, olliwte. canwell away with it: It is greatly to be feared, that by degrees wefhall fall into the fame ' finneor finnes ourfelues. 13 Many that arenot meereeuill men byfecuritie, hatefallen into thehands ofGods seaaririe. iudgement. 14 Ic is the righteous iudgement ofGod, that there often is moth deadly empiric, Co,aitie. O o where