42.2. OfParents,andducationofChildren, Reronciliation. where bath beeneworldly and carnall amide. If there bee any hatred aritèbetween our felues and fuch men, whohaue been our friends, let vs examine our felues if we fought firltto pleafeGod abouc all, and then topleafe them by good meanes. Sudden iudge- ' r5 Gods iudgementsaremoft fuddaine, andwhen men are ingreateft delights.tuen meats. in theSun -Thine Sodc newas deftroyed,and in thebanquet time lobs childrenwere Ilane: therefore weare to learne to be moil warieand watchful!, and then moltto fufpeft our felues when the world thinketh lealt ofeuill, and is molt fecure. CHAP. 65. Of Parents,educationof children,government ofyouth, and careofrefferitie,. Seetbe ßrR `wi Tien children haue infirmities,their parentsare to fee and confiderwhether they partofeduca- .S í 4 baue notreceiued luchfinnes from them.Ifthey haue, they are rather to pray tion. ñ ` for theirchildren, then to much to corre4 :hem,leaft theyperfecute theirowne fumes in the perfons oftheir children. a When Mofes was togoeatthe commaundement ofthe Lord into Egypt, hee fiat returnedwith Its wife to his Fatherin lawe Jethro, tohaue his leaue ofhint, thereby (he- winghis dutie and obedienceunto him , that fobeemight gluenooccafion ofoffence and might auoidallappearanceofeurll :fomutt all the childrenof God,becarefullin the like cafe,and not toexcufe them (clues by good meanings. g TheLord is careful! that Isisworkes fhould berecorded, and that not for his owne caufrfor he knoweththem well,natfor the age prefent,for thatmany rememberit,but for pofteritie towhomehe would haueit to come,that in them, thereby hemight bee glori- Exod.ry.ip, fled. Thereforethe Lord madechoyfeoflofbeta, to whom liewould haueAfofestoreliearfe the viótorieswhich lie had given the Ifraelitesoner Amalecke &his people; that he might not be proud thereofnor glorie in his owne ftrength, but that he mightglue theglorie wholy andonly to the Lordthatgane it. Secondlythat therbyhe might bee prepared to helpe thepeople, and togouerne them afterMofesdeparture. And this muff teach vs to pray,that theLord would euerprepare fuck asmaybeprofitableto pofteritie. And there. fore inthe 78. Plalme, Godcommaundeth that the workestithe Lord, (hould betaught topofteritie, and fofaith Patti to Timothie, deliuer this tomen, whichmay be fit to deliuer Prouidefer it to others,&c. From whence wee maylearne,that when the Lordwill haueablellìng poftceltiC. continued to any people, hewill alfoprepareinfrumentstoconueyhis blefling to poite- ritie. But when the Lord will not continue hismercie, then willhe depriuethem of the meanes. Seeingthen in our time men arecareful( onely for themfelues,andfew carefór theirsthat fhall come after, and that fo few regarde to Catechife their families: their Familiesméft things I fay are lignes, that theLord will not continue thofe mercies toour pofteritie, becatecbized. which we doenow enjoy. Youngage it 4 Youth efpecially is to take heedeofpleafure: for though fier begood, yet inAnse dangerous age. tinder it isnot good; lo though pleafurebeegood, yetpleafurein youth is not good. Wee need notplough for weedes, theywill growTaft enough inthe fallow. But fainwilltake their pleafure in their youth efpecially, and theypurpofe to become good, and to hue Laterepen- grauely heereafter in their age. This is tomakeacouenant with the diuell, as thediuell laid rustier dange- to Chnit,I will comeout, but thetime is notyet come : fowee will leaue pleafure when rots. the time comes,and in the meant time lier keepeth vs ina purpofe.Youngmenmake their Wemuft fe finnesofadouble die,Grin)zenfinues , they become adifeafe ofthe bones, and cuisine is pteafsrebut turned into a neceflitie, whereupon diners fay, I wouldfaine but Icannot !cane them, of withreftrainte. duefe ifone recoure, tarns rotte away. 5 IfSathan canmake our youth an vnprofitable age, in allthe ages following little good is to be lookedfor. Forif yeeonce nip the blofome,where is the hopeafrhe Au- tumns? Where may we looke torftuit ? Well, ifwe will needes vie our pleafure, then mutt we fet down föme meafure. The diuels rules neuer hate exceptions, but S Gods