0f `Parents. Saints mutt 'ninereftraint;wemull neuermake our hearts the ftecvardsofOur affedi_ ons, that our thoughts wander not in them,and leaftin defiring thingstoo much, weex- ceed :vben we liaise them. Therenmftbe the !call hitting ofthefeoutward things, becaufe there is bait vie ofthem.Ifaman cannot want them, he will abufethem.when he bath the. sin, byáe- It is true that prom faith : The beginningis honeft, but thegreatneffe is deformed. And greergiomes thataka finne is verse reafonable inthe beginning and verie fhamefaced. Thámar went to impudencie. &it to playthe whorewith a vaile before herface, but nowwith anopen face : first honeft recreationand then a pleafureofvanitie, recreation before labour, to play beforeweflu- die, we viepleafure, but to no good end. 6 There is a general! rule, wantonneffe is the beginningof lime. Welee in qua, to Wantonnes what ïrcatprophanenelfehiswantonpleafivein hunting grewe.Sointhe Scriptures there ends in mk- canbe-foundnone other beginningofSalomonsfal ,butthis that t .Kin.3.whenhehad 1pentkednefre feueo yearesin buldingthe honk ofGod, hee (pent thirteene afterin bolding an houle for himfelfe.This was fcarce a goodproportion, to heftow thirteeneyearesonhis ossnehoufe, and fcuen yeareson Godhis honk, and theApes and Peacocks thatfleebrought into the 1and;fet thepeople in fuels vanitie, that they vanifhed awayin their wanton thoughts. ldleueftèand trifling be the callings ofGentlemennowadaies , as aifo needlefle expen- fes.t.Ttm.f. 7 Ifeuerwe would banethc Church ofGod to continueamong vs, wcmuff bring it into our houfholds and nourifh it in ourfamilies. 8 Acertaine woman raying without pittieat thebirth of a poore childe, here is the month, but where is the Ineate,had thislaying repliedon herat what time(fleebrought foortha childwhich died,heere is tneate but where is themouth? 9 Wee are not to iuftifie our (clues before God onely by faith,'but wee muff alfa 1 ainitver- iufti6e our fclueshy good workes before men : fo that wee mutt not onely labour for Lag prof iron, our (dues, but endeuour to ftirre vp others alto, and looke one on another , as the mb cainne Cherubins did, and tell things one to another :as -Johntolde hisbrother. Wee inult bee Godsgnuto careful!one for another, and that not onely for the time prefent, but for the time tou'nro""`6e' come. This we are bound todoe, and our common dealings ought to bind vs thereunto :lud. we prouidefor our children, should we not proaideforthe Church,which'isfpiritualiy tied vntovs? Surely, ifwee confider theplenue andpeace, whichweenioy,weIltallfee thatit is not for our deferts; for weabound infinne, andnone iniquitie is wanting in us,. but it is the blonde of the Martyrs, who hauepurchafed this fo dearely. For chef :: Hayes didthey fowewith mares, and wehaucreaped themwithiop.. Now, ifwe will not have our poiteritie toreape the teares ofour lines, then lee vs becarefull rofowethe goodfccde of godlíneffe, elfe theyThan feele the finart, The meaning is this, that they which have houfehouldes and have been called themfelues, fhould labour to leave behind tl,e:s à godly feedefor the 'continuanceoftheChurelt,aswe fee inZache,vntowhole wholehoufe the LardIefus brought faluation. It is a fearefull thing to halten to be worldly, and to linger to an mill thingis an holy lingering, and tomake hafte to godlincflè is a godly haftinefe.Elifha mutt not falute any, whom Ise murals; the Apoftles mult not tarrietoHa,-,etadoe talke with any in their iourney,andwhy?The Lordrequired, great hafte inhisbufineffe.it good. is profitableto make halte toheauen, but it is nei wifedometomake halte to liell,yet todoe we! we finda Lyon in the ftreetes,but todoe mill,therein nohoe with vs. Weli,rhe king- domeof Godfuffereth violence,we tnuft make halte to it, and beware we linger not as the foolifh Virgins, to beftore ourfelues with Oyle and to furnifh our feluesWith the graces ofGod., to lob faith, wifilomeisnot found in that land which finals inpleafures.Ifyou find alandofgoodfellowes, you may feekefomewhere elle, for wifedome is not there. IfGed bath appointed,Gen.3. that none Ihould eate a crumme of bread without the fweateof his browes,how much more the bread of euerlafting life ? If they benot able to direch themfelues, thenext way isto feeke commit!! of others. But ¡Lowe faith, This, age will Beare no admonition. Rehoboam thought hisown counfell bell, more refoluteat twentie yeares, then atfitiie,yet neon is but asa griftleinvs. Setthem in a good way}and yet .. 0o 2 be