Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

414 Tooth muffre- nounceptea- ATV. OfParents. Ofgodsmorfhiß and1elior. bevnconftant in it, defiròus to trie conclufionseaflydrawnefromeudl ,and yetthey will eafilm flipdirecoller,and turnetoeeili againe. s a There is noSacrifice fo acceptable to theLord, as for youth toftriue with this dots. ble,tripleand feucn foldcorde,to abandon-all plealh res,before we haue tailedof thehony with Jonathan. It isacceptable I fay beforeá talke, not altera loathing: God loatheth fuck feruice,when theflreameof affeaion is weake.Looke howmany bastes and loaresSathan Isatis for finale, fomany remedies bath God to crownevs. But youngmen will hauetheir reafons, Iwill dock, but for a while : A foolifh realon, feeing thewhole age of man is but fhort. Godwill amiuute,thereforenotour youth.Againe,in our timewe mutt notIookefurfongees, braoporrunum, this is the timeof faluatíon. It is inman as in other things,in breakingofHorles,iuringofHaukes. Vge:ies in his fourthbooke De remilitari, had rather haue a Souldier that neuer learned tofight thenone ill brought vp inwarfare, Timms required, adouble tuition for a Scholler,that had been ill brought vp.The dìfearts titheSpring aremore curablethen thole ofAutumne : So the fnnesof a young manare curable,if they takenot many furfets onevpon another. In youth it isealielt to raid the pleaftires,whichwe neuer tatted of. Irayoungman then fay,Iwill tame vntiil I beold,be. foreIrefill fsnne,it is as usuels as ifhe fhould fay,I amStrongnow,I willflay till I beweake. This is the mdignitieofourreafon,Efay Z. There be frnnes called purple, crimzcn, fumes ofadeepe die. Ificbe right purple it was died both in thewooll,and in the threed. So if Sa- thandoe dievs before weare imadccloath, in our youth, whileswe bewooll iftrebe1 -dycd,it is like to Itickebyvs.Bat ifwewill seeedestedied purple , wee mull .be fodied as purple is taken in the:npacalyps : purple righteous in the blood of else Lambe. Whena man bad: longhad a ernitre feruäe,iie is Math to forgoehizn,hewill rather glue him double wages,fà is it with thedcueil,and thus for their continuance. Alp/bee (aide, of s young man-that had hued riotouiliein his, youth , and after wardfodainely concerted: I grad= true repentance is neuer toss late, but lace repentance is féldometrue. Therefore to make fureworke, let vs carrie the yoke in ouryouth. OftenGod dochpunifh thewant of his feare in our yourh,witis the ,rantof wifedome inourage, he punifheth the flesh with the world. Oh faith lcb, all thefe things that I fufier,are for the frnnesofmy youth, his con- fcience acculcd himof nothing elle. CHAP. 66. OfCadsVor/hir ndnf`el:giontrueandfadfe. Lthough theword of God is alwaies in fcafon tobeminiitred: yet mens bans °36Sa (bccau`cof;heir corruption) arenot alwaiesinfeafontorecemeit. Sarbanrpsi / : z The dinell dothotter ¡u es bringmen to taped-titian in a good thing; that afrer,vardhemiphl procure (heal to !raise isoff vttcrly. SuperRition. 3 Superiiitic n dothbreakeofflcue ill all eftates. 4 it is a great and fccree or;srcc thorough thecorruption of nature, toperfwade our To beprefent felues that wemay goe tofee idolatrie,though in heart wecontent not veto sr. Butdoubt- at themap Idle as bu the judgement of God we often fall him that finne, which before we did not boss daage- know, fü the offence is great. nit in refpeét ofour corruptionwhich naturally is giuess to IONS. fuperitition. Secondly, inrcfpeEhof our brethren, ifthey beftrong,togrieuetisenuifthey beweake,to offend them. 1sii dlv,in refpeftofGodsglorte,rhezealewhereoffliould snake vswith heroical)fpírita,so erseagaiult fuels fusse. 5 In the firitcommaundcmentthe fubitance ofGods worfhip is let (Towne, in tlsefe. tond theuteastes, -in the third the end; and inclicfourth, is the timepreferibed, wherein Godregosreth there thingsespecially are to beprafhsfrd. bodkin ¡the 6 Godre uiretdrehebodietoworf ip him aswelasthefoule ,andtherfore let himthat bodkin 9 r fhpómghim lrathantaretohtare, heure; hethathathatonguecofptake ,letlsiniffseahe5hethaehath ries cdscathe hands to lift vp, let himliftthenavp: andhe thác bath knees to bow, let him bow them. foule. .. There