Ofgods 1Vor/hip. There areftrange fpeeches to this ende in dieScripture, that not one y they that haue tongues fhouldpraife the Lord : butcuerythingthat bath breath; yea,he required) tobe praifed ofeuery bonein the bodic. The right and title whereby God chalengeth this ter- niceofourmembers,is becaufewe arehis, and when we were nothis,he redeemed vswith HOW iufttyGod à price.Firftthe clay wherofwe are madewas his, by creationofright hemaychimevs:he may cbaiiengc findcthvs hereathis owncharge,coft and expences,andfo by the teftimonie of the booke of vs toferae ofhis prouidenceweare his. The Lordbybleeding from his heart by the fpeare,from his nd wd:die hands and feete bythe nayfes,fromhis head bythe thornes purchafed vstohis feruice,and . f thereforehis title to thebody is good : wherefore againft the Anabapcifts andFamilias we fay,that as Godis the God ofthe fpirit, fohe is theGod.ofall flefh; and thoughhe will be worfhipped in fpirite, yetnot in fpirit onlybut in truthalto, which truth (beinghisword) requireththeferurceofthe body. So manythen as refufingthe congregation, making the corners oftheir Chambers oncly witneffes of their Religion, detraét from the Lord his worfhip. Butthey excufethemfeiues withfearing the fufpitionof hypocrites,aneafieflan- der,a thing that none canpurge himfelfe of, a cafe therefore tobe referred to the Lorde himfelfe. But thefe men of all otherdoe euillin fpeaking againft hypocrifie : for ifthey be nomore inward then theyare outward, if their Chamberholineffe be no more then their Chappellgodlineffe,then arethey ofall men molt miferable. ReadePfaline t 2x.42. and 8+ and68. andweMall fee theProphet Dauidhighly tomagnifiethat which they finallie accountof. 7 Many carnalimen thinke they can croftinGod and in riches to : they will carrie rYemull soh two bowftringsintothefielde, that if onefaile another mayferne. But wemull ferne God bey a darko either eueror neuer either inall or innone either duet whereorno where. There men as `torofa- s o Y jigionorofa will notfaywithChrift,one thingis neceflary,buttheywill ¡true Godandtheworld.Thus dorblrprofep tome pray to God, and perfonne their vowesto the diuell, tome are onely retainers to fen. Chrift andbeare his Inserir, but are indeede the b ruantsof finneand their ovine corrup- tion, tome bearethe markeofGod intheir foreheads and inprofefhion ; butthey beare themarke oldiebeast in their hands and conuerfation: we dareand snuff credite the Lord withourroutes, why fhouldwenot creditehim withourbodies alto ? God knoweththat wearebut fraile,and he hauing madevs willPurelypreferuevs. 8 The placewhereGod is worshipped, is called in the Scriptures,Theprefewce andfief efebo Lord. hisoftentimes faid in the Pfalmes, thatwe muftcome before the faceof the Lord,andthey thateateOf thefacrifices arePaid to catewiththe Lord. Thereforewhenwe Godsprefence. come tohearetheword, to pray orto receiue the Sacraments, we come earn before the Lord,wherehethewethhisprefence morecleerely., although wherelòeiser webewe are in hispretence : foras the power ofthe Prince is cuffall theland, yet his chiefepretenceis in simile. the court, fo is the pretenceoftheLord chiefely indiehouleofprayer,though hebeeuery Ecdef.4.rb where: which ifmen would rightly confiderof,then would they alto takelieede with what feetethey enterinto thehoule ofthe Lord, andwould notbe fo bolde as to come thither withoutpreparation, nor topafle awaywithout any meditationof that which they haue done or heard.The, wantofthis perfwafhon caufeth all careleflèneffe,both before and af- ter,and whenweare prefent.1fthis kindeofdealing,will notbe liked norallowedof any worldlyPrince; that men fhould be admitted to theChamber ofpretence, and yet care notwhat they fpeake norhowthey beleeue tleinfelues : Purely the Lordwill not alwates bearewith furls asabufe the houleof prayer,and irreuerentlybehauethemfelues inhisho- lypretence: though fora timehePuffer them,yet certainelyin theend hewill be lure top- Maf.r. nail it inoftgrieuoul lie. Thereforewelled need tobe watchful! ouer our(clues both foules end bodies, ieaftby abufing ourfelues beforethe face of theLord, we prouoke himvnto anger,andcaufe hisdifpleature tofall uponvs. 9 In thebeginningofour gracious Soueraigne her raigne, itwas vfitallie (aide, that the dearths that then were, wasfor the new learning. Afterwardsthe Lordeféntpeace and wealth, aswee doenow fee : wherebyhee giueth vs tovnderftand, that it is lice that broughtchem£rompoperiefothatnowhereafternonecan complaine.Whereforethe doeenoagobietü- finne verygrieuouflie that fhall fay the Golpell bath brought dearth,difeales,and warre. Gelpoll. rbg 0o 3 For 425