426 OfCods Wor¡hip. For wecan all teftifie,that theGolpell bathbrought peace,plentie,andhealth,wbichifwe will not.beleeue,then theLord will roomvs out,though for hisname and glortesfake, and for his (bnneChrilts fake,he will raile vp a feedeafter vs, that (hall coddle this coins glo_ rie,as WC fee in the example ofthe Ifiaelites, whichbad a Iefuahand a Caleb. But as heel_ nifhed the £gyptiansbrcaufe theywere ignorant, and the Ili-Mitesbecaule they abuled knowledge; as hepunifhed theIfraelitesbecaufe they wouldnot worfhip him, and puni. NoteOtis flied the/Egyptians becaufe they would not fuffer them to worfhip lum: fo helnathpoh¿_ proportion. i, (bed thePapifts,becaulè they werefalfeworthippers, and theProteltants for that theya.. bole the true worfhip t and as he punuhedthe Papifts, becao'è theywould not luñr the Lord to beworflupped 5 fo will hepunifh theProteftanes, iftheywill notworfhip hip) in 1pirit and truth,forthere is likeproportion. Mal.s.14,15,16 to Saineari11 lay, chat can wegaine by hearing1tlie es ord, ran ayo par by prayer; Oar houfeholdemuff be prouided for: ifwe couldcome by our lining lb calilie as louse doe,or ifwe were aswell to hue as furla man is,we would re rueGnd then as well ai any of them, they mayferueGod freely, and without any cares tohinderthem,we mutt take paises for our lming,nece(rtie callethvpon vs to follow our labour, But deft thou not kngwc,0 man, that the Lorde leaning theein this neede, cloth now penile thee, whether thou feriaehim fbr thineowoeeaie, or forh is glorielakel If thoudoe not now difeerneof thy temptation, and applie thy felfe to the feruingof God, in hearing, praying, reading, and thinking of hisword, but doeft ina grechie care leckeafter earthly things, be cure that if thou be his fonne,hewill atone time or other corrcét thee, and by one way or ocher.waine thy mindefrom their outward things: but ifthou belongnot to hiscovenant of grace, he may perhaps glue thee thy dofire, and leauethee alfowithout correétien, which is a ligne ofabaftard,but at the lait he will cut diceoff from the things that thy chiefe deljghtis io, and finally thou Ihalt per¿th euerlaltingly in hell. Hew pro- 5 r Whenmenwill not hearken veto the truth, then will he giue them vp tobtlecue nifhethhtach as liesiand when theywill not regard his faithfull minifters, that labour avicb them só bring re.eeueaot his them toholineflè,then will be leauc them to fuch deceittbil maoçkçrs as lhall pleafe them truthinloue is prophanenefíè. And as it fared with Pharaoh, and Isis people that would nor belecue 1.hef.z.l t. Jethro no Pa- lates. 'FriuliofPali- give. Moos, but hearkened tothe forcerers ofEgypt : fo íhall it tare with all thole that will not beteeue Gods faithfuls feraancs,tite truePreachers and Mini!,ers ofthe Golpell,but willbe led and headlongly caried with pop ¿(b Seminaries, and filch ,,nicked guides asdowse f.lfe doobrine, and leadethem into all errorsand heretics. The Sorcerers could not takeaway the plague ofthe Frogges,&c.but iudeede they coined inn, to coutc,svherebytheKir.gand his people werethe more troubled : fo is it in all fallcreligion, they will bring men into many tronbles,buttheycannot 'wipe themout of one, they scullhelpe to perfa61 Mine in Men, but they cannotridmen ont of one G::ne. it is proper co the word ofGodnnely,and to the true doétrinedeliuered out of thelame, that min ¿t _reel comfort to Gods people in their troublcs,and flayed) then) in their ddtrehi s,asDaurdfaith ,Exçeprzhylanehadbocamy delight, I hadperilhedin my troubles, P12,411. s 59.9 a. Wherefore it in death, and in troubles we will be qusckned and comforted, let òs delightin the ilatuees of the Lord, andwholy depend s ponthe dobtrine.of his word. to Motes measnot fo.well whenhe was inMadian,as if be had been in Canaan, yet better thenwhen limas in Egypt: for though Ietbro bad not theworfhip of God pure in curry refpeéb yet was not bee an Idolater. For, then Mofes would not have dwelt with Inn), nor yet hastefacrificed withhim, if hehad offered to afIrangeGod. Whence ave!carne two things ; the firf,that ifwehauethe cliefe andprincipali poyntsof religion with vs, although there may be lousewants and defe Cis, yet that we makemuchof Gods great blefing therein,and labour carefully and diligently to ofè them;fitewing our Iclues thankefull toGod for them ; fo will the Lord in his due time beltowemowblellìngs vpon vs, andm¿sifter that whichis avartiug veto vs. Seconcily,thatthe Lordwill alwates haue Cotir, to keepe his truth,to the alone ofhis oavnename,and the condemnation ofthe wic- ked. jerhroesreligion may be cried bychylenotes. i. That luercioycedmore far the dcim- ucrauscc c/Gods people, ditemi/or else promotion cl his: lóinne. x. Becaulèl:ewas carefoll to