Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

OfRegener4tson anidfanHiftcation. toconfirme his faith,by the experience of them which had receiued greater graces. 3. Be- caufehis ioy did breake out into an open pofeflion offacrifice. 4. His diume Ipeech and good counfailewhich he goneto Mofis,dothceififie that hewas a pure worfhipper ofGod; at theleaft he held the chiefelf,andwas nota nouicein religion. Bylethro his example we maylearne to trie our religion, ifit be pure, then it worker) in vs a care to We all the aneanes. a. We take toy in them. 3. We exprefiè thefruits of it in our life. q.. Were- ioycemore at theproiperitieofGodspeople, than atour owne preferments orconno- ditte. CHAP. 67. 427 Of`Degeneration,andSan6fsfication. T is a greatermiracle that a man fhouldbecomea newcreature,than a man fhould be curedofneuer foPrange a difeafh. Hereuntoagree the Prophets,as Efay. t t. where it is (hewed, that men as fanage as wilde beaffs shall change their nature,and become tanre,fo that the Prophet bogwondérn counter) this a miracle : yea, ifwee our fèlues Paw thewilde beaffsta- full. med,wee wouldcountit a miracle. The Fathers thinke that the rege- `.iteratingofa man is more miraculous, than toturne water intowine : simile. for thewine is of the grape, thegrape is ofthetrec, thetree is nouri(hed by water, fo that wine aftera fort Bothcome of water:to that the one is morecommon; the other is to bring out onecontrary out ofanother,aud a thingof that which (lath no caufe goingbefore,and hethat marueilechnot at the conuerfionof men,heflat) not tatted ofthe gift ofregènera- tion,andnew birch. a Men inuft firft be made, byfeeling of their finnes, to feeke after Chrift; then by an hohefaith to finde Chriff;and thenbynewnelfe of lifeto dwell with Chrilf. 3 We hauenothing to doewithGod theFather,the Sonne, or the holy G vnleffe we be regenerated. .4 As wee haue takena vaine delight in the vaine courfeof this life ; fowee mutt figh We mugdc- and pray,to be delighted fpirituallyinfpirituall thiugs.If the blond ofChrift harp waffled light #ttstua6 vs from theguiltineflè ofour finues,then theholyGholh bath purged vs from theEilthines LY l "1f=unraall Pi ofour nnes. thüigs. S Thercafon why the graces ofGod are fweeteft inour new birch is, betookwee doe afterthe fame,fallfomewhat to the f c hagaine,otherwife it wouldnot be fo. And regene- ration(Ioh. ;.)is the work of the fpnit only, although in refpeff ofvs it feemethcontrarie bettveenevs and the world : for theworld thinks thepleafures prefent alwaies fweeteth:fo pff8elr "a' doe not the children ofGod, euenof their fpiritualldelights, nay theyare contrarie in an other thingto themlelues, for theythinke their prefent corruptions andtemptationsever greateft,as in fickemen, theTait ficknelfe is the foref, but they thinke the prefent feelings of euer leaf,though it may be,they be asgreat as euer theywerebefore :bor-wino knoweth thecaufe ofthefe things, Peeing it proceedeth wholy from thefpirit ofGod,who asthewinde blower) here and there,and in what mea are it pleafetlrbirn; 6 Seeingweare the temples wherein the Lord evillvouchlafetodwell,itisgood reafon we ilaould cicanfc ourfelues. In refpe t whereof, fieli the ProphetEfay.5 a. r r. and then 4he poltle, t. Cor.6. t-y.buildingt heexhortationofclenfing, prefuppofe this, tharwhere Godwill; dwell there is a placeclenfed,and indeed a temple. y There is no man ofiudgement,that thoughin otherplaces lies thinkes many things la+:vfullÿoroche lealiindifferent in their owne nature to be done, yethe will not dothem in.ths temple. So confhquently, if wee beGods temple (as curry Chriflian ought to be YVeare Gods where . onerhegoes) wemuttbecleanfed. Againe,forthattheLordbathmadevsprie fts,Temple. 40duve,rr. uff carets the velfeis ofthe Lord,thereforewemuft beBeane., Reuel.r. forprieffs weraaaclsanle others,and therefore goodreafon itwasthey flouldbecleane : and wee,if Oo 4 we