Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

q,z8 OfTegenèrationand firnîfification.. we will be cleanfers ofothers,neceffarily the muttbe Beane our felues. Yet thereis a third argument,Iere.3r. t.which is aloft effeetuall,and that is,becaufe oar heauenlyfätherisbelie. And ifthismouevs not,we arerather asferuantsholy,for feareofthe whip:orwe aremer_ cenaries,we will cleanfeour feluesforhopeof reward. God ourfather is dune, therefore weehischildrenmutt be alto cleane. God is of pure eyes,and no defiled thingmuff enter into thenew Ierufalem: whereforewee muffcleanfeour felons, becaufe weebe theLords purge oeme Temple,bccaufe webe Prieffsibecaufe our fatheris cleane andholy.A tldng is filthie in the r felues,andbow Law,either bytouching another thingthat is vncleane, or which bath vncleaneiffue in it manynayeswe felfe,fo that there aretherekinds of pollutions : the firft,if we touch an vncleanething: a may bedefiled. thing vncleaneoficfelfe,asaleaper:andchus,ifweetouchfin ,orthediuell,oranylimtit r ofthediueil,which be things vncleane,wee'hall beallovndeane. Thecaufe is, pitch will z defile a man. There is a fecondkind, which is this: we know that water,for asmochas it is a baler fubltance thanthewine,though in it Idleit be nomeerevncleane thiag,corrup- teth the winebeingmixedwith it:In like lórt,the creaturesthe thingsofthis world,though they benot wholyvncleaneof themfelues,yrt becaufe they be things ofa baler condition. 3 thanour foulesare,ifour heartsbe fet onthem,theypollute vs. Thereis a thirdkind,and that is notby touchingany vncleane thing,butby becomming impure byit ownenature: Note. and this is thetouch ofourDrone reafon,ofourorbne wit, of our owne imaginationsproceedingof Tic.r.rf ourfelues,whicb will defilevs: thoughwe touch neither the dt'uell,nor theworld. And indeede this isfucha kinde ofdefiling, as comes by a mans owne fweate,or by our owne blood, being polluted in it Idle, as the babe which Godpared by, Ezech.r6.4.5.6. From thefe kinder offiithines weemutt be deanfed. And yet there is another manner of cleanfing, andthat is putdowneforvs, Leuit. i 3.48.where it -is 1poken of a warpe or woofe which had beendefiledwith theplagueof leprofie,that (hall bewaffled. Andyet although the Prieftfeeit becleane,it(hall not be cleane,vntill it be waffledthefecond time,verf55.We muffproceedfrom cleanfing withlope tocieanfr with Fullersearth,and withNitre. Now, howthiscleanfingmuff be, the Lord Iefus fhewetb, Ioh. r s.3.4. Nowareye cleanse through theword which Jhauefpokénvntoyou shut the fpirit worketh by the word.lnBaptihnewee arecleanfed,it is not thewater chat cleankth vs, but thefpiritwhich is asa fire: howbeit this fire bathoyle to minder matter to ir, which is theword. This word is that, which quickeneth and inlameth vs: and this is notonely holy init felfe, but it maketh vs holies alfo,ifwe belceueit. we wall 8 If weewere to becleanfed but frons Comekinde of fiklsines,itwere ancaufe swatter, tbraugbly we wouldearly conclude it.For thereis no man,but cleanfethoffTome filthines, no man waffledand bath all the fpotsthat are mentioned, but to be(couredfrom all : this makes thepurifica- janlíified. Lion full. It ;staid,Herod heard John, andhee heard himgladly,and bee did many good things. So hewas cleanfedin manythings,but not inall,when it cameto thefweete finne, Thou (halt not hauethy brothers wife,which fhould hauemadevp all,then he broke off. WhenFelíx,A6l.24.had heardPads tnatter,hegane him libertie, but withal' liehoped he ihçuldhave gotten fomemoney,fo that his heart wasnot wholy cleanfed. Ananias and Saphira,Aet.p.gaue agreat partofall their pofCefl'ions to theApoftles : but allcame not, theykeptbacke a pence. Naaman (z.King. f.) would worlhip and facrificeto none, but to thetrueGod : but yet hee would haue the houfeof hismatter Rimmonexcepted,toof- fer to theGodMoloch. Somay wefayofourtimes. The Bethulíanswould haueatwine to fettleGod in : theyweretearmers,but it was butfor a time.This(all)then is thatwhich ourt:oEifica- makes allperfed. And thenis It tvittilie laidofa Father,of this word Carholike: Mit fig- tion mull sot nifiesanvniuerfrtieofall,asthatGod bathaCatholikeChurch ,thatis,in all ages,andsa beofouepart. allpl aces,andofall effacesofsnen,a Church ; fome thinketh, that they are good Catho- likes chatare fanótified throughout, that willwholy cleanfe themfelues, So then we muff throughlybecleanfed, that is, both in the flefh, and in the fpirit, asz.Corinth.7.l.bothin heart and in hand, Iam.4. In theHebrue tongue it is worth the obferuation, how two 7hegodlyare, wordscommonly co this effeóì: runne together: theone is, that wee snuff beflraighe, as . r.5traight. wereall theSaints, 7ob, Paul,andDaniel ,who werealwaiesftraight: So mutt they bee that deale withGod ; theysnuff haue no crookednefcin them : theword (asI thinke)isalla' ding