Of andfanEf(cation, 4.29 ding rothe outward timberin a building. The other word fignil.esSauild. It muff not be aSeund. hollow,though it bettreight. So that there two mutt goe together,flraight, andfound: we simile. " mutt neither becrooked, no hollow. So referringthefe to theSaints ofGod, whom wee named,if youTooke to their outward pares,theywere firaighr,if youTooke to their in- ternals, they were found, This then ferueth well for twoforts of mcn,wüicharc both1w- pocrites. There bee Mine men thatwill bearethe world in hand, that thebelt fide is in- Imofora of ward,and thework outward, asthe Nicodentites, who, howfbeuer they doe outwardly, me hrfocrrrer inwardlytheyworthyGod deuoutly. Others there arecleane skinned, men ascleane as Alabafteroutwardly, butinwardly they be dillémblers, and theyare contrarieto the o- ther,andbeare the world inband, that the beltudc is utward . Thefeliase thecleanneire oftlieliefli, ihough not ofthe 1pirit:as the ocher thinke, they haue the cleanad:" of the fpirit,thoughnotof the tlefir, and rhefe be meere dangerous difl'emblers, Ifaman bowro Baal,one may lera (potofhis knee,and yet hewill haue a cleane fpirit, he is an hypocrite. Well,we mullnor behalfe Chrittians, wee mutt begood Cacholikes, cleane throughout, cleane both in theflefli,andin the fpirit. 9 Thefleili is Pure avery corrupt thing, and wee fhould footle fèeit but for the flefh, which is as faitto keepeit fromputrifying for a while, which if it be gone, the fleu r cor- rupts ftraight,wliichwe fhould fee,if weewould but take the viewofa dead manout of the grace: It is but arotten thing,and therefore allthat is bellowed onit,is laid uponthat, which in theendwill makeall as rottenneffe it l'elfe.' They therefore doe euill,that lay out all their fubltance on their fleflr,for itwill rot : in regard whereof, theApoltle bids vs not to rake any great thought for it, or toprouide much for thelotis thereof, Rom.i . All that comes of the flefh,a adall that ends in the&this filthic, and therefore weemutt not make ourdrib a Oecne,or as a Paradife on earth. ro Our Sauiour Chrift faith,our righteoufnefe muff exceed the righteoufne flè ofthe rye,nRfan Scribes and Pharifèes,therefore not to exceedethe Pharikes, not to exceede heretikes, tt,fiebou: body naynot to exceedethe Heathenmen,but to want coon the outward good things which ood bobe to the they have,fheweth thatall our Religion is in vnine. And yet to cleanle hand,faute, eye, T°R s',sand tongue,and all without,is calledbutthe cleaningof the outfideof the platter. But 'veepapfir!:axe muff not tellhere,weemutt got yetfurther, andbe pure in !fart : for, Bland arethe pore better reteard inbeact, filch tliait recriur the blef Ting.- Wee had great need: to cleanfc our fpirits : for throbs than as they retained theimage ofGod before Mine came, fonow being corrupted, they are 'TYeu' nioft corrupt. For curry thing degenerating into a contrarie nature to that, which it ""rs' was,is mademolt contrarie. Thebonya very f,veete thing,yet when it is often puri,Sad,spiit, many haue a moltbitter matterof it. SoGod hisnature isgentle, and hee is long ere he beprouoked towrath : but whenbee is angrie,who is able to abide his wrath ? donne goeniountaines andNils, andall before him : fo theperfedîeft dart ofman being euill, is ofallthings molt abominable to the Lord.. This deceiues all loen, to thinke Mine good thing ja left in them. But if thetongue which Ipeakeths out ofthe abundance ofthe hcarr, hale but the ouerplusand lüperfluttie of the heart, be a world of wickednetfe, (as Saint lames faith)how muchwickednefre thinkeye is in the heart? Nay,the finneof thelpirit is foeuill, that the Lord hatesthe (Mall finoking acmes of it,euen thevery euaporatrons which attend out of it. Therebe Lomemotes init, which in thedarke cannot be ferne, as in timeof fuperftìtion,becaufe of their palpable ignòranee, they cannot be discerned :but whentheSonne beatnes connnetlu, tlsotclittlemotes are¿pied. Vocal this Sunne beanie hadMined toPaul,he.conld not fee theftmotes, but afterwardhe law, that ThomArtie floe Iafl,was a great thing,and thenteeing his motes,he fell out ofconceipt with hímfclfe. Our fine fpirits now adaies will admit Religion,bur theywill mingle it with that filthineflc, thatcomes Out ofthemfelues,Iineane their owne wittie conceits. Thus wee fee, that a man thatwill grow vp to the cleerehope of a better life,üee snuff be cleanfed from all fil- thinetfe of the fpirit, cues fromhis fineft frnnes : forotheriyile theywill worke him woe enough. rr Touchingfunlitificacion, wee muff haue our direfion out of theOld Teftament, What is re. fwdwee mutt confider,whether our thoughts, words and worker be cleaufed frour their'9uired to be outward frabtifed.