4;o Of??eaeneration andfancfrfication. outward corruptions, and though wet be not guiltieto men, notwith(tandingIfay,out thoughts arenot fine. And all things areimpurevntothe Lord, vnleßé they be fequet}red and madeimpropriate to God:lo that,ifwe hauefen our verythoughtsapart toGod,then there is a holineflebegun, end thenwe are meete not enely for meare, but fora fana(fied vlè.Tovnderlfand this the better, weanft know that the Iewes (who refereevs by pro., r ortionoffagat&cation to the (gees which the law bath fen downe) fay, that lùndrie bealis lcruing for ovate ouely, were not vncleane, but if they come to anholy vfe, they were vncleane. Sowe,though webe notvncleane in there outward things, yetthat is not encugh,wee Inuitbe cleane alfo to fcruetheTemple, and holy as the Temple that is holy, Nowthedifference ofthe beau}svied in theTemple and other commonbeaffs is in this, the bea itsvfedcoa coalmen vfe were vied in many things, but thofeof the Temple were vied bistto one.Sòif webe to feruefor a holy vfe, weeunlit notbefor when and for what welili,but takenvp in thoughc,word anddeede toferuethe Lord : wee arenot tobeftow our thoughtsonattthings,but to referee them to theLord nediatly or iaunediatly. ourfasEïifrca- . rz Certaine it is,that tothe clean lingof our felues,as it was in the Law, that thegold lion mutt be and liluer beingcleanfed for the feruiceofGod,had fuck a defiling by theferuiceof Idols, continual( asid that no water could wails them cleane enough, but being nester to well purged, yet they i,satperfrEted muftofnece(lìtie pal etitorongh the fire: fo wee fay of.ourcorrupt nature, though wee vntillour re- cleanfe it,and cleaneeit very oft andvery much being fo much corrupted both of it felfe furreûion. Y Y a Death is the and with the touch ofoutwardthings; yet it mutt needesgoethorough fire, and pate by complement ofdeatb,which mutt throughly purge it, without which it cannot whoiy bepurified. Forbe-. onemortifiea- foreanvniuerfall cleanfing there Inuit beadiffolution ofnature. Theremay beOther fer- tion. olees Co vie Invs,as therewas oftbolebeaftsthat were for locate: but when weInuit come: to that one and immediate feruiceof God,therecannot beany,vnti( our naturebe 'Death. ued,andarepalledthoroughthefurnaceofdeath,andlowefhallbefreedfromallfilthi- nes. In the cane feafonthe crackesand breaches ofour narure,and the corruptioncrept' intothe bones,finewes,and veines hidden in the fccrec parts betweene the marrow and thetoynts, (svisither,the Apohl e faith,theword ofGod clodspearce, Heb.a. r a.) Itneane rofui(ir the the (innsof naturall corruption (hall not be laidto ourcharge, and for other pollutions. daps of out in our fouleswee are to (trine again(t them, and togrow vp m.the feare ofGod, which, fivróisfcatioa. (z.Cor. y. t.) istofulfill,asthe VirginMaryfu!filledthe daies of her purification, the daies- ofour fanaification, Thewordis taken from thetext of the bookeofNumbers,where rs, r the daiesofconfecrating a Nazaritemuff be fulfilled. He iheuld be ninny dates incleanfing . hii:tfèlfc,which if were not fulfilled, his(anal &cation fhouldnot be nerfeet. So thatifr The jolt-14o- theNazarite continued thusvntill the end, then he fhonldbe free: but if even the verse tionofaNa- night beforehis timewas ended hetouched anyvncleane thing, thenall thatheedidbe- arite. fore wasvoide,andhe was to begin all hisdaies againc,fórbee was impure. For fo longas anypartofthe fanEh:fication is tobe done,all is vnperfea.This ismore cleerely fet dower, Numbao. t r .s z.where mention is madeofpurifyingthe third day, and the festenth day, and ifthe mantouching the deaddidnot fulfill eueryday,thenthough he came.neere the end,and fulfilled notthe end,he fhouldbe impure ftrll : ifhe purified nothimfelfetbethird day,he (hould not becleane the feuenthday. Soweemuff not deliveran hol(neffe toGod fora time,or in fomçcaufes,orfor fotnepatents : but we snuff thoroughlyfulfill the dales dourholines,not prcfenting (I fay) a maimed bollnes : as in theLawitwas not permit- ted forantan to offer alame or manned bealt,thoughit wanted but thetaile,which was a fusallthing ,yet cumfor that defeathe Lordrefufed it. Therearea great manyof profef- fors,whichwould-swedes be inen fanâified,but they are.loath to becleanfed,and tofulfill the daiesoftheir hòlines. They will gce a while, a day,or twodaies theywill not come to' thethird ,and then they are vncleanethe fruenth day, and fo all their labour is invaine. Others,when they cannot away with tinsPriasses to continue,fay onthismanner:Seeing we arePill vnperfeóh,lctvs bevnperfealy vnperfebt,let vs be vncleane ftill,letvs prepare rivers offinite : for Christ (tied ftreantes ofblood, the snorewee finne, the greater glorie. will come toCltrift.And thus they standataftay,their holines isa ¡tendingholines,it Ills not,it Panda at aItay,they arenoperfea Nazarites,they füU lie in their pollutions: their motions