°fRegeneration andfanElification, z t motionsare from the honk to theChurch,and from theChurch homeagaine,and at the Atrae defirip- yeeres end they areasholy as in the beginning oftheyerre:they go andgo tothe Church, trot: of ourig andmake many voyages,as anhorte in the Millmakes many circuits, who labours Stillprst a+d,dle frommorning vntill night, and thenhee is but whereher wasat the firft : fo they arein a Sim eauts. motionfrommorningvntill nighc,andat nighttheirare men where they were when they begun in themorning. There is another fort not Sanding tä11, but they make manybe- ginnmgs:and when theycome to thethird.day they begin againe,and againe,and againe, Rill theygotbacke,and then theymutt beginagaine,and fo they come to holinellèby fits. Thefe many beginnings are not good. There is but one motion commanded,but it rnuft be continued,weinult fulfill our many daies,whenwe haue oncebegun, we mint not de- fileour felues to becomenewNazacites. Neither muft weRand at aItay,butgoe forward: but ifhappilywe doefall,weemutt take a viewofour felucs,thatifwee fall not the fecond time,we willfulfill our daies indeede. The equine hereof Rands in this, the Lord refpeêts the fruic,andnot the blo(loure. He calleshimfelfe Alpha,the beginning, for he is fo; but in refpea oftheendheis alloOmega. Sonmft ithand withthem, that are hisTemple, They niult not be onely Alpha, but alfoOmega, they nzuft fulfill their hólinelle. In regarde whereof,we feeEzech. o. thatthemourners aremarked, st iswith the letter Tau, which is the laft letter in theHebrue Alphabet, and it betokeneth an end, toThew they hadnot guaninesand (tarts °Ewell doing,but theywere inenfulfilling their daies. Wee know the treesinGodsOrchard, are Palmes and Cedars. Thenature ofthe Palme tree is togrow ThePalme being young, and to beare fruitecontinually : theCedar though it be long indeede ere tree. itgrow,yec when they bring forth they beare fruite long, and when theyare very olde. So they, that areplanted in the Lords houle, the older they growe, the more fruite they Rom.5.i*. bears, being of thenature of the Cedar growing fromfaith to faith, not making-many beginnings. And if the Lord be not content co abound, but to oaer-abound in mer- tie, then malt wee allo euen abound more andmore, in mercic, grace, and fin }ifica- tion. t 3 It is not poffiblewithout of liélion to enter in Chrifts kingdome, exceetyeeSap ofAfitîinr. that cttp,andkebaptiiedwith thathaptifrne,thathemarbaptizedwith : Why ? But here is now noperfecution. Surely ifwee hauenotEfsuer (word, wee (hall bePure to haueLfhmaels tongue,and that is worfethan a two edged (word. This time will affoord no fliarper,but when thebeast (hall be lootedagaine,hut when theDogge-daiescome inagaine,wee muff !came ioyfully to receive theother,and toaccompt a chaine ofgold Idle honorable,than afetterofyron,which Sallbe clapcvponvs for Chrisand his Gofpellfake. 04 Thebellte was the firft fword the diuell drew againftman. Paid luth toTimuthie, Temperance drinke no morewater: in ficknelfe or infirmitieswe haue leauem drinkewine,otherwife arid abftinenee wemuff takeheedofwine whereinthereisexceffe. Noah thought thatafter thegreat wa- pra filed el ter,winewould haue doneMtn nohurt, but it madehimalaughing !lock to hisowne (òn. Gad' ebilEes The childrenofIfrael did Bate and drinke, and then role vp toplay, for they had not fo much lust beforemeate :and whatplay playedthey atthat time? That which made Mofes brake theTablesfor anger. Lot did molt fhamefully abate hisbodie, wherethough bee cannot be aceufed for wilfulneffe, yet hee may be condemned ofnegligence. And what childrencame ofthat Rock?Purely the wafhpot,and the makercleane of thooes,the ene- Lotspoteritie: miesofGod lies children,which might notbe receiuedafter fourteens generations. When Eliabwas tobe prouidedof God, tohaue him his Cater,what meate fed he of? A cake s'Ksag.s9'6. bakteon the coales,andapot of water:might not Godhaue cent him rois sueate andba- ked meare ? But heknew it was not heft for him. SoDaniel being in the Lyons den,God might aseauly haue caught one of Nabuchadnetearcgarde,carrying a feruicevp to the Kingsboard, to bringmeare toDaniel: he feazed upon Habacucke carrying the Reapers their meate,which I thinke was butan homely femme. Elifha when he madea let Salt for the yongProphets,theyhadnothingtodinner but a fewworts,andtherewere Coloquin- tidaesamongthem to. Daniel dunknotventer on the Kings fare,but put vpa luppfica- tion,thatthey might hauenothing but gruelL S leistoo vnnaturaI toyoke the fpiritunderÿ dells in molt miferable thraldomc,to fee the