Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

43, Ofthe Sabboth.' the crowne on herhead tomake her a Ladie, and to compel' the fpirit to takelawes,io. iun&ionsand commandettrentsat her hands;to fit herat the helme,and to makeherword to flan,;and ifthe lay, I will, that thou abufe thy bodie with furfescings, drunkcnneffe, Simile. adukene, ic Mull bedussewhatfocueriscolt. Whythis is tofetablind bode, oranrandy usad horiè formoll in theteenre t this is to lawoffour owneLeggeof tle/h,and to getvs on a wooden legge; this in to take the Crowne,theScepter,and the kingdomefrom the Ohne tree,and Pigge tree,aod to glueit to theferatching and vnprofitableBramble, which will ferue vs to no vie but to f cratchvs by thehands. True it is, it goeth well with thisbodie of finne, that isfhouldbefo , anditgoechtoher heartittisotild beotherwifc. But alascon. Theßfhmufl fider, though to a inan ruled by the fleftr, adulterie be at che firft as fweeteas the hony sot rule. coin be, and as (Mooch as the oyle,yec the end is very wormewood: nay,nay, it is a pear- eing lss oril. Though wine in the glalle bath a goodly Tooke, yet at lath it flingeth like a Serpent, and bitech like aCockatrice. Though to bevnruly in wringingand opprelfrng, grudge not the cenfcience awhic ç though flolnewater be fweete,and breadpnuily eaten hail: a good mac; yetinthe end their mouth lhail be full of grauell, and Sichems whore. dome will end withofword,andAchanr'Babilonilhgarment will colthim hisflare blood. Farre othermileis the condition of the foule thanthisof thebodie: for whereas weehaue needeof a table and fiindriemeates to cherifh our bodie, of a pot and limdrie drinkesCO refre lh it, of doodles towrap it in, of medicines to false ir, and ofmany otherthings to f.spportand beare it vp to the foule:to die foule there is but onething neccffàrie,euen " Faith. faiths inCbrill, this isto it the bread that camedown from heauen, the rivers ofwater flowing to euerlalling life : this is Efaues Coate that flüelleth fo well in Ifasco noflrels, this isthe foueraine planter, this is all in all. Okhow much better is that, that needcthbet 'one thing? Bythis faith weeobtaine the rewardpromifedvs. True it is ivemull figlie; and Mote. ouercomming, wee fhallhaue the reward.Howbeit,Godclothnot otsely let beforevs the reward,and intaileth it to vs, but bee giuethvs allé ttroiercome,hee affftethvs,hee en- couragetl:, he finiteth for vs, he dot( allfor vs,he giucthvs themeans : onelythis here- quired), that if wee ferle our felues oüermatched, wee will but crie ro him, ifourlreart (wile vs to fay to him,thou arc our buckler. Let vs thereforeprelle downe the flefh,and exalt the fpirit. CHAP. 68. OftheSabboth. NExod. t 6.4.wcmay readehow theLordwouldtrie thechildren ofIf. rate, whethertheywould keepe the Sabboth or no: hee applieth the fameipeech in particular for tise keepingofthat day, whichgenerally islet downe for keeping thewhole law, ro the end that ar diligentas they wouldbe to keepe allthe law, fo diligent fhould they be tokeepe his Sab- o baths and thatthey might doe this the better,both in keeping it them- felues and committing it to puferitie, the mercieof God iscommen- ded hercin,that lie st maidglue them doubleManna for theSabboth day. The like inertie flee gasse to this people when they were in daunger ofmarre, that the enemies thatday fhould not inuade diem. Now although the Lord dealt not in the famemanner withvs, yet rise lassie promue is made tovs, to take away that toomuch carefulnesofprouilon, which weemight exculeour felues by. Then wee fhould truth to this promife,and equitie thcreo,as Pao!alleágeth ir,r.Cor.8.that albeit theLord vfethnotrhefame meanes tode- fendvs andpreferuevs,yet ive maybe lure tharhewill euer defendvs andminifher toour neceilitie. a The keepingof this commandement, is thekeepingof all the tell, asthe'breach of this is the breads of all the tell :forfohe faith,Exod.r 6. ,$.That theIfraeliceshad broken his commandements,when thisonewas onelybroken. 3 The Thoreligious obferuatmn of ClueSabboth.