Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

OftheSadboth. 433 3' Thewant ofehetruedoarineof the Sabboth liath bredtwo extremities. Firítin Pa- Two extremi- piftry,it brought fomanyholy dayes. Secondly in the Gofpell,many controuertiesaboùt tiesfor "ant the ceremonies. pf thereligious 4 Of theauncientFathers, fomethought thatthisda wascereinoniall, arid thereforetWb /eesraabatitooaü. of wasappointed of the Church, as otherdayes might alto beappointed, and haue been as we fee : Otherfomeaid it was meereceremonial!, and nowis ceafed,fo thatnow there re- mained) acontinualt Sabboth : others feekinglibertie,hauebeen contentto vfe k, astheir occafion ferued. S In Exod.r6.Afofes(peakethofthe Sabboths,asa thingthacwasin vfe before, and camenotin withhisminiftery;and therforeno reafon is fhould beabolifhed withthe fame. 6 Whatfoeuerwas requifite to Adam in hisinnocencie, and tokeepe himfrom fin , is now requifite in regenerationto helpe vs out of fin:if Adam beingperfite had yet needof meanes, then muchmore we,whole regeneration is vnperfite. 7 If Adam beingcleanefrorn fn,hadyet need ofineanestokeepe him there from:much more.we, from whom the dominion of tin is but onely takenaway , and yettheremnants Of limebe within vs. ' This kinde ofreafoning is good, for wee vfe itagamft heretikes, to pronethe necef icieof theWord and Sacraments. Adam had needof theWord and Sa- craments, hauingthe Word in his heart and inthe outward Coinmandemenr, therefore haue weneedeof thefeas hehad, thoughwecould cometo theperfeétionof Adam(which as yet wecannot)conrraryto the Anabaptift. Theywill fay, we arerifenagaine; then let them not eat, let themnot marrie, let them (hew rhemfelucs voyd ofall humane infirmi. tie, whichmuffneeds be,ifwe berifen againe, for then fhould webe like Angels. 8 The Commandemcnt titheSabboth is of fuch nature , that itwas giuen for our in- firinitie, as is manifell,forto himall daies are alike, thereforehe bleffed it to man.Gen.o. r In that he is laidto lànaifie it, hedid it not forhimfelfe, but formen, ashe is Paid ro lanai- The f;o4tiB- fie'or blare the Creatures for mans vfe. Aman mutt labour fixeayes, and leadea life cationoftbe athiue,and the feneuthdayhemuftleadeaiiferònteniplatiue in hauingafpiritualivieofsabboth. the Creatures. Why would the Lorde hauethe garden dref 'ed ?even for that it might be snore glorious : for therewas the Summerand Winter, budding andfalling of the leafe, which the Lordwrought by meanes:Euen as needful wasitthatthefoule ofAdam'flrould simile. bee drelled that lie rnaghr grow for althoughlice was made in the ImageofGod, yet fo that he fhouldgrowvp therein. And this Commandement is for our imitation, it rs plaine by this reafon, becaofethat the lanewords that are heretoperfwade him tothe obedience of thisCommandement, is vied, Exod. t o.toperfwadeallothers to obey the fame : there- foreas Adamfor hisinfimütie flood inneedeof thishelpe,til heweretranllated tothe'hea- uens,to leade acontinuall Sabboth, fo is itto vs; 9 Theend of Marriage in the begsnniog,was topreferueman in obedience:fincehisfat .aiarria1o. therecarne an otherend to railehim from install, and to helpe him inhis obedience: fo the endof theSabboth wasone before the fall, and anotherfince. so TheMorall lawwas not giucn fiat by Motes,but renewed, becaufethe Lorde had tried them longby tradition,and they profited not,as is plaine in eueryCommandement, and therefore this law for theSabbothwas not then fiatgiven, but renewed as the others were, wherefore it isno moreceremonial' then thereff. a r In this that the Lordmaketh expreffemention of the fixe dayes,and afterwardsof tise feueistis, sr appearetis, thattileorderofcontsnuingrhe fixedayes, is here noted tobe - vftiall,and theSabboth to comeafter: thereforeitwasnot then firft deliueredbyMafes,it was before, thoughmuch abufed. r Yea,the ceremonial' law was in fubftance before Mafèsbecaufewe reacleofAltars, andholy dayes for the facrifices robe offered in,though theywerecorrupred:forthe Lord left nothis people to worshipas they lift, becaufeObedience was euerbetter then Sacrifice. rSasn,s . The Lord making Lawes,refpebherhnotwhat any oneman needed), but what molt amid in neede of : therefore teeing there is mention of Prieftes,Sacrifices, Altars, Holy-dayes, or- flipmite ma- andthatthe Gentiles whichhad there, borrowed them of the'etves,it is manifeft that the demised' Lord neuerleft hispeople totheir owne gouernement in his worfhip. P p s3 The