439- Ofthe Sabboth. 13 The Lord gaue the tenCommandements and fpakethembitnfelfe;Exo tt o.Deu.S. I. Yet Mofes, added many things:hence wemay gather that whatfoeuer the Lord Ipakehim_ felfe,it belongeth to all that which Mofesaddedwas forthe Iewes,and fo is ceremonìall, t4 The Lord fan&ifieththis day, when hecommandethittoholyvfes:thepeople fan- ötifie it when they fo vfe it. Numb.ts. I The Iewes were punifhed , notfor breaking the ceretnonie, but for contempt of Mebreach of Gods Commandement, and fordoing it with an high hand :asappeareththere , wherehe tbe d pun rb that gathered ftickes is adiudged to die. For firft there is a deicriptionof the finne, and then followed] that inpra&ife whichwas inword orin precept.This is altofeene in the law ofthe Faft,wherein no man nruft worke,forwho fo wrought,he fhoulddie,not for thathe wrought,butfor that hecontemned the means tobe humbled: fo the likereafongenerally is for working on the Sabboth and thefafting dayes , that they were not punifhed forthe ceremony,butfor contemptof theordinance of God fo neceffary..Theequity is in thatthe Lord Oct!, fix dales towork,and but one to fernehim, ifthe firftbeing aperuiiffion doth endure for euer , then doth theotheralto remaine for euer. And that this permiffion to worke on the fixdaies, cannot bereftrained forany religious vfe, it appeareth, as inthat Adam had the vfeof the creatures, and the Apoftledoth leaueall things free, andthere- fore their dayescame notfor any religious vies. 16 Butfomemay except,the Lordmade holy dayes and faftingdayes, thereforewee may do fi onow. Aiifvere,firt1,exceptionsdonot take away a generali rule. Secondly,the Lord makethLawes formen andnot for himlelfe:therefore they tnay not followhim , vn- lellethey haue the like reafon,as in theday of humbling forany fingular benefice 'as in the Coronation of thePrince yet theredayes arenottakenvpofmen, buttheLordbloweth theTrumpet, and in negleéìing them it is finne,forGodmutthave this prerogative oncly, to make Lawes. Seeing the equicic of tire Conunàundement is to vs as well as rodent, thereforetheSabboth belonged) to vs as well as to them. TheLord createdall things and gaue themto all, and all mayhaue vieof them : therefore thisis a fureproofe that the rea- fon is common to vs with them,andfo this cornmandemenr. r y TheExpoution of this Commandementfhewed, thefame:for theworfhip ofGod is neuer commanded, but this alto is commanded , andthe corruption thereof neuer cor- rcóied,but this alio aboneall therat : as may appeare in allplacesof the Scriptures,where mention is made of the Sabboth, efpeciallyNumb. r ;. ,Andis all this becaufe of thepre- remittingof a ceremonie?Would henot be euer worstipped in fpirit? Neuertodelight in theceremonie?Therefore thiswas becaufethe means ofGods tvorfhip werecontetned. The Lords day.. 18 Thatitfhouldbechangedonceitwasnteet,but neuerto bechanged againe:foras then the dayofref for theCreation wasink6t;lonow the dayof ourredemption is molt fit,feeing now the wòrld'is asifit weremade new,and thereforeit cannot bechanged. Kindling of 19 Then they couldnotkindle fire,which we doe,therefore it was ceremonial!. Firit, fire olhe fome thinke that Commandement was but fm time of thewildernelfe. Secondly, the Sabboib. Iewes ineueryCommandement hadfo:nething ceremonial,which we hauenot nowbeing inChrtft. As in the fecond Commandment, weare toreade, and teach the word ofGod, it belongethtovs as well as to them, but tohauefrontlets weeare not bound. So of fin- ging,wearebound to haue tinging as wellastheIewes,but yetnotwith Organesand fuck like. So of buryingthedead,we areas ftraightly charged todo itas theIewes,yetnot wich oyncìnents and fuchmilesasthey were at. Soineurry Commandment they had fome thingpedagogical)which-is takenaway; but the Commandement it felfe,ismoreftreight- ly required of vs then of them, becaufeit is morecleerely fet forth to vsthen tothem. zo Nor oimely they thatfpend tire Lords day on their pleafures, are to bereprosied as breakers ofthe Lords feruice:but they alto which worke vpon thefame. Amongáthem, thole that are the children of God, whole hearts God had] touched by his fpirit, (hallfee that the Lordwill not letthem profperin thefame fin;but what they take in hand (hall go (lowly forward, theirbargaines(hall bringbut finali game, they (hall hauebut little vfeof that wind, they buy on that day. Nay fometimes theyThai feethatwhen they Isaac broken theLords Sabboth,fome judgment or other doth light vpónthemand their labors,fothat they