Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

436 0/ `Ihankefgiuing, andright'stfe of the creatures. both to bee a Ceremonie,snuff eyther fay that the Ceremonie is in the wordeSáni{;_ fie, or in the wordeSabboth: for cuisis the Commaundeuient, fas?tifie the Sabbath : as for Rèmernber,it is but aprosifo, and no part ofcheCo:mnaundement, but the force of theCommandement fiandoin the wordSanífife, and itis a Verbe trauficiuc, and there- fore cannot bewithout an Acculàtiue cafe, as Day or Sol-bathund in fandlifying is noce- remoniec Therefore the Commandement is no Ceremonie. Moreouer it mullnecdi fol- low,that that which is concluded by a maÇon, is commanded by a precept; but in this it isconcluded by reafon:yourlabour and ref( mufcbe (canned byGodslabour and rea,and theLordelaboured fixé layes, and relied thefeuenthday, therefore you muff worke all your workes in fsxe,and.reh the feuenth. As much reafon is this , that as Chrill rèaloirtth how theDivorce beingathing broughtin upon occalion,did not therefore brode theeon. 7 fciencè of the lewes, becaufe from the beginning it was not fo, whichwas asmuch, as if lit Mould fay or infìnuate by the contrary,wbatfocucravas fromthe beginning it binder!)the confcience. So we-fayof the S.abbotti, that sr being from the beginning,notonely printed inthe breafi of Adam,butallo fóunded in hiscares, mull therefore bindthe confcience, Diem or Sabbathum. 6 CHAP. 69. Of Thani¿e/giuing and right vfe of the creatures. Onecan euerpraife the Lord, till heberauifhed with his greatnelfe, and good- nef e, and the wa riy of this feeling cauCecil vs to be, cold in thanke fgiuing,turnas our prayersbe cold .when wehaue but finallfeeling, oftrone. n Andthat wedoe in trueth of heart acknowledge Godto be the preferuer of vs from ofvathanke- Ali¡oils, and giuer of all mei'cies, we may trieby our than kcfu Incffe and prayer. fislaee/Je. , . 3 The fin that was in the Ifraelites is in vs, for thewantot one goodthing, dothmake vs rather to mourne,then the hauing of toasty goodThings dothmake vstixinkefull. 4 We muff bethankefuliprefencly 'aiidlpecdily, when we will longkeepe the remem- brance of anymercie. s Becaule our faith yeeldeth but droppes of ehankefulnelfe, the Lord is confrdined to yeeldbut drops of his mercies. 6 Being with one afHid}edinb odic and ininde,votowhom the Lord had fhewedgreat tokens of laluation, arfdfruitfulltofandfifie the prefcntafflidlions: he faid,Ifeare not the ofthe time of thevifitationOf them, thatthereby do grew in thegifts andgracesof God:b.útra. rfi creatures. titerIfeare leaf} thetime of their deli ueranceliiouldbetaintedwith vnthankcfulneS,,and fo wofully theyfliould look thefruite ofthat good which fo dcarcly they purchafed of the Lord. 7 Weebane no continuing cicienos-v, but we hooke foranotiser not thatwee samay ant call there things ours,which are fandìifiedveto vs by the worde andpraver,and in agood confcience vfing them : but that we ihould not let our hearts upon them,furtherthen they are fan&ified unto vs, we Ihould not delire to vie them. 8 There outward benefites are promifed with a condition,that fo farwe flial haue them as is for his glory and ourgood, with which condition weare commanded to askethem:if thenwe wantany thing, we mullknow it is notgood for vs, but hurtfuli : we areto mag- nifiehis mercies, which holdctti thole things from vs which arenot for our good : andyet giuethvs that by the want thereof, which bythe thingenjoyed we could, not come vino. For the thing doth.not hurt vs, but our corruptions whichabufc it , therefore lie keepeth promife when he taketh it away, for hebath made the promifefor our good. g Ithath been the order of theChurch, tobegin and end theirafleinblies with praifes. And no maruell, for of all facrifices this feeineth to bemat pruicipall. Fill it was an ex- ercife inParadife,and it (hall be an exercife in heaven. Agauie, this exercise fliall conti- nue, whenall other fhal I ceafe. For in heavenwe (hall not need the worde, nor prayer,nor facraments, nordifcipltne:butthe pratfing of God (leaf not ctate,being a peculiar exercife