Of rhankefgiuing. ,OfTemptation. ofthe AngelsandSaintes of God inheauen. Betides to this extreife ofmailingGodare all other exercifesdireeted. For whydoe wee hearc the worde, but that feeling mcreafe of knowledge,wemaypraifeGod? Why dowe pray,but that hauingexperienceof Godhis mercie,we may more amply give thanks toGod? Whydo werecerue theSacraments,but that being ramified withcomforts bythi=,wemight giuegreater glorie toGod? Andmore., ouer, if we may conieeìure the goodnesof a thingby our vnwilhngnes todo it, this exer- cifemaybethought to be thebe(,becaol it is the lsardeí. Largevolumesofproteftations flie fromvs,but inour need, which would snake one beleeue we would be thankefull ,but fcarfe a word ofperfourming any thing is found in vs, afterour prayersbeheard: wherein alfowearenot vnliketo thediflembhngShipmen, who in extreasne dangers leaue their . Oaresand fall to prayer, but comming to the land, they fill Cans, and drownc allthe re- simile. membrance of their graciousdeliueriewsth deepe drinking. Infickenes andhrakhwe are full of praying,but thetempeltpail we are too quietand careletTe. It is maruerlous in our lituigie,;that amonganhundred prayers, fcarfeone thankefgiuing isfound,and yet ine. uillmatters,ertherby anaturall logicke, or cunning rhetoricke,weehaue learned tobegin anew fuite,, witha thankefull commemorationof receiuingthe old. 'CHAP..70. .. Of Temptation. Odtemptethvs not asthe diuel, orthe wickeddo toeuil,butto trie inwhat Inca- yewGod Pure we haueprofitedby his Mercies, and yet by thefame tonnes that risediuell temptethvs. doth-, butto -afar other end , asto let vs fee Our vnworthines, and-weaknesof our farrh, Ifwedid througifybeleeue Éhis,-that asmany benefitesár of iétionswee haue, to manybakes areforthediuell, and fo:manymeanes'for God to crotvnehis owne mereies, INC fhould be verycarefullto finifb but faluation with feareandtrembling. Fhil.s.ryai. m - If we doe cruely acknowledge God to be lie thatprelèrueth vs ininercie frommill, andwee hauetheteltimonie of a good confcience 'c then if the Lorde trievswith want of things,withdi!quietnefie ofamide, &e. we ¡halllirflaine ourfelues, becaufe weknow it is not for finne, but for themall of burfaith,becaufeste. havewalked in ourwayes, and ta- riedinstur calling, het hash tomeeirde in it whicüWeeknow not, and therefore weemay looks for hishelpeand comfortin titsgoodtime,and that he toilgiue vs wifedome tobeare it, or elle recompenteburWants in(puituall graces. s The ilraehtes had ágreat temptacion,yet manythinke they werenottempted, tobe brought intoa wilderncs without :neate : if heshouldtrie vs fonow , we would be as rea- die minim-nut (though wethtukethe contrarienow) as they were,feeingwe repine ifwee wantbuta little. q certainethat the Lord dothas well trie men bybenefits,asbywant,and adange- Deut.4.22, tons temptation is it:forasthellraehteswereat the bitterwaters triedby wanr,balto were God trietbmess they triedbyenio in thegoodnes ofGod In the Manna:Seein thenthatbothwaiesmennefrveeüy bayrbb e- aretried,euerymanhath to trie what his temptation is, and aaamit whathebath to fight, as ifheheinprolperitie, hehath to fight agamfbpride, tecurïtieandcontemp5ar finall re- gardinggof Gods creatures,with whichwemuffcontinually ftrioe, or els he (hall Issueno triall of co .his faith, nor mfortin thathebath remind. Againe, ifamanbe in aduerfitie, then bath lie to fight againft diffrUffiniurrnuring,repining ,vnpatiencie , and filch other, whichwilouerconrevs, ifby faithwe dónot refitl'them, and fo flralwe fpoileourblues of the goodnesof the Lord. ; ::. . Herein hath alfo euery man to elifeerne his temptation:aMan is fick,and yet not alto. gethercall down;a man is poore,and yetnot opprefied therewith,éaen heredoth the Lord triehim whether helout him 'or no, whetherhe worshiphimintruethor not.-Hereindoth theLord tempt euer" enreof vs dill,whenhee coinmandeth vs topraybut oriely for daily bread, wee ought therefore herein to take a triall of ourfrisks, but the ouerthwarr- Pp 3 neffe