Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

438 OfTemptation. nette of ournature is filch,thatweecan neuer looke to our owne eftateprefent, wifely to thinkeof that : but ifwe be inpouertie, oh thenwe would fame Godindeed ifwewerc rich:ifwebe in ficknes,we wouldferueGod ifwehad our health. Againe,beingin health, we thinkewe would ferueGod if we were fomewhat tamed with ficknes:ifwe berich, we thinke wefhould well ferueGod ifwewere inpouertieg inthen-wane timenot fludyingto glorifieGod in fickenes,riches,and heakls,by thankfulnes for them,and theright vfageof them, to thacend,forcvlsich hehathgist= vs them, neitheryet regardingin our fckeneffe The trial1of andpouertie, withfaithand patience to waiteon the Lord , being contented toferueand surferr4ee worfhsp himwith whatfoeuerhelhall lay uponvs:forby thewant ofthefe things theLord and valeto clothproue Vs, vvhether weworfhip and fettlehim förthere outward things , or forthelo- God. oinggzealethat we blue ofhis name and glorie:fo that if wee cannot willingly comet° Thediod"6- reade andheart Godsworde, to pray,and receiue theSacraments,thoughwee be pinched Deli, rob free withwant of things, butwe beftow snore ftudie , care , and time uponthem ,- then of this Godforno- worfhipof God, st is a manifetf fgue, that for thcfe thingswe ferue the Lorde, orelfewee thing? would not. 6 Bytheexampleof thedfraelites,wearc taughtto takeheed that ourhearts berightly and wholy withGod, that notonly in theplentiful) abundance ofthings, wecanhewn, tentto feruehim, but alfoeuen in want, and in greateftaffliaions , knowingthatby this measles the LordBoth take triallofvs muchas i luer is tried in the fire, that thedroffe may be burnt and takenaway. Secondly, that themettall may bemore pure and fine; cum fo we by fuchtrials fhouldnotonely haue our great corruptions purged , butweshould alfö bemade more fitfor the vieand feruice of the Lord.For of ourfelueswhether we be temp- ted on the righthand, Or onthe left, we arenotably toíland, aswe fee in the lfraelites. So long asthe LordcontiouethtrueReligon with this Goueroement,euerymanthinkethhe thallruerftand': but when there(hall comea change, there will beatrial) : fo whenGod Teid faith tokensof hisloue, wemay thinke weeruftinhim , but when hedenieththefe tokens vetovs; there is the:trsall, When thechildren ofIueac' wereeither ina móderatee- ftate, or inTome newdeliuerance, they hued verygodly,and are commended,but ifabun danceof thingsdid once make themwanton, they fellto idolatry, andwhentheywerein miferie they- murmured:wherewefec that itisrafie tocorné to generaliobedience, but in particularto embrace itineueryplaceand:time,thisisharder. Again, that is onely true faith,which in troubleand want holdallout conitantly,& failethnotfor any temptation. 7 The Lorddotls traehispeople manywayes, yet but withone thir.gat once: asfme timeswithwant of breador withwantofmeat, or with want ofwater, he Both not poure all his punifhments at once, to let thermfee thecorruption of theirhearts,becaufe they arc ready todiftruft forcucrything: andagaine,tnletthemfee that for many things they can- not be thankefull. Thisis theordinariedealingoftheLordwith vs,he doch vsgoodmany waies,he trieth vs fómetime one way,fometime anotlser.way:and doth not layall hispu- ni(hments on men atonce, vnleffe their fins be come to the full, and they deferueit:orelf. if he beminded to takefoss* ftngular trial( ofinen,as'hedealt witlr lo8,and thus hedealeth with vs, to beare with-our weaknes,and to trievs, whether the havingofmanybleflings would moue vsrathertofollowthe Lord,then the want of fomeone thingwould caufe vs TPeareas to forfake hitn. This maybe particular trialsas-when he giueth aman manythings, ready tomur. and lettethhitn want his health. Ifwetonfiderthis', :wee fhall fee thatwee are asready to mur ¡tribe murmuras euerthey were : for if the Lorde giuea manOvo yecreshealth,yetoneyeeres h eaeüte,. licknefledoth moremake,him to murmur, then manyyeeres of health dochmake him thankefull. Fortlsewant ofthiswill make men .deny God, and theGofpehl, and tobee readieto goto'witchesfor their health,&will notlémkcfor helpeat tIseLords hands. The infidelitie ofthelfraelites was greatly herein bewrayed,for did GodMakethewatersofE- gypt blood? driedvp thered lea?madebitter watersfiveet? wouldnotthat Godalfomake watersto comeout of therockes Mel*wildernes? their murmuring is here therefore very mamfeft, and our murmuring is now aswrest as theirs was. For though men thinke that this people did 'mill to murmur, andtlsinkethat'n*fv there are greater occafions then they.had :letvs confider their temptationsand we ¡hallfee itwill excufethem, and greatly accule