Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

OfTemptation. accule vs. For whattemptation was it tohaue manychildren and eattell,andnot toknow where to hauewater for them? Wee vpon leffe octagons will murmur , for though wee confeffe that we areinbettercafe then ourfathers were,yet becaufeComehave lefe theno- thershaue , therefore they are readie tomurmur , thoughtheyhaueotherwifefufñcient: Muchmore therefore wouldmenmurmur if they had nothing, and thenwould theybid Godandhisword and allfarewell. And bath notGod dealt withvs as mercifullieas with them? Yeafurely,ifwehaue hearts tocohfiderGodsprovidence, for who cannot feethat the Lord bathdehaeredhim oftenfrom dangers? Whom bathnot theLord dealt hismer- ciemo1F hberallieto? Therefore areweas muchwithout excufeas euerthey were. g Mofes findingthe Ifraelites to murmur for water, calleththe murmuring atemp- tingofGod,beyaufe it didnotproceed ofinfirmitie, teeingtheyhad tatted of, and felttlw wonderful) mercies ofGod forthem, farre greaterthen thiswas togive themdrinke: for bythe former miracles theyknew thatGod was able and altowillingtohelix them , and therefore teeingthey f ill murmured,Mofes called; this a tempting of God , whereas be- forewhen theymurmured diners times, yet beedid bearewith them,as filch asdid offend of infirmitie. Wherewee feethat God dealing with vs aswith them,bath bornewith the time °four ignorance,andwe may all confelfe that the Lordcloth not dealewithvsaccor- dingto theworkesofour ownehands: but if wewill be ignorant Rill, and defpite initru- Rion,or after the haue had experienceof hisgoodneffe, it thenwee will preumeto tempt God it is fearefull,wlren weeknow the greatgoodnelfe of the Lord,and haueexperience of the famein our felues,Pf4l.9; .a. Whenwe know it isa linnewhich wecommit,and yet wewill tempt Godwhether beewill punifhor no, as.Peter rebuked Ananias, Aéì 5. and Paule rebuked thofe who in vaineexcufes wouldBate in Idols temples, laying, doeyou ProuoketheLord, a .Gor.t o., And this was the temptationwithwhich the diuelfrempted Wbar it it ro tom Gad. ourSaviour, faying,caftthy felfedowne. But Chrilt aníwered and laid, if I fhould fodoe without Godscommaundement,l fhould denie hisprouidencewhich only watchethoner men in their- waies. And thus heputteth awaythediuell;this then is to tempt Cod,& this Alofer tneaneth whenhe rebuked thepeople, laying, why tempt yee theLord that isto fay, You know your finne well enough,the dealing oftheLord withyou is tnanifelt, and minealb; now addenot rebellionvotofinne,burifyou fin,thendoeyoutempt theLord: TheLord-in päf :n.9g.paffethouer-ocher finnes, andoaaketh this theendoftemptation. Wherefore hefware &c. Now let vs confider when wee fall intoCome finne whichwee know not,theLord is merciful', but ifwe tlíen,whenwe know it is a finite bythe law ofGod,and whenwe ha, ie felt every waie the handof God vponvs,and the fpirítof Godcheckingvs To fit agáiuf for ir,andthat the Lordbath vfedmeanes to bringvsout of it, ifthen (I fay) wee fin, this knowledge is a is a plainetempting of God. And this wemutt applie toour tèuerall tranfgref lions, as if a saps ngofGod. man haue busan adulterer oran angry perfon,orcovetous beforehis knowledge,theLord will beatewith it,butafter theLord hathdealt with vs in there fenerall'fiiìries as before is let downe,tben ifmendoe fi nne,this is thetempting of theLord, and this is thebeginning God bores Of the wrathof God. Andtechmen Rand ina verse fickle eltate andare in great daunger long ,oitb for to fall into thehands of theLord. This isthénacomfortable doftrive, to heare that the ofencesofour Lord will bearewith the offences ofour ignorance,and will notlay themtoourcharge, if ignorance. then 'wewill goechearefullie forward, when hegiueth vs knowledge andother meanes to draw vs vetohim: butif we refufeinRru&ion,andwillnot bedrawne fromour fins , this To refufeknow isa temptingof God,andthis (hall be laid toour charge : as wee feed= the Lord faith to ledge iratemp. Daouad that hewaa in all thingssvpragiat before lion butin the cafe ofVlriah, becaufe his61efGod' other fsnnes whichhe committed,both oftenandgrieuoùtliewere but ofhumane infirmi- tie,and thiswas contrarieto knowledge,and againehe fought meanes tohide his ftn,and DoddsAnt. was not eafiliebroughtfrom it,yet did heobtame pardon,becaule thiswasbut once, and hewas much.huinbled for it: But Seuloften doingthe fame, at lait asked counfell ofa fa- ïniliarfpirit by a Witch,which he before had puni(hed, therein beedid cleaneconcraricto his knowledge,euenfor this it was (aid,that theLorddid cuthim off. Wherefore weehave topray with David.Pfd. t 9,Lord cebodochvnderFband theerrors ofhas lofe? therspurgevsfrom ourfecrerfins,&kgepe vs thatnoprefumptsiasufsnnes doe bearemieauervs,fojtsallwebefree,-&e. Pp 4 For 439