Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

44o Of`fernptation. OftruthandErrourr, &c. For ifa man finne againft man theremay be anarbiter, but ifa man fin ágainft the Lord, s.Sam.m who fhall dealeforhim As Els faith to hisSonnes.q.d.Ifyouhad done.this being ignorant, ithad been a finali'natter, butnow you that haue been taughtof me the contrary, have now made thefacrifice ofthe Lord to fiincke,and fohaue tempted the Lord. 9 As it is agreatcomfort that no temptation doti, inuadevs, but that which bath ta_ r.Cor so. ken holdon the nature ofman, fo thisought to make vswith, profit tohumble ourfelues, that there is no temptation vpon any man, but the lainmay take hold on vsin nine alfò. a o Weareneuerthefurtherfromtemptationformiflikingit, butthe nearer, vnleie as in judgement wemiflikeit, fo inaffeelion wehumble our felues iofearc and prayer be- fore theLord,as knowing the faine in time mayinuade vs. t t Wemuff notkeepe our heartstoodole in daungeroustemptations,nordeny mer- tie toothers,leaft Goddeny mercie to vs. 12 Ifwe be tempted, let vs examine it by prayer, whether it becontrarie to theword, forfinne by thelaw is reuealedand rebuked;if it befinne,then it bringeth the'curle,for the Yotremble in Lawaccurfetb thefirmer; ifit bring acurie, then mutt wetremble: ifwe tremble not, let temptation. vs fufpeflh tisat our naturehiketh the temptation, andlet vs apply prayer: if wetremble in truth,wewill neuer doe thethingwhereuntowe are tempted. 13 When Sachan cannot getveto omitgrope Gnnes, he will aflàile vswith fpirituafl temptations. 14 Thofe temptationsaremoll dangerouswhich haue moltholy ends. a p Ifweconcealeour temptations long, it is the politicof Sathan to make vs keepe his counfell. 16 The Lord through grace lothquench invs chafe temptations,whichwould quench in vs hisfpirit. 17 Temptations beingrefifteddo bringaproofeof that grace thatisinvs ;temptation bring receiued argueds corruption in vs. Adam ihouldnothaucbeen worléforhis temp,. tation,nomorethen Chrift,butthat the oneyeelded,the other didnot. 18 They that tremblein tlsrternptation,fltall triumph after the ttniptation:ourfaith is Simile, asapots mouthwhich being largerecei urthnmch,and being narrowereceiueth but little. 19 Thegodly fee their temptations oft, much, andwith profit; the vngodly fee them feldome,fcant,and without profit. zo Beingboth feeblein body and ficke in ininde,vvhen he fektheLords ftrength in his fickneffe,nourifhing him:as allo that he didcleave his judgement andmoreand moreglue him a milliking ofeuill anda liking ofgood : heknew his temptation fhouldgotaway io the end. .4pplitatián of doe bow necejiàrie. Caine. 70. Of truth anderrours,/tnceritieandcon- tempt of theword. Here is no profitin teaching or hearingwithout application. Epi. 6. Pani £peaking of the truth, called, it a girdle of truth, it mull: not be a.loolé truth, outof which a man may eafily be fhakenfit mull be a tri ed truth nota ranging truth, ifit beloofeaboutvs it will fall away with the leaft flaw ofwind. Rom. s;. TheAppoffie, fpeakethof thisputting on of ChriL±, wemutt not make abrded cloth ofhún,tomake him apparel to- arinevsatbowerofdeath or in (base tiuuoftrouble, but wemull prefently make Imoagar- went,thatiit was, fir ascl ofetovsasour cotes.lamcsfaith ihisluff Chapter, that thewordwaft heengrafted inwo, it muff not hangby vs; but as there is notrue grafting w tliout therenting of theold llocke,thátthenewgraft maybe Pained anddoted vp