141 Of Truth. Of andIudgement. vie. here is thepoint,the word is truth. Hour thoughts beagreeableto this frandard,andOleic our tongues beagreeable to ourhearts, well agreeing to theftandard, ifourdoingsTree with our tongues : Thencornes ínceririe of heart, fimplicitie offpeech, and conttancieof Thetrueftan- life. Nowhere is the queftionthen, whether the condulionwemake inour braine, bee. dudeftratb. quall with the ( tandard,orelfe our hearts are falfe,and they beingfalk .our tongues areont ofrule, andour outward lifecanneuer be true. Forfurely ifthe word hauenot taught vs note. our truth, we haueno truth in the world, and then wetruly meafureall thingsaccording ,, to the truth, when weefteeme allthings as the worddoth efteeme them : Tooke what con- dufions the word bath Pet downeof theworld, andofotherthings, thatmuff be our coa: dufron and principle incurry thing.Philg. Paul,who doubtlefleknew thetruth,anddeli uerednothing butmeafuredby the ftandardofthe truth, bath thisconclufron,thattowin Chrift, hewould loofe all : there was nothing fo glorious in theworld, but he counted it rifle raffefor the attainingofChrift.This is thenthe firft thing todoeallthings by theana- logic oftheword, and thenwe fhall haue but one heart, not a heart and anheart. Other- wifewe (hallbe as deceivableas the vineyard that Efár fpeakes of, whereof grapes were lookedfor,but it broughtforth wildegrapes.Andbecaufe men baue worldly conclufrons, and the worldnottheword is their ftandard, fo that they are refoluedof theirprinciples fpeakingthus lècretly in theirhearts, wemill keepe thisgainandprofit, they haue loft the Trutbinfim- truth. Somuft it bee in the frmplicitieof our fpeech, for vnleffe our words beeaccording ptititieof toour hearts, weedelude ourfelues. Forifin theChurchwee ¡hall haue an Amen,a great fpeeth. prayfingofheauen, and a largecur1ng of tnne, and yet no regard of this fimplicitie, allis but an illufion. When men (hall publikely fing out of the Pfalmes, that nothing is more preciousthen the wordof God, and yet wee(etteby nothing leire : this is plaine. mockerie tobeare the world in handthat wee loue theword, and yet our thoughts are more large and dcepe, and attentiue to the world. So that wee hauefalte hearts and diffembling wordes : and truely though weedare not fhewe this to the worlde, and though in our hearts wee care not fora Sermon once in feuen yeares, yet if weewere asked howe wee lioode affeéred to the word, what great credite and commendations would flie out of our mouthes ? But nowe let vs come to the truer] of our aaions in ttedfattne(fe of life, thata man may binde on our word : the oaerthrowing of our lines, doe fo much drowne the voyce of ourmouthes, that whatfoeuer wee'protclt in word, wee fpoylein our workes. The blondof Habelwas an adlion, and it cryedvppe Taub inaiti toheauen : ourAmen in our mouthes is drowned by the blond of ouractions cryingfo eV* loudebefore the Lord. Forour aaions bewary men, for there is luck wrrngirg, go- ing, ouergoing, and incroching, that there is no trueth in our hues, in refpehr of the Trntbofthe concordance of the tongue. And whatfoener their bondes are, wee muff haue other common- forfeiture vppon forfeitures to proclaime their falfehoode to the world. Now come realtb. to the trueth] of the Common wealth, wee fee, as the Prophet faith, Moment is tur- vr nedinto mormewoode, that is, aman hadasgood cate a handefull of mormemootíe, asham oar » caufe pleaded in the emote. LetNoble men bee neuer fo wile to open the truth, yet the Diuell bath made many wirer in breakingof the trueth, then any can bee wifeinlet- ting it downe. It is knowne toowell, that many grieoances haue beene, for that men haue growne more cunning in ouerthrowing ofMake, then many hauebeen able to eftablrfh iuttice. But curry man would bee content to beare this burthen,becaufeic Truthinthe concernes another courte. But what fay you to the trueth of Religion that is among church. vs? why our dodrrine is founde inough, that needes not to bee fpoken of. No? yes Purely, verse needefull it is to fpeake of it. Trueth indeede runnes about the Church wanes for cares, and goeth about the pillars, but it fiiadeth no hearers, and as the wile man faith, heethat batha treafure in ft oreand not in vfe, is as though beebad it not: fo weemay fayofourage,men llamalittle knowledge,but for wantofvfrng it,theyareas though they had noknowledge, and(icingwe hide ourknowledge ifwe hawk,' and we connotfpeakethe truth, atour going in and our going our, asroen are charged byMops, wecannot be Paid to haue the truth. So in a fecund degree Paid would hauevs vfethe world as though we vfd ithot, furchy liadhemade Irawith oftiretruth, as Ire didofthe world,