OfIu/ficedndIudgemènt. world, he had finely hadit. All our knowledge is aknowledge of thebrain, it isnota knowledgeofthe heart,for it rimier makes vs fet lel%on chef-core of finne: ye (hall fee this plaine,weknow thatfire will borne,and becaufe we know it indeede, by nó paine alnro(t simile. canwe be brought toput ourfinger in thefire;and doubtles,if wewere perfwaded,thac fin would burnevs as a fire,we wouldnot foeafily put ourhandsunto it. And I wouldknocv,if a manhad a rule orgold-weights,wherbyhemight meafure his timber,andweigh hismet- tals,& yethenever vfeth either his ruleor his weights,wbatgood it would do him.Talke of religwn,andbegin to fpeakeache word,and you (hall haue many,that wil hold you calke awhole dinner time, or halfe a day, and lookeinto their linesand commonconkOf their ebnuerfation,and theywil falfifiewhatfocuerthey haue (aid;fothey hauea thing,but with- yerhaitprof f- ouc al vfeof ir. Thereis yet another thingmentioned Ephef.6.andthat is agirdleof truth,it faa. mull be tiedto vs,but ourtruth isnotgirt to vs,it iittethnotdole tovs,it wdeafily be(ha- ken offfrom vs,ifthecroie cotne,and perfecution fhakevsalittle,wecan eafily fluff isoff. 4 Amanwouldnot willingly dwell byan mill nature, and hatredwill driue any manWhy truth is away.Truth is hatedamong vs,andnomarueile,thoughit delights not to beamong vs.lfa notfounda- manfhould take vpon him toplucke vp an oldehedge, and to admonifhoneoflinne, mo"g'- ftraightway one fnake or otherwill be readie to biffe athim andto Pinghim forhis ia- bour.They that Mouldlooketovs,arehated, and ifa man befoboldasto tell a manofhis fault, helhall hauea rebuke forhis pains, with this fcoffeorthe like : this is one ofthe wife generationwhich can tellthe truth : focold an occupationit is totell the truth. So that wearenot onely culpable for not hauingtruth, but becaufe we haue driuen truth out of the land. Itwould grieve metoname mens fins herein,but yet your felues know,thaç a manwill fell credite,faith, andall that hebath, to fet truth out ofche way, and (hallwe th !like then, that truth hathany heart todwell among vs, feeing we fell it for two-pence, or a groate, nayfor apayre ofold lhooes ? But let vs know, that teeingChrilt bathpro- nounced himfelfeto be thetruth, hebath madethefe men that fell thetruth, giúlneofthe finneof pan:they fell Chrilt notfor fomuch,but forbalk fo much,nay, for a quarter fo muchas lochs foldhim. For Chrift is truth, andChrif is fold. f Contemptand hatred onerthrowech alleffates,ifeither thelaw becontemned,orthe Contehtptof law-giuer hated. And as in kingdomes, foitfareth for this poync in the, Church, idle law thevvorddash of God benot elteemed, then the iealoufieofour Lordof Holts willfurely either takea- g'"'"! way is lawor unifhsthe abufersof it.Thecaufeofcontem t connnon! as they Ia ,is fa- Familiamas Y P, P Ye Y Y parir cón- miliaritie, Famiiiaritiebreedeth contempt. Indeedethewifemenof theworld noted, that remprum,vo- there werethree excellent mothers, which broughtfoorth threeverymill daughters. The ritasparit o- mothersarethefe: fielt Fanúliaritie, which is thehigh pitchoffriendihip, brings vp con- dim,. odmo tempt, fo themore weenioye the thing lowed, the viler is growes inour eyes. Secondly, then' bring truethbreedes hatred. The third is peace, andthat is the mother of idleneffe and ream- forth threeevil tie. So thatwhatfoeuer isfree in vfe once,thatgrowes vile, asManna, though it were a ve-daughters. ryprecious thing,didin theeyes ofthellraelices. Yet wemutt kisow,thar albeit fonietime thefeiffuefromthefe mothers,yetthey benottheir naturall daughters. The naturalichild offamiliaritieis notcontempt, but it commeth of our corrupt nature, which is Beane oppofrteto thenature ofGod. For as the nature ofGod is foperfe!iygood, that he doch cc turne euen verieeuillthings to veriegood.things, asthemaliceof the Iewesinputting his cc Sonne to death, to beameant ofourfaluation ; foour natureis 1habfolutely etui, that it « Note. turnes vergegood things intoeuill.Wherefore retainingthis fooli(haxiome ofvanitie,that ac nothing isprecious butrareand (range thingsit commethnotof thenature ofthe thing, charity istrue. which is fillgood, but ofournature, which no moreeffectues it. In the firfofSamuelitis faid,the wordwas precious in thofe dayes,which was, bemule it was rare,for theyaccoun- tedhighlyof Samuel, becaufe they hadno Prophetlongbefore, but we muff not doe fo, neitherin otherthingsdoe wefo. Doe weinnaturatlthingscontemnethe funne, thewa- ter, and thefire, becaufetheybe vital(?we doe not. Then furely,naturally wecontemn not aching forfsmiliaritie: butthe caufeof contempt is the ignorance ofchevfeof the thing; andthereforéno. doubt, aswe doenot contemnethefimne, the water, the fire,be- cauSeweknow and are perfwadedof the truevfe ofthem : fo thereforewe doein longvfe contenn 143