Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

¢¢¢ OfluJlìceandIudgement. contemnetheword andprayer, and facraments, becatife we know not theneceffitie and thevfeofthem.Whenfoeuer then webegin tobe cloyed,let vs know thenatureofafinne doth begin togrow invs, not that in the longvfe of theword weare fo full ofknowledge, but forthat weknow not the vfe ofir,and therefore like fwineweleaue the pearle,andgot . to thefhels. Greatlytherefore arewe to prayagainff this. Concerninghatred, when the pearles arecontemned, theIeweller is wrathful!, andwhen the word is defpifed, the Lord is finelydifpleafed, for whichcaufe goodmen feelingtheir fpirits togrow hot atthe fight offuch contempt, and the contemnersPeeing themlelues tobe drawen out into the laidlt ofthecongregationas it were,then they begin tówar with the Lord andhis minifters,and they feekeeither in theirlining tomuzzle them,or els to purfuethemwith thefwordof]f_ mad, that is,with their tongues to finite them, & fo totree them euen as withcotes dim- per. Danidcomplains, that he was compaffed aboutwith dogs,which thingwas molt ac- complifhed inChrift, whowasmade ofmany peeves, fometime thought to be aDemoui_ acke,fometime a drunkard,fometime a friend ofpublicansand (inners : and as they fpake ofthemalter, fowill they fpeake oftheDifciples, whatfoeuer comes intotheir choler: Yet though therebe three parts ofthe land nought, for the fourth fake we muff low, that though three partsofthe congregationbenot good,yet forthe fourthparewenatftpreach, as Chrift,who went aboutinto all places,for an hundred and twentie foules,who no doubt had foure times as nannyhearers:and fowe mutt follow the renting part fortheir fake,that beare withreuerenceand fruit. 6 TheGalathiansefteemedofPaulasofanAngel ,yeahebeareththemwitnesthatthey wpuldhaue pluckedout theireyes,andhaue giuen themtohita : and theMillaineswerefo Ybepeopièrf affeEtedtoAmbroje, that they proteftedthat they would ratherloofe theirliues, then their Medio/anum Byfhop. Daaidbein calledfrom afhe heardtobeakin had friendsmore thena good orbfiUaine. Y P i g P $ Amirtereani- many;thrcke and three-fold. But when the oylc is powredforth, fharpewine muffgoein. masquám E- But yetPaul is imprifoned, Ambrofe bathfaire promifes,andDauidmeetethwith 'oneShe- pikopum. meior other,that willgiue himhardgobd-morrowes, and pelthim withftones : fo longas the quailes laft,and theflefhpots, andManna comesdownas thickeasduff andfeathered foules, as thefand ofthe Pea, whobut Motes then : butiftheyhaue not&Ili attheir call, if theyfall oncea fhruggingand whyning, ifMolesget himnot out oftheway, hemaybe Tbeworldfoi- fpurd and perchance goe to thepot. Chrift ifhe can foprosoidethat titewatermuy betar. lomesA dfa- tied intowine,and that there betakenvp twelve basketsfull,and fo theymay fit downeon Man the ,pellmbenúof thegreene graffe, andeate bygoo o.and isa trim world,why Chrift Thal be aking, bringsprofpe- and Rabbi and Rabboni,and good matter and Hofannainthe highef,andall thatmay be, ruy with it. andmore thenmay be.ButifChriftcaft out aword,and fay that a Prophet is notefteemed inhis ownecountry, hiscountrymen arereadie to layhands onhim. It isgood being for SaintPaul at lconium, ifheandBarnabás can promife fo, that theycan make menwhole withaword,fuchfellowes (hall not lacke.lupirers prieft fhallbe fentfor,and facrificefhal( bemade.They (hall be taken forno men,but for Iupiterandfor Mercury,iftheycandoe vs any good.ButifPaulgoe and gather ftickes,and fo a viper catchethhim bythe fingers,then outvpon him murderer,ah wretch, Gods judgement leazed onhim:yet for allthts,letlriin fhaineit offquickly,andhe fhall goefor aGod. 7 Ifthouwiltdiligentlyheare, there are two kindes of vnderftanding, one in fudge- meat,another inlieatt,tiseone is but iittie,tiseotiser bringethprabtife.Deut.zy.forweare Paid to erre inheart, though not injudgement. Plalm.95. fo in iudgementthough notin heart; jfwei,ndcrffandin heart, then it will bea final! mattertobrjngprabtife. Forwhen weallow in judgement, and loue inheart, then arewe carriedwillingly to thatching : fo that ifweknow a thing whichwe cannot bebrought todo,it isbecaufe wevnderftand not inheart. 8 Thechiefeff titing,thatGod ispleafed with, isto be truly religious, to loue thetruth with finglenes ofheart, anda prepared mimic to beobedient unto it, withoutthe which, though aman Mould leadeanAngels life inoutward fhew, yet by how muchit werethe morepraifeofthe world,by fomuch it is more abhontinable in the fightof God. p Ifweplay with ourowneaffefhioas, finnein the end from fport will fpurvstocon- fufion,