`r OftheTVordofgod. 449 6 It is thegrace of God, whenthewordofGod is of fuck credit with vs, that it humI tßeciall Meth vs morethan all mannerofcorreaions. grace to be 7 ThevfualldealingoftheLordis, thatbeeSrftfendethhisword,thenhi,wonders :the dby whichifthey preuaile not, then Both bet fall to the áfßi&ing vs, and the endingdone ',venders. crotfe (hall be thebeginning ofanother,till he hat; broughtvs tohim,ifwe be his ;.or till hehauedilfwaded vs,ifwebelongnot tohim. 8 The word ofGod is the(amourof lifeto fome, and the fauourofdeatlito others, *ic "so thesunnc bringeth fometo repentance,and others ithardened): hardneth the claysbntfafte- 9 Wee muff efteeme highly acheSacraments,' andadmonitionsofour brethren, be- neth ibevvax. caufe incontempt oftisefe we defpifeGods ordinance, and theycan neuerhauetheir fruit sacraments. in vs. Forwhofoeuer hath felt thefruits ofthe fpirit,cantell that nothing is fo cònifòrtab le Admonition. tovs,asthat greatioy,whichthey felt in theright vieóf thefeholy ordinances ofGod. And hereofcornmeal that continualt ioy which thechildren of God takeand finde inreading, hearing, and (peaking of his word,prayer andSacraments. Therefore let vs leaenetó e. fteeme the word ofGod,which bath beenoffered fo long, and let notourcorruption as in other things,fo in this leffe efteeme it,becaufe is bath been long:with vs, which through corruptionwe fhalldoe,if Godby his great graceJoe noeluftainevs. to Our father Adamhad nothingto ¡cade libo by,bat the great bookofthecreatures, whichwlëby fin it was blotted, theLord (implied this wantby the wordthough not writ- TlrP.nher of ten( whichiscicere)(forthatwithoutfaitiittstmpoffibletopleafeGod)butAbelbyfaith rye age pleafedGod,and that faith prefuppofed the word,thereforethey had the word: for which ;,adthe word cattlefome were called the ions ofGod, becaufe they wereruled bythe word ofG od. And thisword is laidby the Apoftles andProphets,that it endured;foreuer: therfore our Fa- thers hadthis word,though notalwaies written. I I Wemulflearneprincipallythofethings,whichthefpiritofGod 'Holtpurpofeth to teach vs, and be more fparmg rnthofe things, whichto know, GodsIpirit is themore fparmg to teachvs. tz Although the wordofGod is alwaies in feafon to beminiftred,yet menshearts are notalwaies in feafon to receiueit. t3 To onethat faid fhe had athing toldher inthe fpiritthat fhoUld vndoubtedly conie topalle:he anfcvered, how itmight be of God : who, after fomegreat and grieuous con- flift,comfortethher. Butevermore loch workings areaccording to the word,if they heof God. And Peeing fuck inwardmotions,for themolt partare either offered or wrought by ourownecorruption,orfentof the diuel,asan illufon:we mutt trie thefe motions bythe Nord,whether they be for fpirituall ortemporall things :if they beofGodandaccording to lisword,beleeue then[ for thewordsfake, and not onely becaufe ofthereuelations :if they agree not to theword,how pleafant foeuerthey kettle to Bethand blood,liftennot then to dremtoomuch,and lelfe beleeue them. 14 The wordofGodis reuerenced with many titles it isthe reuealedwill of God; the Titles given to librarie ofthe holyGhoft; thecubit acheSanthuarie; theLanterne of1trael,Plàl.sr9.ioq. the sword. thefpirituallManna; ChrifthisApborifines;thewifedomeofthecroffe;t!seLordhislega- cie; the touchftone of error;the keyofthefheepfold; themyfterie ofgodlinelfe;theWeft way oflifeand truth,Prou.z8 . thefulnes ofknowledge; theSchdole-onaffer ofmankind ; Dun ecclefiæ thebeacon ofthe foule ; the feede of newbirth; the mouth of the Lord lehouah; the two °beta edged fword; the adîsandffatutes of the higheftParliament; the minxof the Church; the lode-ftarre ofthe faithfulspilgrim;the figneeofGodhis righthand;theLambes booke;the Cum Deusa. watch-bell; theglatleof ourlife,/ .Pet.z.z.the fcepterofhiskingdome;thearchofÿ truth; liquiddicir;er. the breath ofthe holyGhoft; GodhisOracle ; theEpiftle ofGod tothe world ; the Meth- f idnon am- mablepearly thetenour ofour freehold; the couenant ofpromife; theCourt-route of his Pilos quam re- fines and amercements; the well ofthe waterof life; the Lord his treafurie ; the lightning fide ac deuoa and thunder OfthemolhHigl.WhenGod fpeakethany thing,alchoughitbeno more then rioneaeeipië- once fpoken,we ought toreceiue it with that faith and deuotion,as ifit had often bin fpo- do; ea,ac ti ken. Weemutt thinkeofthe Lordhis writings at theleafi, to be as lure, as theproclama- fspiflimé din' dons ofthe Moles andPerfans, which alter not, Dan.6. t z. Euery iot and title in the li- erir.Chrytoft brade oftheholeGhott, is fined,bath pattedfeuen times through the fire ere itcome to g per.Monafti- 9 4 3 our ca.virsl