Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

andgodly obferalatrons. Againe,we are to comfort our felues vnder hopeoftime to come : for experienceproueth, that Coin at the firtlreceiuing of anadmonition moft,hardly, haue afteraloftprofited by it: and others receiuingan admonition very gentlyhaue loft thefruites of it afterward very negligently. For many curteous natures areaswaxe, fooner ableto receiue theim- simile. prellionofanadmonition ,butlelfe able torecaineit. Againe,amore heroical' nature, is aswaxe not Io foon admittingthe print, as lurelykeepingthe print bring made. Many notwithllandinghad rather fleepe inthe whole skinne of their fenfelefnes of finne, and therefore giue entertainmentveto flatterers, whom for a while they loue, but afterward Mottgrieuoufly hate : for when aflatterer comming tohave Come bootieis denied,hewill reafon on thismanner: Sir,I didyou thisgood,and therefore I deferuethis pleafure: Nay rather hefhould fay; I hauenot donegood but mill : and therefore it is the mercieofGod .thatIlofethewagesofmy- fiinne. Forstvslearnethisasaruleofourlife;neuertotra/Shim Nexertruß - thatwill concedeafirma invr; nor againe co miftrufl him toomuch that willnot willingly him that aiM beadmonifhedat the tlrft. For asa furious orfrenziebraine ,canbynomeanes away with veeo1eafn him that ! hall lay any handsvponhim,thoughicwere forhis profit :fo,fo longaswebein Semite. impatiencie,we fhall f of r noman to 1peakevetovs, though it be for ourprofit : but after, fonie lightning our mindbeingeared,wemarmite at ourSatre iiiipatiencie,and are ready to thewour fclues thankful! vetohimthatwould bane a care todrawvs out of fuck a fin. Regeneration. Sgood naturesdoe nothelpe ofnecelfitieto regeneration: fo millnatures cannot Goodand rail hinder Gods purpofe in calling, if the- meanes with hismercie and bleffing be natwrm purely and painfully vied. Repentance. a CAchat vnder thecolour ofrepentance,bringethmany into anextreamefadncs ,and ltricktnes in Wing thecreatures ofGod. Agame,vnder pretence of Chriftian fiber- extreamefad. tie,and deliueringofmenfromextreame griefes, he allureth thermto an immoderateand n4 am vnfanâtfied mirth,and intemperate vfe of the creaturesof God : fo blinding iudge- ment,heafterwardcorrupteth affeChon. a One complaining voto himforthe not feeling of his corruption,which didCome- time imbolden himto finne,andto adde one Lune to another , as to fhuf3le a little finne vnder the repentance of a great Lune, and todeferrethe farrowingofone finne,vntillrodeferre ¡or .the moregeneral! accomptíngtime,when we should forrowfor more and manyfoors, fineoñ fine his temptation touching him on this manner : Why feareft thou to commit this one Z, torbefese -Luneand this little finne, which is as pardonableby repentanceas the fanner finnes, general' at- which are more in number and greater than this, feting thoumail}repentfor this finne compting time, when thou repente& forthem all t Hee made this anfwere: In fuels a temptation, becaufe hsi'te dango- Sathan is very neere,wee are to tremble vnder the hand ofGod, to teureour fclues, to roar, ftriue inprayer, and tomons-nefor tlsetensptacion: whereby Sathan would caufevsafter , not todifpute with it; but fufpefting our fclues to be rather readieto adde finneto finne, thanto repent of any linne,howfoeuer Sathanwould blindevs witha kindofrepenting, wemuttflayvponthe powerand helpeofGod. Reproches. s Efaid,akhouglr bee was fubieato many and grieuousreproches, yet twothings Hdid euercomfort him : the one,that Isis heartwas well, andnot end! atfeeted to anyMan : fecondly,that going alone, hee could humblehimfelfeand pray to God, that theauthors offuchreproches might bepardoned. Riches. t COmetimesgoodoutwardgiftshurtthebeholders ,whentheyhurtnotthepolfeffors, Amedieeitie: a? ve may tee mn the beauneofSara and lofepph : which thingought tohumblevsinfétmteleirer,f thedefire ofoutwardthings,and tomakevs thankfull for amediocritie, feôt.t. D 3 2 It