Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

454- QfZea1é `, may rather be godly indeed, thenbeccnntedto. bè gódly,leaft that feeingwe be not loch indeede as ivewould be, we become notorioullie to befuch as we would notbe, d thirdrulr i The third ruleis, that we keepea tenor.ofzeale inboth elates, as wellinadueritie as in prolperirie.'Many in peace are profellors, whoin time of trouble are perfecutors, who loving thepeace ofthegofpell,nof the gofpell itfelfe,doe more bewray that theywere ncuertruely zealous. Others whileftthey bevnder theCrofle arevery demureand de_ clout, who donee they come aloft,forgetthe limphcitie ofthe gofpell, and fall tothe fecu_ .ritie ofthe world.Hereofcomes that fearefull complaint, that men Ilote in preaching and profc(lsng,while they arevnder,are choked intherr zeale when they cometopreferment. Suchmen areglad not of thegofpell,butoftheprofperityofthegolpell ; Inch men willbe -, fad,notfor the want ofthe gofpell,butfor theaduerficywhichfálloweth theperfecutors of- ern tri- thegofpell. Ourtriallhereinmay. bethus, ifourprivateeffacebeingpofperous,welament allefour withDialed thedineofthe Church, being ruinous; orifourprivate eftatebeing perilous,. 'geaie. ,, wecan reioyce with Paulin theetlateofthe Church beingprofperous, Mir zealeisaccor: ding to truth.Darsidnecee theCrownc for hishappines,fatted for the:fineofthe Church, lying in abhominable fiithinetle.Pawl a prifonerm bondes, thought himfelfeat librerie, to long asthe gofpellWas free. rifourthrule. q. Thefourth rule is,that in pure. .zealewebe patientin ourowne caufes,and demure many private iniuries,that the Lord his saute may thebetter beprouidedfor,and haue the better fucceffe. Many can be ashôte asfirein takingvp theirowncaufe, who are ascold as yce in defending the Lord hiscaufe. This ruleobferutdwouldfowvp the lipsofthe aduer- farie,whothougghfor a time he thinke vsto be cholericke, andmadmen madly reuenging ourprivat affeótions,yetone day fhoutd confeffe,thatwefought notour own commodity, but Godhismolt preciousglory.And toretch this a caminatioofour hartsonedegreefun ther,let vs beware ofthat corruption,whichfpringing from lelfeloue willgiue vsleaueto 'reioyceatgoodthings, fo longas theybein ourfelues,butrepinethat the fightof them in others,whrchwill permittevs to be.gnenedat euillthingsin our felues, and yet make vs to Good aster. reioyce to fee theta= in others. Truezealeloueth goodwherefoeuer & in whomfoeuerie is: truezeale hateth fsn,wherefoeuer and in whomfoeuer: true zeale loneth friends,as they rr be God hisfriends: true zealehateth aduerfaries,-fo farre as they.are God his aduerfaries » truezeale loueth a good thing in our rnoll profetlèd enetnie: truelouehated]a firkinour. molt affuredfriend: ifwee arepericvaded that our enemiesbeGodhis children,howfeeuer we difagreeinfomeparticular, yet we can fwallowVP many private Ituuries offered, and wemore reioyce in their, as theybe God hischildren, then wee can bee gricuedat them, asthey haue iniuried vs, Indeedetruc zeale is moltgreened forth:finnesof the godly,be. Hovvtoke caufe fomuds is their finite grieuouferthen the finiteofanother,by how much_ they came pieties!for fleeterto the imageof God, then another ; howbeitthismull ahssaiesbewitha chrithan thePine, of fympathy, which worketh in vs a grieffor their fin, as well asan anger for theirfin, and thegodly, which changeth ourgriefe into prayerfor them.Though then webe neuerfo farafunder; wemuff loue them that lone God;thoughwebeioyned neuer fo neere,we mutt harethem that hateGod; in the mean-time indeuouring ontheonehand todoall duties of..loueand obedience veto thern,in admonifhingthem ,prayingflirthetniand mourning for then;; as they beioyned in any bandvnto vs; andremembring onthe otherhand, when nothing will doethem good,bur thematter isatthispoynt,that we muft eithercleaue.roGod and forfake them, orforfake God and cicaueto them ; that natureandciuilitiein the fecond table areto glueplace to religion, and pietie inthe firft table dhfl rule. s The fift ruleis, that wee mutt bee ftriélerto.ourfelues;then to any other, and bee moreliberal( in ioinutloiags to others; then toourfelues . This willfirft cattlevsto caftthe. firfe !toneatour felues,.this will teach:vs to ptillfirltthe beanie out ofourowne eyes, and Menthe more out ofanochers ere, this willmake: filth an experience offin our felues; that wefhail neitherflatter too foohfbly men in their fins, norrebuke too rigorouslyme* for their finne.Some we fhallfee iuftly tnitlikinga ceremonie, refufeiin themfelues,yes for that it is a thingindifferent, they cantolerate it in other's : others dietetic, whobeing, vnwilling to vfeit theatrelues,,iudge treighelyall othersas haynousoffenders that vieis: Mop: