Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

OfZeale. Nefètrefufed to takefo muchas a fhooe-Iatchet himfelfe from the .Egyptians, andyetCO othersthat would take, betwould not denye the lawofarmes;foltreightbe wastohim- felfe,foliberallhewas toother. Paul feemg that in loam places he could not fo conue- niently lineofother mens charges, as at Corinth and Theffalonica, although at Coloffos rrauifion for hereceiued fomewhat, where theywere able to bellowon him, yethe would not that all theMinifierte. men fhould be tied to thisexampleto doe the like: for helaboured' much in all his Epi- filesalmoflabout this, to thewhow minifters ought fuffìciently to be prouided for, fo lIdI? he wasto isisnielfe, fach liberalitic he left toothers, Roin.a4. where lie entreated' ofthings indifferent. It weregoodthen, that Chriltians might fay thus with themfelues.I can doe thus by Chriftian libertie, but if it be anhinderanceto theglorie of God, oranoffence tomy brother, twill not doeit; ifothers doe it, fo their heart begood The taufeof in this, and their confcienceis vied in other good things, Iwill not herein wage warre many need- with them,but to ioynewiththem in greater and better matters,I will pardon the lele. If" lefle uses this wiledome had been vied long agoe,what vnitie had there been in the Churchof God? N Church. for wantof this,what troublehath rifen therein? 6 The fixt and laft rile is, if we hauea zeale againit thefinne, becaufe itwasagainft A fixtrule. the lawe ofGod, and therewithall hauea compaflionto the perfon, becaufe one like our felues bathof£ended,this mixture ofaffeélionscaufethanger to feedeon the fine ,not on theperfon. When our Sauiour Chrift goingabout on the Sabbothday to Neale the man Angerandfor- with the witheredhand, was reprehended of thePharifees, it is raid he looked about him rove muff be angerly, and afterit is added, that he forrowed for the bhindnelfe of their hearts: fee how tempered anger and forrowmeets anger, thatnen fhould havefilch little knowledgeof God, or goancing cods loueto their brother : forrow, thatbeing luthexcellent creatures, they fhould flippefo áudgementsa- fouly.Lookevpon theProphets, which, if in theheauineffeof fpirite, they didnot utter gam;tflue. their word, which inthe zeale of God his glorie they did denounce: fo that when they moltthrea'tned,theywere molt grieued, that the plague fpoken fhould fall vpon diem. Nowthat is an outreachingzeale, whereour anger rather feedethon theperfon, then on the finne.Samuelinthe zeale ofGods glorie,fparesnot flatly to tell Saulofhis finne, and Vitte. yet inloue to hisperfon, hewas alwaies bent to lament Sautercafe, and topray for him.» Doeft thou loueGodsglorie ? Then wilt thou finely admonifh thy brother of his finne, becaufe zeale cannotfuffer God tobedifhonoured. Doeft thouloue thy brother? then wiltthou admonifh himwith compaflion, becaufeloue lamenteth the weakenelfeof thybrother, who bathdone that whichthou mighteft hauedone. q-55