Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

THE THIRD PART OF THE WORKS OF THE REVEREND AND FAITH- FVLL SERVANT OF IESVS CHRIST, M.RICHARD GRE ENHAM5 MINISTER and Preacherof theword of God: COLLECTED AND PVB- LISHED, FOR THE FVRTHER BVILDING OF ALL SVCH AS LOVE the trueth, and delire to knowthe power ofgodline: By H. H. PROVERB S 10.20,21. Thetongueéftheit& manttatfineditlner;finttheheart ! f thewickedis littleworth. V E R S. zr. The lipsofthe righteous doefeede many : butfoofesjhall diefir want of w(dome. V E R s. 24. Wife menlay vpknowledge. cÁtLoam., Imprtntedby FELIX KYNGSTON,fOr ROBERT DEXTER, and are to be falde at his fhop in Paules Church-yardat thefigneofthebrafenSerpent. t6oa.