Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

THE THIRD AND LAST PART HATH THESE NINE TREATISES FOL- LOWIN G. The firltisof theRefurredtion. pag. 462 The fecond is ofanexaminationbefore andafter theLords Supper. 474 The thirdis ofGodsFeare. 485 Thefourth is ofHypocrifie. 487 Thefift containethanhundred graue Counfelsor diuine Aphorifines. 495 Thefrxt treatife is ofAnger. 498 Thefeuenth treatifeis ofBleflednes. 5or Theeight treatifeis of Fatting. 504 The ninth treatife is a large Comment contayning very comfortable and fruitefull Meditations on the 119. Pfalme. 509