TO THE RIGHT HONO- RABLE AND VERTVOVS LADIE, THE LADIE ANNE COVNTESSE OF Warwick : H. H. wifheth theincreafe ofall trueHonour andcomforts in this ltfe,andafter deathacrownof glorieby andwithrefits Chrig. T is a knowne truth,iuftifiedofall that loue thetruth,that looke what the Princeof glorieBoth eftimate as rich and precious, thePrinceofthis world hath madein the worlds accountasbafeand ofnovalue : and againe,what theLord accounts as vaine and vile, the fame the worldbath and holds in great eftimation. Henceit is (right HonorableLa- die) that fo many ofall conditions and degrees contend much in heart for a great name, but few refpeEl a good name. There isnothing morevaine and vanifhing than theone,thereis noone blefsing more precious and permanent on earth than the other. The fpiritof truth teftiffethofboth thefe conclufions: of thefirft,faying; = Goddefiroyeththe LPro.9.r. wicked, andputs outtheir nameforeuerandeuer: andof the fecond,bTherighteous irzt.ri :d,' flail be hadinan euerlafling remembrance. And of both in thefe words: e Theme- ',7. ' morialloftheiuMallbe bided, but thenameofthe wicked/ha/lrot. TheholyGhof}, toexcitevs to feekeafter agoodname,fets itforthwith rich titlesand arguments Ecdef.7.3. ofwaight : d vigoodname (faithhe) isbetter thana fweeteoyntment,it comfortsthe heart of themanwhich hath it;yea itincreafeth marrow and .fatnes inhisbones. prow. r5.3o. It is more tobe valued than greatriches,andthe riceofit is abouefluerandgold. The Prou.zz.r. *faithful hauefoefteemed itin allages,andferuingGod in faith and feare obtai-' Hebrar.z. ned fuckaname,as madethem Chinelike ftartes and pearlesto their great honor 39. beforeGod,men,and Angels. This grace beingloft,thebellworks ofmenhaue loft their grace,crowneand credit : as racob taught his fonnes,Gen.34.3o. Thepremifles confidered, howcarefully fhouldall wife men endeuour to at- taineagood name;andbeingfound,topreferueit; and beingloft,for the repay- ringand reftoringof itagaine. And firft for the attaining: and for the better clecringof iudgement concerning this argument, it may notvnfitlybe defcri- bed to beagoodreportforwalkiugin faithandgodlines withGod, in lone, f brietie,and TheUSCde- iuflicebeforemen without reproofe. Fiat, that it isobtained by faith inChrift IefùsódZ,2 Hebr.u.verfz.and39.are cleere proofes. N ext,thatthis oyntmentis compoun- , i` rthAT.a.z. dedofothervertues,richlyvalued with God andhis people, is no leffe f manifeft rPcr.v.r:. R r 2 Ecclel.7.3. 1-92