46o The Eplille bedicatorie. by the teftimonie ofthe famefpirit. Thisconclufionbeingwell confidered and accepted in our harts,wefhallfoone difcernethe greatvanitreandfollieof them , eGenf. n.4. which feekerather agreatname than agoodnameby great e exploites,byadula_ basam. c ç.ç. tiona ofSycophants,byavifardof [ holines,byvaine apologies,by reuenge,and Reue1.3.r. fuch like prat ifes asthe godofthisk world hathtaught the childre"ofrebellion. EPhe.a.n3. To proceed yeta little in thedemonftratiö ofthis argumét:Ifa good namemuft begotten by faithand vertue,then the firft ftepto itmuft be this : to auoidefirft groffefinites : for itis impofsiblethat we fhould haue faith topleafeGod,ifwee 'HehFS,, haueneuer repentedvsofdead *workes,ifwelineand heinfnneagainft knòw- ledgeand confcience. Next,wee muttauoide alfolight finnes (astheworld ac- !Eccieftoa. counts them)for that is true whichSalomonfaith, 1Likeasdeadflyescaufetaflinkanal putrfe the oyntment ofthec.Apothecarie: foclothalittlefollie himthatis ineflimation firwifeddme andfor glorie. Thirdly,we muttalfo carefully auoideall occafions of flnnein ourfelues,and all occafions ofeuill reports againft ourfelues. The fecond ftep toagoodname,is to be, rich in faithand goodworkes : for they which¡hall endeuour tohonour God in both,Matth.5.16. Godwill honor them,r.Sam.z.3o.Deut.26.r9.And thuswe fee howthis precious oyntmentis confeetedofmany fweete vertues,by the wifedome of the fpirit ofgrace well tempered together. The enemies ofa good name are three of fpeciall note. The firft is the merchant oftales, againft whom the Lord giueththis charge : mThouthalt not merchándize tales amongmypeople. The fecond is theflanderer, '2heHebtue *u,hichisone that nnalkestoefieall occafions,tootter apie report, intending thereby Racal figni malitiouc/ly thehurt ofanyman.This linnet is thevery bonneofBelial,refemblinghis fiechcomet- thandize,aa father in many refpec ls,an a efpie,an , acculer, a e lyer, s malicious, r prodding G'cn.gi ,_c fecretly,with inticing' motines, not fparingthis beftfxmiliarsin theend. The Ravocii.i5. third enemie noleffe dangerous is thehoft and receiuerof thetwo former corn- s. panions,condemned ofGod in his r law, branded and noted for an e impious tb s man in this life,to becalfforth asan vnprofitablebranch r after death, andnot to t.PeGSS. findeany reft in Gods holy mountaine, by the teftimonieofGods fpirit, who "loh.cao. wameth vs withanangrie countenance to intertainefuchviperous tongues. Reuel.t :.to. Laftl ifby anyoccafion ofeuill menor Angels Gods child (hall a fall,tothe rtoh.S.44. Y Y Y g 4 Rcu.ca. loffeofhis precious name,there mull benoleffecaretorepayre it and findeitbe- g . in loft then to obtaine it atthe firft. Andherein, likeas weefeein theprecious Pfal.cot.ç `elai.ça.a. oyntment beingdriedvpand decaied,it is byart urged,andby additionoffrefh PfI.ço.:o. fmples,renewed and quickened againe :euenfoisitinrepayringofour good Mark.; al. loh.7.c . name. Wemuft be humbled in vnfained repentance,that wee may finde Chrift vExódi3.1. tobewafhedagaineand purged in ourconfciencesbbyhis blood, that fowee ah s 64 may labourwithgreaterendeuour by additionofholy vernies, to reedifie that Pfaia5.3. whichwas ruinate, and toredeeme all thatwe haue loftbefore. This we fee in +Pfau.=s 3Dauìd cManafsand Peter,who by theirvprifingand perfeuerancegainedwhat Galaoh.ó.c. bHebr.y.tz. they loft, and repayredall that wasbefore impayred in them. Now (rightHonorable Lady) ifyour Honor (hall demaund wheretoferries POLSr.ba this weak difcourfe of fo worthieanargument !IIanfwer,asgenerall for thein- aach.r3.t. ftruclionof many,whicherre greatly in this fubiefor matter aforesaid : fo fpe- daily for your Honour, to whom Godbath vouchfafed this great fauourand rich mercie in Iefus Chrift, to bee fowell reportedof in the Church of God : for your name is Honourable and precious : you hauegained it by your hoI