TheEpiP Ie Declicatorie. 4.61 faith in Chrift, andklouevnfained to his members. Wherefore continuefright Honorable Ladie) in this happie courfe,and teflifie this your loue to Chrifl yet more andmore,by all your fauours ro his Saints, andloue tohis holyGofp'ril. 'i'lSi.I 54.afld So doing, your Honor fhall purchafe fuch a bleffed name, as fhall cheere your ße3' heart during life, and after death,as it were tenue your life on earth for many generations. Thefe holy worker, which hereI commendto yourHonors protection, you haue alreadie raftedand knowne in part how fauourie and comfortable they are, and therefore you (hall thebetter difcerne and iudge of the reft which follow, and how they proceed from the Erne flore,and haueiffued from thefame fountaine. TheLord God byhis bleflèd Spirit eftablifhyour Honors heart more and more in his holie truth,and increafe your affuranceofthat honorand glorie,which heebath purchafed and proui- ded for his ele t, by the blood of Iefus Chrift. Amen. Your Honors to command, HENRY HOLLAND. Ir 3 TO